Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 163 Lin Fei shows off his power (ask for bookshelf!)

Brother Liu was not a pushover. Seeing Lin Fei's knife coming down, he punched him directly. Brother Liu's boxing gloves were also made of black gold. When they collided with the Qiushui Knife, they would not be cut.

The five people fought in a group. Xiao Qiang swung the Thousand Machine Umbrella to the extreme, constantly changing its form to deal with the frequent attacks from the opposite side. Lin Fei used his double knives and used all the speed he had practiced. A tassel formed by the swinging of the double knives formed around Lin Fei.

The whole venue was full of moves made by the five people, and the whole square, including the buildings behind them, were affected and destroyed by the five people.

Two people against three people, and their levels were not as high as the opponents. The result can be imagined. After a while, the two of them were already at a disadvantage.

Li Fei swung a few knives in front of him and forced the people in front of him to retreat. Turning around, he hurriedly took out the triple violent pill handed to him by Xiao Qiang and swallowed it directly.

Feeling the strong power coming from his body, Lin Fei showed a cool smile. With a leap, he rushed directly to Zhang Jun, holding the Autumn Water Knife in his right hand, and chopped it down directly. Zhang Jun also felt that after Lin Fei ate something, his body speed suddenly increased. Picking up the black gold short fork in his hand, he swung it upwards, colliding with the Autumn Water Knife. Feeling the huge pressure from his hand, Zhang Jun hurriedly held the short fork with both hands and pushed it upwards, which barely stabilized the momentum of chopping down.

Lin Fei still held the Autumn Water Knife in one hand. Seeing that Zhang Jun resisted his attack, he exerted force with his arm and exerted pressure on Zhang Jun again. Feeling the power coming from the short fork again, Zhang Jun couldn't bear it, and his legs were slightly bent. At the same time, he was amazed that Lin Fei could actually strengthen his strength so much in a short time.

Behind him, Brother Liu had already rushed over on horseback. Before he arrived, he had already jumped high and punched Lin Fei in the back. With the momentum of the downward rush and Brother Liu's strength, if Lin Fei was hit by this punch, he would lose his fighting power if he didn't die. However, while Lin Fei was suppressing Zhang Qiang with one hand, his body had already sensed the fist behind him. The fist wind rushed over, and even the hair on Lin Fei's neck stood up.

However, Lin Fei did not seem panicked, but a crazy smile appeared on his face. Lin Fei enjoyed the feeling of fighting with the strong. He himself was a fanatical lover of fighting and improving his strength. At this moment, feeling the great power brought by the body after taking the pill, even in danger, Lin Fei was still not afraid, and even had some crazy joy.

Lin Fei held his ordinary steel knife in his left hand, with his elbow bent, holding the knife but being the first to come, holding the steel knife with his backhand, tightly against his back.

With a "bang", Brother Liu punched the steel knife. Brother Liu did not expect that his punch could not shake Lin Fei, just like a punch on a thick wall.

Lin Fei held a knife in one hand, and the attack and defense surprised Brother Liu and Zhang Jun.

Just after blocking this attack, Lin Fei bounced back with force, pulling away from Brother Liu's hand. He quickly retracted the steel knife with his hand in reverse, and slashed it from back to front with force. The knife was so fast that even the air made a "puff" sound of breaking wind.

Brother Liu hurriedly dodged, bent his head back, and lowered his body. In a flash, Lin Fei's knife had passed in front of Brother Liu. Although Brother Liu barely avoided the fatal injury, his chest was still cut, leaving a long cut. Blood kept flowing out of the wound, and even the T-shirt he was wearing was stained red.

Lin Fei's knife slashed in front of him, and Lin Fei's wrist turned slightly, diagonally downward, and chopped at the head of Zhang Jun who was suppressed by his Qiu Shui knife. Zhang Jun was also surprised by Lin Fei's fast swinging speed. He held the short fork with both hands, exerted force with his legs, and pushed his body upwards, pushing Lin Fei's Qiu Shui Dao upwards. He held the short fork in his hand and moved forward horizontally, colliding with the Qiu Shui Dao in the middle of his stomach.

Seeing that this attack was blocked, Lin Fei was not angry but happy. He held the two swords tightly, and opened the bows left and right continuously, from top to bottom, with his body tilted, drawing a semicircle, and swung the two swords to chop Zhang Jun's head continuously.

While chopping, his legs did not stop, and with his powerful strength, he was able to force Zhang Jun to retreat continuously.

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