Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 176 Bai Lu's Death

There was a sound of metal gloves piercing flesh. Xiao Qiang had just knocked the short fork to the ground. Hearing the sound behind him, he turned his head in disbelief. Looking at what was happening behind him, he opened his mouth wide, even his breathing became rapid, and he ran forward in a hurry.

Just when Lu Bai's punch was about to hit Xiao Qiang, Bai Lu, who was running over to help Xiao Qiang, was in a hurry and didn't think much. He opened his arms and blocked behind Xiao Qiang.

Lu Bai's punch was blocked by Bai Lu, and did not hit Xiao Qiang, but directly penetrated Bai Lu's body.

Bai Lu, who was just an ordinary person, was pierced by a punch. Blood kept flowing down the corner of his mouth, and flowed along the rain on the square. At the same time, the wound on his chest was also bleeding.

Seeing that his sneak attack failed and was blocked by Bai Lu with her body, Lu Bai pulled hard and pulled back the fist of his remaining one arm.

Seeing this, Xiao Qiang's face became angry and ferocious, and he threw the Thousand Chance Umbrella that he always carried with him towards Lu Bai. Lu Bai hurriedly dodged, but was still stabbed in the thigh by a spear. The force was so great that after piercing through Lu Bai's thigh, it also penetrated into the concrete floor below.

Bai Lu, whose fist was pulled out by Lu Bai, had no support on his body. His open arms slowly fell down, and the whole person fell backwards powerlessly.

After Xiao Qiang threw the Thousand Chance Umbrella, he saw Bai Lu's body falling backwards, and hurriedly took two steps forward, holding up Bai Lu's body, and squatted on the ground.

Seeing the blood constantly flowing from Bai Lu's mouth, Xiao Qiang was already flustered. He wiped the blood from Bai Lu's mouth, but more blood kept flowing from Bai Lu's mouth. Raindrops dripped on Bai Lu's face and mixed with blood and flowed to the ground.

"Ah, sister Bai Lu, hold on, you will be fine, you will be fine." Xiao Qiang's voice was trembling, and big tears kept rolling in his eyes, and finally fell on the rain-covered ground.

At the same time, Xiao Qiang quickly entered the system and summoned Xiao Cong directly, asking: "Xiao Cong, Xiao Cong, come out quickly, is there any way to save sister Bai Lu's life?"

Seeing Xiao Qiang's expression, Xiao Cong lowered his head and said frustratedly: "Bai Lu's heart has been pierced, and there is no medicine that can save her."

"Xiao Qiang, sister is dying, you have to protect yourself." Bai Lu said weakly, and at the same time, stretched out her blood-stained hand, touched Xiao Qiang's face distressedly, and wanted to wipe his tears.

"No, Sister Lu, I don't want you to die. There must be a way, there must be a way." Xiao Qiang was in a state of collapse, holding Bai Lu and talking non-stop.

Bai Lu looked at Xiao Qiang and said distressedly: "Xiao Qiang, you are the kindest and most simple child I have ever seen. Sister is very happy to meet you. You must be more careful in the future."

As she spoke, Bai Lu's tone became weaker and weaker. Finally, her whole hand slid from Xiao Qiang's cheek weakly and fell to the ground, and her eyes slowly closed.

"Sister Bai Lu, Sister Bai Lu!" Xiao Qiang shook Bai Lu's body unwillingly, sobbing loudly and shouting.

"Ah~" Xiao Qiang screamed in pain and roared.

At this moment, Zhang Jun, who came from the side, picked up his short fork and saw Xiao Qiang, who was depressed and buried in Bai Lu's arms, and had collapsed.

"Alas, although you are worthy of respect, your weakness is that you are too sentimental. I'm sorry, but I'll die." Zhang Jun thought to himself while holding his short fork and walking towards Xiao Qiang.

Xiao Qiang, who was in a state of collapse, did not care about Zhang Jun who was getting closer and closer behind him. He was already in great grief.

Zhang Jun was about to hit Xiao Qiang with his fork, "Da Da Da"

Suddenly, a row of bullets came towards Zhang Jun.

Zhang Jun could only put Xiao Qiang down, waving his short fork, blocking and dodging bullets.

It was Huang Mao who fired the bullet. He had run with Bai Lu. Now he saw Bai Lu blocking Lu Bai's attack. Xiao Qiang had collapsed, and Zhang Jun was ready to attack Xiao Qiang. In a hurry, he didn't think about it and directly took his machine gun and shot at Zhang Jun.

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