Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 174: Attack Again (Ask for bookshelf!)

"Sister, I'm really fine. How could she hurt me with that kind of attack? Xiao Qiang said, and turned his body to let Bai Lu see so that she could be assured.

"What? He was not killed like this. How many treasures does this kid have?" Li Feng was surprised to see that Xiao Qiang was fine, and couldn't help thinking in his heart.

He waved his hand again, called Zhang Jun to his side, and whispered with his head down: "In a while, you find a chance and be ready to take action at any time. You must take Xiao Qiang down. Keeping him will become a big problem."

At this moment, Zhang Jun couldn't help but admire Xiao Qiang.

He thought to himself: "Great job, he was not killed like this, it's really amazing! "

Zhang Jun nodded expressionlessly after hearing Li Feng's words. Although he admired Xiao Qiang, the two belonged to different camps after all. He was still on Li Feng's side after all, and if Lu Bai really couldn't beat Xiao Qiang, then he and his friends might be in danger.

Therefore, after hearing Li Feng's words, he hurried back to his position, staring at the situation on the scene nervously, ready to launch an attack at any time to help Lu Bai.

"Humph, I really underestimated you. You're still fine like this." Lu Bai ignored Lili who ran to his side, stared at Xiao Qiang and said coldly.

At this moment, the rain had completely subsided, and it slowly became a downpour. A large amount of rain continued to pour on the people on the field, looking very embarrassed.

Xiao Qiang completely ignored Lu Bai, put his hand on Bai Lu's head, and said, "Sister Bai Lu, go and hide from the rain, I can handle it here. "

"Hey, little brother, if you have a special trick, just use it. The two of us will go to hide from the rain first, so as not to implicate you here." The yellow-haired man on the side still held the gun, looking at Xiao Qiang gently helping Bai Lu to block the rain, and said awkwardly.

"Don't worry, you don't need to take action against such people. You just wait and see, if it really doesn't work, and you can't beat them, you can take action. "Xiao Qiang's words directly belittled Lu Bai and eased the embarrassment of the yellow-haired man.

"Okay, in this case, then we won't bother you, you fight well by yourself." As he said, the yellow-haired man walked to the side of Bai Lu.

"Be careful, if it really doesn't work, just run away by yourself. "Bai Lu instructed Xiao Qiang again.

"Yeah," Xiao Qiang nodded at the two of them.

Bai Lu followed Huang Mao to the outside of the square. Huang Mao didn't know where he found an umbrella. The two of them held the umbrella and watched the action on the field closely.

On the other side, Lu Bai heard what Xiao Qiang said and stopped talking. He stood in place, using his spring ability to continuously accumulate power, determined to knock Xiao Qiang to the ground with one blow. Li Li stood beside Lu Bai, with a hole pierced in her leg. Although she was a level 7 strongman, this injury would not make her lose her combat effectiveness. But the leg The pain also greatly restricted her movements.

Seeing that Bai Lu and the other person were far away, Xiao Qiang turned around and stared at Lu Bai and Li Li in front of him, and the pressure also increased.

Facing Lu Bai's spring punch trick, Xiao Qiang was already at a disadvantage. Now with Li Li, although her strength was greatly reduced after being stabbed, if she whipped him in a critical moment, he had to be on guard. And there were Li Feng and others who were eyeing him covetously, and it was hard to say when they would attack.

Therefore, Xiao Qiang decided to use his broken palm this time to fight for It would take only one move to get rid of Lu Bai.

Therefore, facing Lu Bai's power accumulation, Xiao Qiang directly opened the Thousand Chance Umbrella, bent his legs and exerted force, ready for defense. At the same time, he shook his hands gently and gently rotated the Thousand Chance Umbrella.

Lu Bai's fist suddenly rushed over, still so fast and powerful, but this time, it did not collide with the Thousand Chance Umbrella, but directly attacked Xiao Qiang's exposed legs.

Xiao Qiang, who was ready for defense, quickly moved the Thousand Chance Umbrella down to block his legs, and at the same time, accelerated the rotation of the Thousand Chance Umbrella to Part of the punch force was removed.

Just after blocking Lu Bai's punch, Lu Bai's other punch had already arrived in front of him, but this punch was directly hitting Xiao Qiang's chest. Xiao Qiang hurriedly moved the Thousand Chance Umbrella up to block this punch.

Lu Bai also seemed to see the solidity of Xiao Qiang's Thousand Chance Umbrella, but also found that his Thousand Chance Umbrella could not completely cover the whole body. Therefore, each punch was hit in a different place, and Xiao Qiang had to keep moving the Thousand Chance Umbrella to resist Lu Bai's complicated attacks. He looked embarrassed, but he was overwhelmed.

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