Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 159 Smoke bombs, Molotov cocktails (ask for bookshelf!)

When Lu Bai heard what Xiao Qiang said, he thought Xiao Qiang had compromised, and he was happy. He was about to get the formula and then take action to get rid of Xiao Qiang and the others. Suddenly, he saw clearly that the objects flying in the air were actually two smoke bombs.

Lili, who was standing in the front, naturally saw the two smoke bombs clearly. She flipped her wrist and swung out her two long whips directly, rolling the two smoke bombs in the air down from the air and falling to the ground.

Xiao Qiang had just thrown two here, knowing that he would be blocked, and immediately threw out the two in his left hand.

Zhang Qiang saw this and hurriedly stood in front of Li Feng, pulled Li Feng aside, and guarded Li Feng in the middle with the bodyguards around him.

After Lu Bai recognized that it was a smoke bomb, he let the two smoke bombs roll to his side. After the two smoke bombs were dispersed, the smoke was immediately filled, but Lu Bai did not take action, but there was a look of anger on his face, staring at Xiao Qiang closely.

After throwing out four smoke bombs, Xiao Qiang took out four more Molotov cocktails from the system and threw them directly at the younger brothers who were surrounding him. Suddenly, the younger brothers in the smoke caught fire. In addition, they couldn't see clearly in the smoke, and the whole group of younger brothers was in chaos, screaming.

After throwing out four Molotov cocktails, Xiao Qiang didn't stop, and threw out the other 6 Molotov cocktails in the system one after another.

At this moment, in the square, except for the one that surrounded Li Feng in the middle, when they saw the people on fire rushing over, they killed them ruthlessly without chaos. The younger brothers who were disturbed by the Molotov cocktails thrown by Xiao Qiang were in chaos in the square, shouting and running around, but fortunately, there was an artificial lake built by the community next to them, and they were all rushing to the lake.

After throwing out the Molotov cocktails, Xiao Qiang directly pulled out the Thousand Machine Umbrella and pretended to rush in the direction where Bai Lu was tied.

Lu Bai had been staring at Xiao Qiang, waiting for this moment. With a force on his feet, Lu Bai jumped in front of Xiao Qiang, more than 10 meters away. After landing, he punched Xiao Qiang directly.

Xiao Qiang was startled, but he still reacted quickly, holding the Thousand Machine Umbrella diagonally, blocking Lu Bai's punch.

"Dang dang dang", after Lu Bai's fist hit Xiao Qiang's Thousand Machine Umbrella, Xiao Qiang felt a strong force and was hit backwards.

Although Xiao Qiang had reasons to respond in a panic, Xiao Qiang was at the strong level, and the strong level itself had strong physical fitness, and ordinary people could not easily push Xiao Qiang. And the supernatural level will not focus so much on strengthening the physical quality, but pay more attention to some magical skills, supernatural powers, like Lin Bingyan and Ding Ge. However, of course, there are also supernatural powers like Li Ke, which are cat-type supernatural powers, so the physical fitness will also be as sensitive as a cat.

Xiao Qiang only knew that Lu Bai was a human with level 8 superpowers, but he didn't know what his superpowers were. He just didn't expect that Lu Bai could jump so far at once, and his strength could even force him back.

At this time, after Xiao Qiang threw the smoke bomb, Lin Fei clenched his two knives and rushed out. Fortunately, there were only ordinary brothers around Bai Lu and the other two who were tied up, and even Lu Bai was attracted by Xiao Qiang in front of him.

Lin Fei rushed to the younger brother in one step, and directly solved the two younger brothers next to him with one knife. By the way, he even cut the ropes tied to the hands of the two, and smoothly put the two knives back into his waist again.

"Follow me, I know him." Lin Fei forgot Xiao Qiang's name, so he had to remind Bai Lu and the other two like this.

After speaking, without waiting for the two to agree, Lin Fei pulled the two up and ran with one hand each.

Through the smoke, Xiao Qiang saw Lin Fei taking the two away. While he was being repelled by Lu Bai, he quickly retreated, trying to get out of the battle circle and catch up with Lin Fei and his men.

Unexpectedly, after running two steps, Xiao Qiang felt a long whip in front of him, sweeping down from top to bottom over his head. Xiao Qiang hurriedly stopped, steadied his body, jumped back, and dodged it.

Xiao Qiang held the Thousand Machine Umbrella tightly, looking at Lili who was slowly walking in front of him, knowing that he was surrounded by Lu Bai and Lili at the moment.

Because more than 10 Molotov cocktails were thrown just now, Xiao Qiang, who was standing in the middle at the moment, felt very hot.

Fortunately, the smoke slowly dissipated at this moment, and Xiao Qiang saw clearly that in addition to being surrounded by the two. Li Feng was surrounded by his own brothers and hid far away, and the worst were Lu Bai's brothers. Because they were thrown with Molotov cocktails and were in the smoke, they also suffered heavy casualties, and some of them jumped into the lake next to them.

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