Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 171 Spring Legs, Powerful Attack (Ask for the bookshelf!)

"Spring Kick", Lu Bai stretched out a leg and kicked directly at Xiao Qiang's exposed leg outside the umbrella. Suddenly, Xiao Qiang fell to the ground with great effort, and the Thousand Machine Umbrella in his hand was folded up and turned into a spear again.

While he was on the ground, Lu Bai attacked with a punch again. Xiao Qiang hurriedly rolled on the ground to avoid it, but he was in a very bad state. He rolled on the ground for several rounds before getting up. Lu Bai's attack slowly stopped.

Xiao Qiang looked down at the person who was kicked and retreated. The part of his pants had been torn, and his whole leg was swollen. At the same time, it became very red because of the beating.

"Now you have seen what real strength is, you don't know how high the sky is, and you dare to talk nonsense. The next blow will take your life!" Lu Bai saw that Xiao Qiang was in a very bad state after he used his ultimate move, and his mood calmed down a little, and he spoke.

In fact, Lu Bai's move is to compress his arms and legs to the extreme, and accelerate the swing of his body through slight shaking, so that while increasing the strength, it also increases the speed of his punches, which is why Xiao Qiang couldn't resist the scene just now. However, although this move is amazingly powerful, it is also a great consumption of Lu Bai's physical strength. Therefore, Lu Bai's face now looks a little pale.

"It's still a long way to go? If you have the ability, keep going." Although Xiao Qiang's tone is still as relaxed as possible, the whole person is alert again, and dare not underestimate Lu Bai's tricks.

After listening to Xiao Qiang's words, Lu Bai did not answer, and the whole person gathered strength again, ready to use the trick again and launch a new round of attacks.

This time, Xiao Qiang did not wait for Lu Bai to gather strength, and endured the pain in his legs, and the whole person rushed towards Lu Bai. Unexpectedly, Lu Bai's accumulation of strength became faster this time. With the shaking of his arms and legs, the whole body also shook greatly because of the shaking of his arms.

Xiao Qiang didn't dare to slow down, and ran forward at full speed, using his body speed to the limit.

"Bang" Xiao Qiang was about to pierce Lu Bai with a spear, but Lu Bai's fist had already stretched out, and he was the first to arrive, punching Xiao Qiang with both fists. Xiao Qiang didn't have time to block, and his chest took the blow, and the whole person fell backwards and flew out.

Fortunately, Xiao Qiang was promoted to the 7th level of the strong, and with the potions he used all the way here, his whole body was strong enough, and he only pierced the flesh and did not hurt his bones. However, even so, the nails on the gloves worn by Lu Bai pierced several large holes in his body, and blood kept flowing out of his body, and was washed to the ground by the heavy rain.

Just as Xiao Qiang fell to the ground, Lu Bai punched him again, and he was already in front of him. Xiao Qiang hurriedly rolled on the ground to avoid it. Lu Bai's fist hit the ground, directly smashing a big hole in the concrete floor, and stones flew. Xiao Qiang was extremely embarrassed, constantly rolling on the ground to avoid Lu Bai's attack.

However, Xiao Qiang also discovered a pattern. Lu Bai's fist strength and speed became weaker and weaker. The first one was the strongest and hit the farthest. It was really like a spring.

Soon, Xiao Qiang, who was lying on the ground, confirmed his discovery. Lu Bai's fist slowly became much weaker and it was difficult to hit Xiao Qiang. Lu Bai's punching speed slowed down a lot, and Xiao Qiang also took the opportunity to stand up and stretch out. On the other side, Lu Bai felt that his fist speed slowed down, so he stopped punching directly. Seeing Xiao Qiang stand up, he kicked directly.

Lu Bai was wearing his own special shoes. There was a dagger made of black gold hidden in the front of the shoes. After Lu Bai triggered the mechanism, it was already stretched out. At this moment, a quick kick kicked towards Xiao Qiang.

Xiao Qiang saw it clearly, and saw the dagger at the front. He knew that if he was kicked, he would definitely not feel good, so he did a backflip and dodged the kick.

Lu Bai couldn't kick out with his spring kick like he did with his fists. He had to wait until one foot was retracted before the other foot could kick out. Therefore, the pressure on Xiao Qiang was much smaller. However, even so, Xiao Qiang could only passively dodge and defend, and could not counterattack Lu Bai at all.

On this side, because he had to dodge Lu Bai's spring kick, the whole person fell directly to the ground. Fortunately, Lu Bai's spring kick also reached its limit. Lu Bai retracted his leg and stopped attacking. He hugged his arm and stood there, looking at Xiao Qiang who looked embarrassed.

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