Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 161 Taking the Triple Rage Pill (Ask for the bookshelf!)

Lu Bai had just finished speaking when Xiao Qiang launched the attack first. "Raid", to deal with a person of Lu Bai's level, Xiao Qiang used the intermediate skills as soon as he came up, and the whole person was behind Lu Bai in an instant, with a Meifeng dagger in his hand. He used all his strength and stabbed Lu Bai's head with the Meifeng dagger.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for the proficiency of raiding +1, the current level is entry-level, and the proficiency is 17/100. "

Lu Bai saw Xiao Qiang disappear from the original place out of thin air, and immediately felt something behind his head. He quickly activated his supernatural power, exerted force on his legs, and the whole person was directly ejected to the side. Xiao Qiang's Meifeng dagger directly cut through Lu Bai's shirt, leaving a long gap.

"There are quite a few skills, but they are useless. The rest of you, continue to catch those two people, and there will be rewards for catching me. Lao Liu, you should come out now. "Lu Bai, who had hidden aside, saw that his clothes were cut, and he was furious and did everything he could to shout at the remaining combat-capable No. 50 and Brother Liu.

Xiao Qiang didn't know where Lin Fei had hidden Bai Lu and the others, but it was not easy to ask Lu Bai at this moment.

On the other side, Lili was about to whip Xiao Qiang. Lin Fei had already stopped in front of Lili, facing Lili with a knife in each hand.

"Dang" The two attacked at the same time. This time, Lin Fei used the Qiushui Knife to intersect with Lili's long whip, and it was not cut off. Moreover, Lin Fei was very He loves to practice, and the main thing he practices in swordsmanship is swiftness and force. Whether it is drawing a sword or attacking someone, the speed is extremely fast. At this moment, facing Lili, although she is one level higher than him, the two of them can't tell who is the winner for a while.

Xiao Qiang saw that Brother Liu had already stood in front of Lu Bai, and those younger brothers had continued to search for Bai Lu and the others in the building. He secretly thought that it was not good. If Bai Lu and the others were caught again, no one would come to save them.

At the moment, Xiao Qiang did not hesitate and took out the triple violent pill from the system and took it.

"Ding, the host uses the triple violent pill for 3 minutes. "

After taking the pill, Xiao Qiang felt the changes in his body and felt that his physical fitness had instantly become much stronger.

He held the Thousand Machine Umbrella tightly and rushed directly into the group of gathered brothers.

Lu Bai was surprised to see Xiao Qiang's speed so fast after taking a pill. It was almost the same as his speed when he used the spring power. No, it should be said that he was a few points faster than himself.

Who is this Xiao Qiang? Not only can he transform things with his bare hands, but he also has all kinds of treasures on his body. Could he be from M Company?

However, no matter who he is, he must be killed here today.

Lu Bai is thinking , Xiao Qiang has already rushed into the group of brothers. Those brothers were already traumatized by Xiao Qiang's killing. Seeing that Xiao Qiang did not fight with Lu Bai and the others, but came towards them, they dared not resist and hurriedly scattered around.

But Xiao Qiang's goal was not just to make them disperse, either to kill them or to scare them away from this place. Therefore, Xiao Qiang directly used the "Wolf Fang Step" again to chase and kill the brothers around. After taking the elixir, Xiao Qiang's strength became stronger. Basically, as long as the Thousand Machine Umbrella touched these brothers, they would lose their combat effectiveness.

"Ding, congratulations to the host Wolf Fang Step proficiency +1, the current level is entry level, proficiency 85/100. "

Xiao Qiang had just rushed into the crowd when he killed about 10 of them. He rushed into the crowd like a tank, and the others could only dodge helplessly. This is the difference between mutants and ordinary people in the end times. If there is anything to blame, it can only be blamed on them for not choosing to leave when Xiao Qiang gave them the chance.

"Ding, kill ordinary humans, experience points +6, exchange points +6."

"Ding, kill strong level 1 humans, experience points +6, exchange points +6. Get 50 pistol bullets."

"Ding, kill ordinary humans, experience points +6, exchange points +6. "


On Lu Bai's side, he rushed into the group of younger brothers, chasing Xiao Qiang. Waving his fists, he kept trying to fight with Xiao Qiang. But Xiao Qiang relied on the exquisiteness of the wolf tooth step to shuttle through the crowd and kill these younger brothers. The exasperated Lu Bai used his spring fists madly, but he did not hit Xiao Qiang, and also affected many younger brothers around him.

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