Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 158 Lin Fei appears (ask for bookshelf!)

"What nonsense are you talking to them about? If you ask me, just go together. With so many of us, we can kill them. When we were fighting just now, Li Feng didn't stand up and speak. Now that the situation is stable, Li Feng on the side has spoken.

"But this young woman has such a good figure, it will definitely be great to do it. When the time comes, follow me, and I can save your life." Li Feng showed a lustful smile, pinched Bai Lu's chin with his hand, and said with a lustful smile.

"Bah, what a beautiful idea!" Bai Lu turned her head and looked at Li Feng fiercely and said.

Xiao Qiang heard Li Feng's words and saw him squeezing Bai Lu's face with his hands. Now he was more than disgusted with Li Feng. He really wished he could

Now rush over and kill him directly.

"Take your dirty hands away, or I will let you die now." When Xiao Qiang saw that Li Feng dared to squeeze Bailu with his hands, Xiao Qiang was instantly furious. He held the Thousand Chance Umbrella, pointed forward angrily, and shouted at Li Feng road.

Li Feng couldn't help but feel a little nervous when he saw Xiao Qiang's eyes. That kind of look is not like the look of a human being, but rather like the look of some kind of beast.

In the weather in June, Li Feng actually had cold sweat streaming down his head, and he even took his hands away from Bai Lu unconsciously. Obviously he was among the crowd and protected by a strong man like Zhang Qiang, but at that moment, Li Feng really felt as if there was a strong threat to his life.

Suppressing the fear in his heart, Li Feng didn't dare to look at Xiao Qiang's eyes anymore, and walked aside without saying anything else.

When Lu Bai saw this scene, he wanted to laugh a little, but at the same time he muttered to himself, it seemed that Xiao Qiang really had a trump card.

"Xiao Qiang, you are indeed very strong, but what about the two of them? All we want is the formula. As long as you hand over the formula obediently, I will let you go. Besides, isn't the formula originally ours? "Huh?" Lu Bai continued to persuade Xiao Qiang.

Xiao Qiang heard Lu Bai's words and knew that he had to make a choice. While thinking about it, he suddenly saw a familiar figure emerging from behind Lu Bai and others. He was hiding behind a few people and facing Xiao Qiang. He waved and pointed at Bai Lu and the two at the same time.

That person was Lin Fei. This Lin Fei was rescued by Xiao Qiang when he spent the night in the county. At that time, Lin Fei went to the Black Wind Base to cause trouble and was surrounded by people from the Black Wind Base. When Xiao Qiang saw this, he directly threw smoke bullet and rescued it.

Not only that, Xiao Qiang also took out the hemostatic medicine from the system for Lin Fei to take. Lin Fei said at the time that he would definitely repay Xiao Qiang's kindness, and now it seems that he is here to repay his kindness.

It turned out that Lin Fei was recuperating in the county town after being rescued by Xiao Qiang that day. The hemostatic medicine produced by the system was really easy to use. It only took two days for Lin Fei's injuries to heal. Thinking of repaying Xiao Qiang's kindness, knowing that Xiao Qiang went to the Black Wind Base to save people, he rushed to wait near the Black Wind Base. It wasn't until last night that a big explosion occurred in the factory. Lin Fei had just tracked all the way here and saw Lu Bai and Bai Lu threatening Xiao Qiang, and the following scene occurred.

Xiao Qiang remembered that at the time of the scan, Lin Fei was at level 6, but his perseverance and cold energy left a deep impression on Xiao Qiang.

Xiao Qiang smiled discreetly and blinked slightly. Lin Fei knew that Xiao Qiang had seen him.

At that moment, Xiao Qiang had a countermeasure in his mind and said, "Boss Lu Bai, I'm still talking about the old method. I have a countermeasure here. You might as well implement it as I said. The recipe is here. It doesn't hurt to give it to you first."

When speaking, Xiao Qiang deliberately emphasized the words "old method". Lu Bai and others could not hear it, and they thought Xiao Qiang was talking about repeated persuasion by himself and others. However, Lin Fei heard clearly from behind and knew that Xiao Qiang was planning to use the method he used to rescue him at that time. He pulled out his two swords from his waist and made preparations to rescue Bai Lu and the other two.

At the same time, Xiao Qiang used a little force to insert the Myriad Manifestation Umbrella directly into the cement floor beside him, put his hands behind his back, and pretended to take out the formula from his waist. In fact, Xiao Qiang directly took out 4 smoke bombs from the system, holding two in each hand and opened them.

"I'll give you the formula, let's go on!"

With a roar, Xiao Qiang swung out two smoke bombs with his right hand and threw them in the direction of Lu Bai.

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