Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 156: Another Level 7 Strongman (Ask for the bookshelf!)

Li Feng, who looked relaxed, had no intention of helping. Lu Bai suppressed his emotions, squeezed out a bunch of smiles, looked at Li Feng, and said, "Master Feng, you see my two brothers can't take Xiao Qiang, why don't you let your bodyguard go with us, take Xiao Qiang down earlier, and ask for the whereabouts of the formula, so that we can carry out the plan better, right?"

"Since Boss Lu Bai has spoken, then you can go over and help. Remember what I told you." Taking back the formula was originally a joint task for the two, but Li Feng said this as if he was doing Lu Bai a favor.

Lu Bai curled his lips, knowing Li Feng's intention, but at this moment the arrow was on the string, even if he was dissatisfied with Li Feng, it was not easy to say anything now.

While the two were talking, Xiao Qiang, holding the Thousand Machine Umbrella horizontally, blocked Brother Liu's attack, and kicked Li Li directly at the same time. He kicked her out directly, and she slid a long way on the ground.

During the fight with the two, Xiao Qiang could clearly feel that Brother Liu did not use his full strength. Therefore, he treated Lili and Brother Liu's attacks differently. He treated Lili with fierce moves, while he used them mostly for defense against Brother Liu.

I don't know why Brother Liu showed mercy to his men. It may be because he disdained to fight Lili two against one, or it may be because he respected Xiao Qiang's friendship. But even so, Xiao Qiang was under a lot of pressure facing the two. He was hit by Lili's long whip, and a blood mark was left on his chest.

However, the opponent was not easy either. Lili was kicked by Xiao Qiang, and there were more than a dozen bodies of his younger brothers around. Those younger brothers saw the lively fight between the three and knew that they could not participate in the battle. They either hid far away or chased Bai Lu and the others.

Li Feng's bodyguard is called Zhang Qiang, who was sent by Li Feng's father to protect Li Feng. At this moment, after hearing Li Feng's order, he also walked towards the fighting field of the three people, and pulled out a short fork-like weapon from his waist while walking.

Xiao Qiang had just kicked Lili away, and Brother Liu did not attack immediately. Just when he was about to take a breath and rest, he saw Li Feng's bodyguards walking towards him aggressively.

This time, Xiao Qiang really felt that things were not going well. He could still suppress Lili and the other two with a little ease. But if there was another strong man of level 7, even if Brother Liu would let him go, Xiao Qiang felt that he could only tie with the three people at most.

Before Xiao Qiang could think of any good countermeasures, Lili, who stood up, had already launched another attack, "Long Whip Dance". Lili looked a little angry after being kicked by Xiao Qiang. She stood up and directly hit Xiao Qiang with her own trick.

Xiao Qiang saw that in front of him, the two long braids changed the form of attack from time to time, or inserted directly, or swept horizontally, and attacked Xiao Qiang continuously. Seeing this, Xiao Qiang held the Thousand Machine Umbrella tightly, exerted force on his feet, and his whole body retreated rapidly.

Just after he took two steps back, Xiao Qiang felt that Brother Liu had punched him from behind, and hurriedly pushed his feet hard on the ground, and the whole person had already jumped high.

Xiao Qiang jumped up to a height of 5.6 meters. However, in mid-air, he felt that someone was attacking him from top to bottom. In a hurry, he could only press the button and hurriedly propped the Thousand Machine Umbrella above his head to defend against this attack.

After landing, Xiao Qiang bent his legs slightly, pushed hard, and pushed the man aside. Pressing the button again, the umbrella leaves retracted and returned to the form of a spear.

Xiao Qiang looked to the side and saw that the man was Li Feng's bodyguard, Zhang Qiang, a level 7 strongman. Xiao Qiang was surprised. He didn't expect that the bodyguard could jump so high. I could only jump to a height of 6 meters with my jumping shoes, but I didn't expect that the bodyguard could actually attack me from above my head.

It seems that I have stayed in the base for too long, and I am a little ignorant. I didn't expect that there are so many strong people outside.

The three people formed a triangle and surrounded Xiao Qiang in the middle. Xiao Qiang held the Thousand Machine Umbrella tightly, and his spirit was highly tense. A stream of sweat flowed down Xiao Qiang's face, and he felt unprecedented pressure.

"Wolf Fang Step", even so, Xiao Qiang still chose to take the lead, increased his speed to the limit, and directly used the skills. The whole person "swiped" and rushed towards Lili like a bow and arrow.

"Ding, congratulations to the host Wolf Fang Step proficiency +1, the current level is entry level, and the proficiency is 84/100."

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