Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 160: Gift of Autumn Water Knife (ask for bookshelf!)

Xiao Qiang shot around and found no trace of Lin Fei and the others. He sighed in his heart that it seemed that Lin Fei and the others had found a place to hide.

"Boss, those two people just disappeared." A younger brother shouted to Lu Bai.

Lu Bai turned around and saw the bodies of the two younger brothers lying on the place where they were originally tied, as well as the broken rope.

Lu Bai had been staring at Xiao Qiang just now, knowing that it was impossible for Xiao Qiang to come to the rescue, but he didn't expect that Xiao Qiang actually had helpers, and at the same time he was even more angry that Xiao Qiang had been fooled.

"You are looking for death!" Lu Bai looked at Xiao Qiang angrily and launched an attack on him.

Xiao Qiang, standing aside, saw that Lu Bai's legs were getting shorter and thicker, and so were his hands, as if he was accumulating strength.

With a "squeeze" sound, Lu Bai's whole body was like a missile. Just as Xiao Qiang saw Lu Bai's legs exerting force, his whole body was already in front of him. At the critical moment, Xiao Qiang hurriedly touched the button and opened the Thousand Chance Umbrella. The Thousand Chance Umbrella placed on his chest suddenly opened its leaves. At this time, Lu Bai's fist had already reached Xiao Qiang's chest, and the Thousand Chance Umbrella was in contact with the Thousand Chance Umbrella. A collision occurs and a crisp collision sound of "dang" is made.

Xiao Qiang was punched and sent flying backwards. After landing, he saw clearly that Lu Bai also had a glove on his hand. However, his gloves had a sharp and sharp object on the front, which was why there was a sound of metal colliding just now. At the same time, Xiao Qiang also noticed that Lu Bai was wearing a pair of nail shoes. The front end of the shoes should be equipped with a mechanism that could eject sharp objects such as daggers, but his whole body had returned to its original state.

This was also Xiao Qiang's first time fighting against a human of a higher level than himself. He didn't expect him to be so powerful. Before he could get up, Xiao Qiang saw Lili's whip coming towards him.

The whip was about 1 meter away from Xiao Qiang's head, and a steel knife suddenly stretched out. Two slender whips were blocked by the steel knife and wrapped around the steel knife.

I saw Lili retracting with all her strength, her whip and knife entangled in the air and held in a stalemate. The person who came was none other than Lin Fei. At this moment, he and Lili were on different sides and wrestling with each other.

With a "collapse", under the power competition between a strong level 7 and a strong level 6, the steel knife in Lin Fei's hand unexpectedly broke, and the whip was withdrawn to her side by Lili.

Xiao Qiang stood up and saw the handle of the knife in Lin Fei's hand. He took out the autumn water knife directly from the system. This knife was obtained by Xiao Qiang through a lottery that day. When he got it, Xiao Qiang planned to give this famous sword to Lin Fei, and now he had the opportunity.

"Here, your knife is broken, use this one." Xiao Qiang handed the knife to Lin Fei and said.

Originally, Lin Fei was a little surprised to see Xiao Qiang being able to conjure a knife with his bare hands. However, when he saw the autumn water knife thrown by Xiao Qiang, his eyes were immediately attracted to it.

Pulling the knife out, he saw the sun shining on it, reflecting a bright light.

"What a knife!" Lin Fei couldn't help but sigh as he slashed forward with force, making a crisp sound of breaking wind.

"I gave it to you as compensation for the knife just now." Xiao Qiang said easily, and at the same time touched the button to close the leaves of the Thousand Chance Umbrella.

"Be careful, Lu Bai is very powerful. His special power is "spring". Every part of his body can be transformed into springs to accumulate force, so the force he emits will be much stronger." Lin Fei opened his mouth to Xiao Qiang, Tell Xiao Qiang what you know.

It turned out to be a spring. No wonder his body seemed to have shrunk just now.

While figuring out how to deal with Lu Bai, he took out a Triple Violence Pill directly from the system, stuffed it into Lin Fei's hand, and said, "In times of crisis, just eat it. It can improve your strength in a short time."

Lin Fei took the Triple Violence Pill and stuffed it directly into his pocket.

At the same time, Xiao Qiang had already issued an order in the system to give Lin Fei the intermediate skill "Er Sword Style" obtained by completing the task.

"Ding, the host gives the intermediate skills to others for use. It will take some time for others to learn the skills in the system."

"You don't know how to live or die. If it weren't for the weapon in your hand, you would be dead. Even if a helper comes now, it can't save your life." Lu Bai shouted loudly at Xiao Qiang.

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