Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 152 You 300 people are surrounded by me! (Ask for bookshelf!)

At Lu Bai's command, two younger brothers carrying rocket launchers took a few steps forward, one aimed at Xiao Qiang, and the other aimed at the building where Bai Lu and the other were hiding in the distance.

"Bang bang" sounded twice in a row, and two rockets with flames spewed out of the rocket launcher and flew towards two different targets.

When Xiao Qiang saw the two people carrying rocket launchers, he shouted that it was not good. He just held the Thousand Machine Umbrella with both hands, squatted down, and completely hid inside the Thousand Machine Umbrella. Xiao Qiang had never tried to use the Thousand Machine Umbrella to resist such a powerful weapon, but Xiao Qiang believed in the items produced by the system, and Xiao Cong also said that the Thousand Machine Umbrella was made of the hardest black gold in the end of the world.

With a "dong", the rocket hit Xiao Qiang accurately in front of him, stirring up a thick layer of dust.

"Hmph, you're so arrogant, now I'm afraid you're dead, hahaha." Lu Bai saw a thick layer of dust rising from Xiao Qiang's place not far away, and the stones on the lime floor were flying everywhere, and he laughed with some complacency.

"Puff, this rocket is really powerful. I must get a few more for Longshan Base later. It's a good experience to fight zombies." Xiao Qiang muttered to himself.

The dust gradually dissipated, and Lu Bai heard Xiao Qiang's voice. He was surprised to see that Xiao Qiang stood up with the Thousand Machine Umbrella, shook his head, and shook off the dust on his head, but his whole body was unharmed, and there was not even a scar on his body.

Looking at the ground in front of Xiao Qiang, there was a big pit found by the rocket, but with the Thousand Machine Umbrella as the boundary, a neat cutting line was formed, and the place where Xiao Qiang stood was intact.

"This weapon is too good. You must take his weapon back for me later." Li Feng was so envious when he saw that Xiao Qiang could resist rockets with the Thousand Machine Umbrella, and he instructed the bodyguard behind him.

Another rocket hit the 6-story building with a louder sound, and made a big gap on the building, but it did not threaten Bai Lu and the others. After all, it is a high-end residential area, and the quality of the project is still guaranteed. Apart from this, the entire building has no greater damage.

At this moment, those younger brothers have rushed over and formed a circle to surround Xiao Qiang in the middle. Xiao Qiang knew that they would not shoot again, otherwise they would have to hurt their own people at such a close distance.

Touching the button, Xiao Qiang folded the leaves of the Thousand Machine Umbrella, turned it into a spear, patted the dust on his body, and didn't care about the people around him. This is the confidence given to Xiao Qiang by strength.

Looking at the people around him with a relaxed look, Xiao Qiang noticed that some people had put away their AKs and took out their own exclusive weapons, axes, saws, and gloves. These people should all be some mutant strongmen. The rest of the people still held the AKs, ready to use the iron gun handle as a weapon to hit.

"I will ask one last time now, is anyone going to leave? If so, I can let you go." While speaking, Xiao Qiang gradually looked around, his eyes gradually changed from relaxed to fierce, and his aura suddenly released. Many people around him lowered their heads unconsciously and did not dare to look at Xiao Qiang.

Although Xiao Qiang was the one who was surrounded, looking at his expression and the tone of his speech, it seemed that he had surrounded these 200 people.

After Xiao Qiang finished speaking, no one spoke around him, and they were rubbing their fists, ready to attack Xiao Qiang at any time. Although Xiao Qiang was very strong and blocked the bullets with the Thousand Machine Umbrella, no one thought he could escape today, not to mention that there were so many strong men such as Lu Bai on his side.

I don't know what kind of benefits I can get by being the team leader of the Black Wind Base, but when Xiao Qiang has quickly killed dozens of people and demonstrated his strength, these people still choose to attack Xiao Qiang so bravely.

"Alas, it's a pity that I didn't scare you. It seems that no one has quit. Then let's get ready." Xiao Qiang could only smile bitterly, shrugged, and spoke softly.

While speaking, Xiao Qiang had already given instructions to Xiao Cong in his mind to use the triple experience card and triple exchange point card he obtained through the lottery.

"Ding, the host uses the triple experience card for 1 hour."

"Ding, the host uses the triple exchange point card for 1 hour."

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