Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 166: Injured Zhang Jun (Ask for bookshelf!)

On the square, Lu Bai's spring property made his punches fast and powerful. Xiao Qiang has been focusing on speed for so long, whether it is basic stick techniques or wolf tooth steps. Therefore, the fight between the two was very lively, full of shadows of fists and the light reflected by the Thousand Machine Umbrella. Not only that, the two figures were also very agile. If ordinary people were there, they would not be able to see the figures of the two and the fighting movements.

In June, the sky was clear just now. After noon, the square was already covered with dark clouds, and there were even thunders. It seemed that there would be a heavy rain in a while.

With a "bang", on the other side of the field, Lin Fei was punched out by Brother Liu. The whole person hit the upstairs next to him, and a lot of bricks and tiles on the upstairs fell off. His clothes were worn out with small holes, and his handsome face was covered with a trace of blood. Zhang Jun was not much better. Lin Fei directly pulled a big hole on his chest, and his shirt had long disappeared. The wounds, each as deep as a finger, were clearly visible, and blood was constantly oozing from his chest, looking scarlet and terrifying.

It turned out that after Lin Fei took the triple violent pill just now, a piece of information about the triple violent pill came into Lin Fei's mind, of course, including the time of the triple violent pill. This is the power of the items produced by the system, which can allow people who are not Xiao Qiang to clearly understand the items, but will not feel abrupt.

After Lin Fei felt that the time for the triple violent pill was about to expire, he felt that although he could now steadily suppress the two, he could not actually cause them harm.

Therefore, after a brief thought, Lin Fei blocked Brother Liu with one hand, and instantly chopped Brother Liu 10 times, forcing Brother Liu back continuously. At the same time, seeing that Brother Liu had retreated, Lin Fei rushed forward, waving his two swords and pretending to rush towards Brother Liu. Seeing this, Zhang Jun hurriedly followed behind Lin Fei and attacked Lin Fei's back with a fork.

When he was halfway there, he heard the footsteps of Zhang Jun behind him, and Lin Fei's mouth curled slightly, revealing a smile.

"Haha, I've been fooled!"

Lin Fei thought to himself, and the whole person suddenly turned around quickly, took a step forward, and waved his two knives, from the middle to both sides, one left and one right, slashing at Zhang Jun's chest.

Zhang Jun, who was rushing forward, was surprised to see Lin Fei suddenly turn around and come towards him. But he had no time to dodge, and he lay down his short fork to block the attack of the Qiushui Knife. However, Lin Fei's steel knife left a long cut on his chest, and the whole person was knocked down by the force of the steel knife, and the whole person flew backwards.

Seeing Zhang Jun being chopped to the ground by himself, Lin Fei continued to rush forward, ready to take advantage of the remaining time of the triple violent pill to kill Zhang Jun. When he walked in front of Zhang Jun, 5 or 6 black-clothed brothers rushed over and blocked Zhang Jun. Two people carried Zhang Jun and fled in the direction of Li Feng. The other few people took out their pistols and shot at Lin Fei crazily.

Even though they were only a few meters away from them, this was the difference between mutants and ordinary people. Lin Fei reacted quickly, dodging the bullets while pulling out the Autumn Water Sword to block.

The bullets hit the Autumn Water Sword, making a "ding ding dang dang" collision sound, but they could not break the Autumn Water Sword. Moreover, Lin Fei had already rushed into the group of people. When it became a close combat, it became much easier for Lin Fei to deal with these people. Lin Fei shot left and right, and in a short moment, the three sturdy bodyguards were chopped to the ground.

Leaving behind 3 corpses, Xiao Qiang looked at Zhang Jun who had arrived in front of Li Feng and was about to continue chasing. Suddenly, he felt that part of his body's strength had disappeared, and the time for the triple violent pill had come. At the same time, Brother Liu had also arrived in front of Lin Fei and punched Lin Fei.

"What a powerful medicine, but I still prefer the power that I have cultivated myself." Lin Fei thought, and rushed up to Brother Liu's fist and fought with him.

At this moment, the sky was overcast and raindrops began to fall, falling on Lin Fei's Qiu Shui Dao and sliding to the ground.

After seeing Zhang Jun injured, Li Feng decided not to let him attack again. Originally, Zhang Jun was responsible for protecting Li Feng's safety. Now, facing a strong enemy, Zhang Jun was injured again, so naturally he was unwilling to let him fight again and lose the strength of his own side.

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