Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 170 Spring Fist, Lu Bai's special move (ask for bookshelf!)

Even the slightest movement will make your whole body feel sore, let alone such an intense fight.

When Lu Bai heard what Xiao Qiang said, he was furious. He wiped the rain off his face and shouted: "I don't know how high the sky is. I thought I could do whatever I wanted with a few more treasures on my body. Let me show you what terror is." Strength."

"Feel free to come over here." Xiao Qiang's tone was still relaxed, but he was indeed ready.

Xiao Qiang didn't know if Lu Bai had any other trump cards, just like his own skills. But from the looks of it, after Lu Bai was irritated by himself, he was also ready to make a big move.

I saw Lu Bai on the opposite side no longer speaking, his arms contracted extremely, and had been compressed to the position of his elbows. At the same time, due to the compression of his arms,

The elbow position becomes rounded, as if there is a gun barrel on the arm. Even due to the force of his arms, his face was slightly deformed, and his entire face swelled. Coupled with his ferocious expression, it became extremely terrifying.

When Xiao Qiang saw this, he looked no different from the move Lu Bai had used just now. But Xiao Qiang knew that since Lu Bai had said it just now, this move would definitely be more powerful than before. Moving his legs forward and bending them slightly, Xiao Qiang held the Thousand Chance Umbrella tightly. The tip of the umbrella was pointed at Lu Bai in front of him. His eyes were solemn, and he raised his whole body to prepare for Lu Bai's attack at any time.

A bolt of lightning flashed across the sky, and then a dull thunder sounded. Lu Bai still did not launch an attack, but his elbows that were drawn back began to tremble, and his whole body trembled.

Although it only lasted a moment, Xiao Qiang still felt a little uncomfortable. This feeling of waiting for others to hit him really made him feel a little depressed. At the same time, Xiao Qiang didn't know how strong Lu Bai's attack was and whether he could withstand it.

After the dull thunder sounded, Xiao Qiang shouted and let out the depression in his heart. His body rose up, and he had already decided to launch an attack. He took two quick steps forward, holding the Thousand Planes Umbrella, and rushed towards Lu Bai to stab him with a spear.

However, when the person was halfway, the hand holding the Thousand Chance Umbrella quickly touched the button to open the leaves of the Thousand Chance Umbrella. At the same time, he braked suddenly, and the whole person hurriedly stopped his forward momentum and stabilized his body. Put your feet firmly on the ground and stand still.

It turned out that Xiao Qiang, who was charging forward, suddenly discovered that Lu Bai had launched an attack, and his fists had been stretched far in front of Xiao Qiang.

Thanks to Xiao Qiang's quick reaction and opening the Thousand Chance Umbrella in time, Lu Bai's fist collided with the Thousand Chance Umbrella, making a "dinging" sound.

The powerful force was exerted on the Thousand Planes Umbrella, causing Xiao Qiang, who was holding the Thousand Planes Umbrella for defense, to retreat backwards. It had rained, so the cement floor was a little slippery. At this moment, even though Xiao Qiang exerted his strength on his legs and stood firmly, his figure was still beaten back and he was back to where he was after a while.

He didn't expect that the fist would be so powerful, and so fast and dense that Xiao Qiang had no time to react, and his whole body was constantly pushed back. The frequency of punches surprised Xiao Qiang, who was hiding behind the Thousand Chance Umbrella.

Xiao Qiang tried hard to think of countermeasures and felt that if he wanted to deal with Lu Bai today, he would still have to rely on his two advanced techniques, Shattering Palm and Thunder Claw. Xiao Qiang has experimented with the power of the Shattering Palm. If he had a head-to-head fight with Lu Bai, Xiao Qiang was confident that he would definitely be able to match the power of Lu Bai's punch and be able to repel Lu Bai.

However, Xiao Qiang took a look at his remaining energy. After using Wolf Fang Step continuously, he only had 1,400 energy points left, which was only enough to use Shattering Palm once. That means he had to ensure that he had to hit one blow. Only Zhonglu Bai can do it.

After making the decision, Xiao Qiang was thinking about how to hit Lu Bai with his broken palm. Suddenly, I felt a huge force coming from my legs exposed outside the Myriad Manifestations Umbrella. I couldn't support my whole body. I leaned forward and fell to the ground.

It turned out that just now Lu Bai not only compressed his arms and activated his spring power, but also compressed his legs, but the shadow was hidden under his trouser legs. Xiao Qiang focused on Lu Bai's Above his arms, he didn't notice the movements of Lu Bai's legs.

Just now, Lu Bai saw that his raindrop-like attacks were all blocked by Xiao Qiang's Myriad Manifestation Umbrella. Although the attack made Xiao Qiang keep retreating, it did not cause any actual damage.

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