Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 172 Lili's sneak attack (ask for the bookshelf!)

Just as he was about to get up, Xiao Qiang felt a sound of footsteps behind him, and there were two more hands on his arms. The person who came was none other than Bai Lu.

It turned out that after being rescued by Lin Fei, Bai Lu and the other two were hiding in the electric room not far away, paying close attention to everything that happened in the square. When they saw Xiao Qiang lagging behind, they hurriedly ran out with their pistols and shot Xiao Qiang. He was forced to lift himself up from the ground.

"Sister Bai Lu, why did you run out? Go and hide." Xiao Qiang turned his head and said to Bai Lu.

At the same time, in addition to Bai Lu who was supporting him, Huang Mao also ran out, holding a machine gun in his hand and looking nervously at Lu Bai in front of him. Even though he knew that the machine gun might not be able to hurt Lu Bai at all, he still felt safe holding it in his hand.

"Xiao Qiang, you can't defeat him alone. If the three of us fight with him, I won't leave you alone." Bai Lu gently wiped the rain off Xiao Qiang's face with her hand and looked at Xiao Qiang and said .

"Sister Bai Lu, don't worry. I still have some tricks that I haven't used yet. Let's see how I teach him a lesson later." Xiao Qiang's hand hit Bai Lu's shoulder. He endured the pain and fatigue on his body and looked relaxed. said.

While speaking, he also deliberately glanced in Lu Bai's direction.

When Lu Bai saw it, he laughed contemptuously and said, "When you have a woman, you start to show off, right? Let me kill you in front of her in a while, so that you can still be so arrogant."

Xiao Qiang completely ignored Lu Bai's words, turned around and looked at Bai Lu lovingly. Her long hair had been soaked by the rain, as well as the white shirt she was wearing, revealing her black bra and her proud bust.

"Sister Bai Lu, your figure is still so good." Xiao Qiang looked at Bai Lu and deliberately teased her in order to make Bai Lu not worry about herself.

Bai Lu heard Xiao Qiang's words and rolled her eyes at him, but did not cover her figure. She just pinched Xiao Qiang's waist gently with her hand and said, "How long has it been? You are like this." The little pervert dared to peek at my sister."

"Ah", Xiao Qiang, who was pinched by Bai Lu, touched the wound on his chest and couldn't help but cry out.

Bai Lu looked at Xiao Qiang hurriedly and nervously. While checking the wound, she continued to say: "I hurt you. Are you injured? Where is it injured? Is it serious?"

Seeing Bai Lu's concerned eyes, she asked herself again and again, and quickly replied: "Sister Bai Lu, it's okay. I'm just teasing you. I'll make you nervous."

"You're here, look at the blood stains on your chest, you're obviously injured." Bai Lu looked at Xiao Qiang anxiously and said.

"It's just a skin injury, Sister Bai Lu, it's okay." Xiao Qiang said, turning his eyes to Lu Bai to prevent him from attacking.

However, Lu Bai just held his hands on his chest, still showed a contemptuous smile, looked at Xiao Qiang and others, and allowed them to chat.

Xiao Qiang felt that something was wrong. Logically speaking, Lu Bai was not a person like Brother Liu at all. He would take advantage of others' danger, and he would not wait for you to be ready to fight with you head-on. Otherwise, Xiao Qiang would not just wait for a good opportunity to use Shattering Palm, but would just tell Lu Bai to fight.

Suspicious, Xiao Qiang pricked up his ears and was alert to the surrounding situation. Suddenly, Xiao Qiang heard movement behind him, the sound of weapons passing through the rain, and the sound of passing through the air, heading in his direction.

Xiao Qiang glanced in Li Feng's direction and saw that the people on their side were still hiding under the eaves. No one took action, and he understood in his heart. In a panic, he hurriedly pulled Bai Lu in front of him to prevent Bai Lu from being attacked.

Immediately afterwards, two slender whips were seen swinging towards Xiao Qiang. Xiao Qiang had no time to turn around, and the two braids hit Xiao Qiang's body directly. The person who made the sneak attack was Lili. It turned out that Lili had just passed out after being kicked unconscious by Xiao Qiang. She had been lying on the ground for such a long time and was soaked in the rain. She just woke up.

After waking up, Lili saw the backs of Xiao Qiang and Bai Lu. Without getting up, she swung her two long whips and launched a surprise attack on Xiao Qiang's back. Lu Bai also saw this scene and cooperated with Lili's attack. Therefore, he was not in a hurry to launch an attack on Xiao Qiang.

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