Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 155: Caught in the Crowd (Ask for the bookshelf!)

Lili next to her saw Brother Liu taking the lead, and with a flick of her wrist, two long whips struck at Xiao Qiang's legs. Xiao Qiang hurriedly pushed hard, forcing Brother Liu back temporarily. He also jumped high and avoided the attack of the two long whips.

While he was in the air, Xiao Qiang pointed forward with the spear in his hand, and he quickly descended towards Lili. Lili had already seen Xiao Qiang's speed. She lowered her whole body back and bent down to avoid Xiao Qiang's fatal blow. But Brother Liu had already arrived, wearing boxing gloves, and punched Xiao Qiang in the back.

Xiao Qiang felt the fist wind behind him and inserted the spear directly into the ground. He held the Thousand Manifestations Umbrella and used both hands to lift up into the air. With the Thousand Manifestations Umbrella, he crossed half a circle and jumped over Lili. He jumped directly into the middle of the group of boys.

When the boy next to him saw this, he raised the machete in his hand and slashed Xiao Qiang's head from behind.

"Haha, your life is mine. When I become the team leader, that pretty girl..." The boy held the knife in the air, thinking happily.

But he didn't expect that his strength was far different from Xiao Qiang. Xiao Qiang had already noticed his movements, so he took two steps back and leaned against the younger brother.

Pushing his shoulder upward hard, the younger brother's hand hit Xiao Qiang's shoulder. He felt a force coming from his wrist and the machete suddenly fell to the ground.

Immediately afterwards, he was hit hard in the chest. The younger brother looked very strong, but his strength was far different from Xiao Qiang. He felt as if he had been hit by a car, and he flew backwards. The person was in the air, spitting out a mouthful of blood. After landing, he also bumped into the other two younger brothers.

The poor guy was still dreaming about becoming the leader of the group and being able to have sex with girls, but he fell to the ground unconscious. The mistake was that he shouldn't have provoked Xiao Qiang, and he shouldn't have thought that he would have a chance to sneak attack on Xiao Qiang.

"Ding, kill ordinary humans, experience points +6, exchange points +6."

The younger brothers around them didn't dare to take action easily when they saw this, but Brother Liu and Lili rushed forward again. The three of them were fighting together instantly. The younger brothers around them quickly opened a larger encirclement circle. Afraid of being affected.

Although Xiao Qiang and Lili are both at level 7, Xiao Qiang has upgraded along the way. He has used body tempering potions and muscle-strengthening pills, and has various attribute points given to him by the system when he kills. His own strength and The speed is stronger than the average strong level 7 human.

Coupled with the Thousand Chance Umbrella obtained from the system and his own jumping shoes, Xiao Qiang could not fall behind even if he faced Brother Liu and Lili at the same time, and could even suppress them steadily, but in a short time Within the time limit, there was no way to win.

The three of them were making a lot of noise here. When the bodyguard behind Li Feng, a level 7 expert, saw this, he walked up to Li Feng and asked in a low voice: "Can I go over and help?"

"No, just watch carefully and sit on the mountain to watch the fight between tigers. Then Lu Bai will naturally ask us for help." Li Feng sat on a step, watched the fighting with interest, and said.

On the other side, the group of boys who went to look for Bai Lu and the two walked carefully to the back of the building, but did not see the two of them. It turned out that when the two of them saw what was going on here, they knew they could no longer hide behind the building and secretly "shoot black guns", so they hurriedly hid in the building.

When the leading boy saw this, he waved his hand and said, "The two of them must not have gone far, let me search the building.

A group of boys rushed into the building and searched every room. The two Bai Lu who were originally hiding on the first floor quickly ran upstairs with their guns in hand.

Lu Bai saw that Lili and Lili were unable to take down Xiao Qiang when they joined forces, and secretly thought that he still underestimated Xiao Qiang. In this case, if he wants to take down Longshan Base in the future, he must take down Xiao Qiang today.

When he turned around and saw Li Feng and others with relaxed expressions, Lu Bai couldn't help but feel a little angry. The elite younger brother he trained was killed by Xiao Qiang nearly 100 people when he first came up. Now except for himself, Xiao Qiang, the two strongest leaders in the Black Wind Base, can't help but join forces. If this continues, he can only take action himself.

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