Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 169 Lu Bai is angry (ask for bookshelf!)

On the other side, Xiao Qiang and Lu Bai were still fighting in the rain in the square, but his remaining brothers had already been frightened by Xiao Qiang's crazy massacre and ran away. Wingdings: ♦︎♦︎⬧︎♦︎◆︎⌧︎♦︎♦︎□︎❍︎Now, the strength of the entire Black Wind Base, except for Lili who was still unconscious and lying in the rain on the square, was only Lu Bai. However, Lu Bai didn't know yet that Brother Liu had been killed by Lin Fei.

Li Feng took his own 10 brothers to shelter from the rain under the eaves of a building, and even Zhang Jun stood behind Li Feng, and he had a simple treatment on his wounds. Li Feng's brothers didn't know where to move a chair and let Li Feng sit on it, hiding from the rain while watching the two people's fight, and just needed to give him another handful of melon seeds.

The rain continued, and the whole sky became a little gray. A flash of lightning flashed across, illuminating Xiao Qiang's resolute eyes, and then there was a particularly loud thunder. After gaining the heart of a strong man, Xiao Qiang was no longer afraid even when facing Lu Bai. Although it seemed that Li Feng had no intention of letting Zhang Jun take action again, he still had to be on guard against people like Li Feng at any time. So while Xiao Qiang was fighting with Lu Bai, he had to be distracted and guard against Zhang Jun's sudden attack. In addition, Lu Bai's strength was indeed strong, and it seemed that Xiao Qiang was at a disadvantage on the scene. However, Xiao Qiang was able to rely on the defense of the Thousand Machine Umbrella and his own Wolf Fang Step from time to time, so Lu Bai could not do anything to him.

Lu Bai's face was uncertain, and his angry expression was more obvious. The development of the matter to this point had greatly exceeded his expectations. Originally, he thought that with the information obtained from Lili, his side had already taken the lead. At that time, I will seize the formula, kill Xiao Qiang and his men, and occupy the Longshan base with the elite men I have trained as my new base.

Unexpectedly, not only did I not get the formula, but Xiao Qiang, a level 7 warrior, actually caused so much trouble to my side. Not only were all my elite men either eliminated or escaped, but even Lili, who was also a level 7 warrior, was kicked unconscious and is now lying in the square, not waking up. Moreover, Brother Liu was taken aside by Lin Fei who suddenly appeared, and the two of them went to fight one-on-one.

Originally, I thought that I could solve Xiao Qiang and his men without taking action myself, but I didn't expect that I couldn't easily solve Xiao Qiang and his men. The pressure I exerted only slightly affected Xiao Qiang, but looking back, his fighting spirit became even stronger.

The most annoying thing is that when he was in a stalemate, Li Feng only let Zhang Jun, who was a level 7 warrior, help him for a while. After he was injured, he stopped fighting for fear of damaging his own strength. Until now, he has no intention of taking action. He is still hiding under the eaves with others, watching the fight between several people like watching a play. Moreover, he didn't even care about Lili who was still lying in the rain.

Thinking back to how powerful he was when he was in the Black Wind Base. When the end of the world came, he was just a gangster, and accidentally discovered that his body could move like a spring. What made him even more happy was that he actually rose all the way to the 8th level of supernatural power. In the whole Liutong County, he was the most powerful one. Even Li Feng, who was affiliated with M Company, had to give him some face, not to mention how powerful he was in the Black Wind Base.

It was nothing like now. Not only did he fail to defeat Xiao Qiang, who was a Level 7 warrior, but he was also soaked. In the rain, people watched him fight with Xiao Qiang, who was lower than him, like a show.

In anger, Lu Bai threw two punches and forced Xiao Qiang back, separating him from him for a while.

"You bastard, why don't you just accept your death? Why do you force me to fight? I'll tear you apart." Lu Bai shouted at Xiao Qiang in a rage.

"If you have the ability, use it. We've been fighting for so long. If you can do it, you should have done it earlier." Xiao Qiang let the rain fall on his bangs and roll down his eyes. He kept his eyes on Lu Bai, holding the Thousand Machine Umbrella and panting.

"I advise you to go and beg your master. Maybe he will ask his bodyguards to help you because of your pity. If you two fight together, maybe you can really beat me." Xiao Qiang pointed his mouth in the direction of Li Feng and said with a relaxed look.

Lu Bai on the opposite side heard it and became even more angry. Just as he was about to speak, Xiao Qiang took the lead and said, "Oh, by the way, I forgot that you have already fought together just now, but it seems to be useless."

In fact, Xiao Qiang had been fighting for such a long time, and his body was already exhausted. In addition, the wounds all over his body, although not very serious, made Xiao Qiang feel very uncomfortable.

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