Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 162 The superpower is the spring man (ask for the bookshelf!)

Seeing this, the younger brothers were afraid that they would be attacked by the two men, and they only hated that they did not have an extra leg. They ran out of the community in a panic. No matter how Lu Bai shouted, they did not dare to come back.

On the other side, Brother Liu hated Lu Bai for threatening Xiao Qiang with Bai Lu and the others. At this moment, he did not follow Lu Bai to chase Xiao Qiang. Instead, he waved his fists and fought against Lin Fei with Lili.

Lin Fei's level was not high to begin with, and he could barely hold on against Lili, who was one level higher than him. At this moment, with Brother Liu of the same level as him, it was really a bit difficult. Moreover, Brother Liu would not let Lin Fei go.

But fortunately, Lin Fei's moves were swift and fierce, and Lin Fei's footsteps were also very flexible and fast. He dodged and fought at the same time. For a while, the two of them could do nothing about Lin Fei.

Here, Xiao Qiang saw that there were fewer and fewer younger brothers around him. They were either killed or ran away, and he could no longer deal with Lu Bai. So he turned around and thrust his spear at Lu Bai.

Caught off guard, Lu Bai turned around quickly, stretched out his hands, and grabbed the tip of the Thousand Chance Umbrella.

Unexpectedly, Xiao Qiang, who had taken the triple violent pill, was stronger than Lu Bai. Xiao Qiang failed to hit him, and directly pulled out the Thousand Chance Umbrella from Lu Bai's tightly clenched hands. Using the wolf tooth step, he went around Lu Bai's side and hit Lu Bai's leg with a stick, knocking Lu Bai to the ground.

The whole process was complicated, but it happened very quickly, especially Xiao Qiang, who was so agile that even Lu Bai couldn't keep up.

On this side, Xiao Qiang saw that he had dealt with these little brothers, so he didn't have to worry about them going to search for Bai Lu and the others. He was planning to take advantage of the time of the triple violent pill to deal with Lu Bai.

"Bang" Xiao Qiang just used the Thousand Chance Umbrella to knock Lu Bai to the ground. Just then, a "bang" was heard from Lin Fei's side. Lin Fei had been hit by Brother Liu's punch and fell heavily to the ground.

Lili had already rushed over with a long whip, ready to throw it at Lin Fei lying on the ground.

Seeing this, Xiao Qiang didn't care about Lu Bai lying on the ground, and the whole person was at full speed. He rushed to Lili's side and kicked Lili to the side with one foot. Lili's face was kicked by Xiao Qiang with all his strength, and she fainted directly.

He helped Lin Fei up, and the two of them held their weapons tightly and stared at the people around them.

At this time, Li Feng's bodyguards also came over to assist Lu Bai and the others at his instruction. The three of them formed a triangle, surrounding the two people tightly in the middle.

Lu Bai had just fallen down, and he was a little annoyed. He directly compressed his fist to accumulate power. Xiao Qiang clearly saw that Lu Bai's arms had been compressed short and wide.

With a "bang", Lu Bairen stood still, but his fist was like a spring, stretching directly in front of Xiao Qiang at a distance of nearly 5 meters, at a speed that was difficult to see with the naked eye.

Xiao Qiang always thought that superpowers were magical, just like Lu Bai, whose arms could shrink and stretch like springs. If everyone saw it before the end of the world, it would definitely make the headlines, but now it is the end of the world, and survivors who are used to seeing zombies will naturally not be too surprised. Moreover, according to the system, he will also go through the superpower level, but he doesn't know what kind of superpower he will get at that time.

Seeing Lu Bai's powerful punch coming, Xiao Qiang cheered up, fortunately there is still some time for the triple violent pill. With a "clang", Lu Bai's fist collided with Xiao Qiang's Thousand Machine Umbrella, and while bouncing his fist back, he also took a small step back.

"Ding, host, the time for the triple violent pill has expired, and it is now restored to its original state."

At this moment, the system reminded Xiao Qiang that the time for the triple violent pill he took had expired. Xiao Qiang felt as if his strength was being drained away, and then he regained his strength.

Zhang Qiang saw Xiao Qiang retreating, and stabbed Xiao Qiang in the back with a fork. Xiao Qiang hurriedly pushed off the ground with his feet, jumped high, and dodged the attack.

Lin Fei wanted to rush over to help Xiao Qiang, but Brother Liu blocked him directly. Lin Fei didn't say much, picked up the Autumn Water Knife, and chopped directly at Brother Liu.

After the end of the world, Lin Fei's body also mutated, and he was good at using knives. Usually, Lin Fei would focus on training his knife-drawing speed and his knife-swinging speed. Therefore, this knife was also extremely fast.

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