Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 167 The Strongest Blow (Ask for the bookshelf!)

Lin Fei looked at Xiao Qiang and Lu Bai, who were fighting fiercely, and then looked at Zhang Jun, who was sitting on the steps and not ready to leave. After thinking about it for a while, I thought it would be better to fight Brother Liu and Lu Bai separately.

"Brother Liu, do you dare to fight with me alone in another square?" Lin Fei clenched his swords tightly, hung them on his waist, and said to Brother Liu.

"Hmph, why don't you dare? Anyway, I don't want to bully the minority, and I think your medicine has already passed its effects." Brother Liu heard Lin Fei's words and replied.

"Then let's go. You and I will have a good fight on the other side." As he spoke, Lin Fei took the lead and walked towards the square on the other side.

"Let's go." Brother Liu clenched his fists and followed.

Lin Fei walked straight around the lake and stopped on a spacious lawn. He turned around, looked at Brother Liu and said, "Let's go right here!"

"Okay, please!" While speaking, Brother Liu put on a challenge pose.

Lin Fei brandished his two swords and instantly fought with Brother Liu. Without the blessing of the Triple Violence Pill, Lin Fei could not suppress Brother Liu who was wearing black gold gloves with only the sharpness of the Qiushui Knife.

In a moment, the two had exchanged nearly a hundred moves. The rain in the sky also started to fall harder, and big raindrops kept falling on their cheeks, mixed with beads of sweat before falling to the ground.

I felt that the lawn had become a little muddy, and it was difficult to even lift my feet. The two were separated at the first touch, wary of each other, and gasping for air. Nearly two hours have passed since the initial battle, and their bodies have already reached their limits. Due to fatigue and injuries, both of them need to decide the winner quickly.

At this moment, Lin Fei suddenly felt a trick appear in his mind. It was as if he suddenly had an epiphany, and the clarity of his moves was like a gradual evolution of his usual moves in his mind.

Lin Fei curled his lips and smiled, the wind blew by, and his bangs covered with rain fluttered in the wind. Lin Fei said: "Brother Liu, in the entire Black Wind Base, I am the only one who doesn't have much of a problem with you, and I respect your behavior. I just don't understand why you should join forces with someone like Lu Bai." , help him do things.”

Brother Liu heard what Lin Fei said, and the two of them were old acquaintances. Because he couldn't stand the behavior of the Black Wind Base, Lin Fei also went to the Black Wind Base many times to look for trouble. Brother Liu was in charge of the extra defense of the Black Wind Base. Naturally, he would often fight against Lin Fei. After many fights, Lin Fei also noticed Brother Liu's character and respected him a lot.

"Everyone is fighting on his own. Since I am willing to help Lu Bai do things, I will naturally have my reasons. If you want to fight, fight. There is no need to say more words of persuasion. If you have any tricks, just use them." Brother Liu sighed. tone, he said to Lin Fei.

Lin Fei saw that persuading Brother Liu was ineffective, so he said: "In this case, it would seem that I am too verbose to persuade him. This knife is called Qiu Shui, and it was a gift from Xiao Qiang just now. This knife is just an ordinary steel knife, no It’s worth mentioning. Just now, I learned a set of techniques using double swords, which are my strongest moves, and I’m now asking Brother Liu for advice.”

Brother Liu heard Lin Fei's words and said to him: "Okay, I also have a move called Explosive Fist. It is a boxing technique I created myself. I am willing to use this fist to catch your two-sword style."

"Okay", as he spoke, Lin Fei had already made the hand gesture of Er Dao Liu.

Slowly slide the autumn water knife over the head, hold the two swords at the waist, with the tips of the swords backward, flip the wrist slightly, and the two swords are gently swinging at the waist. At the same time, the whole body tilted forward slightly, eyes looking forward, looking at Brother Liu's position. The legs are slightly bent, and the whole person is ready to move forward.

On the other side, Brother Liu did the same. He braced himself, released all his momentum, spread his fists flat, and pushed forward in unison.

Then, his eyes were like lightning, staring at Lin Fei closely.

"Explosion punch", Brother Liu shouted loudly, used both feet to increase his speed to the limit, and rushed towards Lin Fei. In the middle of the road, the person suddenly changed his body shape, and his punching speed suddenly increased. At the same time, the footsteps changed, and suddenly there were three figures attacking Lin Fei at the same time.

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