However, Bai Lu and the other two standing outside the field saw it clearly, except for the first few punches, Xiao Qiang took a few steps back due to Lu Bai's strong force. Due to Lu Bai's spring properties, Lu Bai's punching force and speed would be reduced. Xiao Qiang had been moving forward steadily until he was only five steps away from Lu Bai and the other two, and then he stopped.

Feeling the force coming from the Thousand Machine Umbrella getting smaller and smaller, Xiao Qiang suddenly put down the Thousand Machine Umbrella, touched the button, and retracted the umbrella leaves.

"Broken Palm", Xiao Qiang shouted, using the strength in his body, pushing forward with one palm, and sending out his strongest move towards Lu Bai.

At the same time, one of Lu Bai's fists had already reached Xiao Qiang's body. Xiao Qiang had to take Lu Bai's punch to be able to accurately hit Lu Bai with his own Broken Palm. Fortunately, due to the spring property of Lu Bai's punch, the force had been greatly weakened. Xiao Qiang only slightly stepped back two steps, and his body was only flesh wounds.

However, facing Xiao Qiang's strongest move, Lu Bai in front of him was not so comfortable. He felt the threat the moment. At the critical moment, he actually pulled Lili to the front of him, trying to block Xiao Qiang's attack.

The power of the broken palm was huge. A palm directly blasted a huge blood hole in Lili's body in front of him, and the whole person fell directly. Lu Bai behind him was not much better. The arm that pulled Lili was directly blasted off by Xiao Qiang's palm, and the whole person flew backwards directly, and even the legs that had been accumulating power for a long time had withdrawn their strength.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for killing the strong 7th level human, reward 3000 experience points, 3000 exchange points, a pistol, and 1200 points of strength recovery."

Xiao Qiang didn't care about listening to the prompt sound in the system. He felt that most of his strength had been spent. He couldn't support himself anymore, so he sat directly on the rain-filled ground.

Hearing the sound of running behind him, Xiao Qiang knew it was Bai Lu and the other two without looking back. He smiled and waited for Bai Lu to come over. At the same time, he thought to himself that it was finally over and Lu Bai was solved.

At this moment, Xiao Qiang suddenly felt a short fork flying quickly from a distance. Enduring the weakness and fatigue of his body, Xiao Qiang grasped the Thousand Machine Umbrella, stood up directly with his hand, waved the Thousand Machine Umbrella, and swung it vigorously, knocking the short fork to the ground. Even so, the short fork was still pulled on his arm, and a long cut slid out.

This short fork was thrown by Zhang Jun, Li Feng's bodyguard. Just now, Li Feng saw that Xiao Qiang's palm was so powerful that it could knock Lu Bai and the other two people in front of him away at the same time. At the moment, he was shocked and saw Zhang Jun behind him. At the same time, he saw Xiao Qiang sitting weakly on the ground after using a broken palm. He hurriedly instructed Zhang Jun to launch a surprise attack on Xiao Qiang. Although Zhang Jun admired Xiao Qiang, they fought on their own and would not be disdainful of such a sneak attack. After hearing Li Feng's words, he swung his short fork towards Xiao Qiang with great force, which led to the scene just now.

Li Feng had just thrown his short fork, and on the other side, although he was hit by Xiao Qiang's broken palm, fortunately Lu Bai pulled Lili in front of him to block the attack. At the same time, if Xiao Qiang saw it, he would definitely be surprised. When Xiao Qiang's palm hit him, Lu Bai actually bounced his whole body in the opposite direction like a spring to avoid the attack.

Unexpectedly, Lu Bai could develop his body's supernatural power to such an extent. However, even so, Lu Bai only moved his body slightly, and his entire arm was blown off, and a piece of meat was also knocked off his leg.

After falling to the ground, Lu Bai also saw Xiao Qiang sitting down weakly, but he reacted quickly, enduring the pain and not shouting. At the same time that Zhang Jun threw the short fork, Lu Bai also quietly swung his spring fist at Xiao Qiang.

Here, Xiao Qiang had just knocked the short fork thrown by Zhang Jun to the ground, but Lu Bai's spring fist had already reached in front of him and was about to hit Xiao Qiang's body.

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