Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 177 You are not worthy of wearing Bailu's bracelet (ask for the bookshelf!)

After firing a burst of bullets, Huangmao continued to point the muzzle at Zhang Jun, being cautious, and shouted loudly at Xiao Qiang: "Xiao Qiang, cheer up, the enemy is still in front of you?"

While speaking, Huangmao stared at Zhang Jun, and walked to Xiao Qiang's side, pushing Xiao Qiang with his hand.

"This is the end of the world, not the past. You should wake up, cheer up, and avenge Bai Lu." Huangmao shouted at Xiao Qiang.

"Yes, I want revenge, I want revenge for Sister Bai Lu." Hearing Huangmao's words, he was shaken by Huangmao again, and the whole person woke up.

Slowly placing Bai Lu's body on the ground of the square, Xiao Qiang still had tears in his eyes, but there was a hint of determination and fierceness in his eyes.

Turning his head, he saw Zhang Jun holding the short fork towards him. Zhang Jun also saw Xiao Qiang's eyes, which were much more terrifying than the eyes that Xiao Qiang showed when Li Feng threatened Bai Lu just now. He looked like a ferocious beast that could bite him at any time. He took a few steps back unconsciously with the short fork in his hand. A cold sweat flowed down his head, as if he was locked.

Xiao Qiang glanced at Zhang Jun and ignored him. It was not until Xiao Qiang turned his head that Zhang Jun's fear gradually disappeared. The rain had already washed away the cold sweat on Zhang Jun's head, but Zhang Jun still wiped his head nervously and calmed down.

Xiao Qiang turned his head and stared at Lu Bai with his eyes, as if he was about to spit fire. Lu Bai was also frightened by Xiao Qiang's eyes, but fortunately he was a strong man with a superpower level 8, so he could still calm himself down. However, he also used his one arm to quickly pull out the Thousand Machine Umbrella inserted in his leg, threw it to the side, stepped back two steps, and kept a distance from Xiao Qiang.

Seeing Lu Bai, Xiao Qiang was about to rush over, but suddenly he saw Lili lying on the ground. A big hole was blown out of her chest by him. Her arm was hanging on the cement square, and she was still wearing Bai Lu's favorite bracelet that Bai Lu gave her last night.

Xiao Qiang couldn't help but shed tears. They had just reunited last night, and the family was harmonious. Bai Lu also gave her favorite bracelet to this woman who was regarded as her sister-in-law. While thinking, Xiao Qiang staggered towards Bai Lu.

Seeing this, Lu Bai was frightened by Xiao Qiang's broken palm, and hurriedly moved to the side to prepare for defense.

Xiao Qiang ignored Lu Bai's actions, walked straight to Lili's side, squatted down, stretched out his hand and took off Bai Lu's bracelet directly.

"You don't deserve to wear her bracelet!" Xiao Qiang looked at Lili and said.

After that, Xiao Qiang returned directly to Bai Lu's side, completely ignoring the eyes of everyone on the field. Walking to Bai Lu's side, Xiao Qiang gently lifted Bai Lu's arm and put on the bracelet he had just taken back.

"Sister Bai Lu, take a good rest. I will help you get revenge." Xiao Qiang said gently, and then gently put Bai Lu's arm back.

After speaking, Xiao Qiang's eyes returned to being fierce. He looked at Lu Bai, and at the same time glanced at his Thousand Chance Umbrella that had fallen to the ground, and slowly walked towards the direction of the Thousand Chance Umbrella.

As if frightened by Xiao Qiang's eyes just now, neither Lu Bai nor Zhang Jun made a move to stop him, allowing Xiao Qiang to walk towards the Thousand Chance Umbrella.

Li Feng, who was under the eaves, reacted and yelled: "Kill him quickly! What are you two doing? Stop him quickly."

The two heard Li Feng's words, and then they reacted, attacking Xiao Qiang from the left and right. However, it was too late at this time. Xiao Qiang had already walked to the side of the Thousand Chance Umbrella, and gently pinched it with his foot, and had already held the Thousand Chance Umbrella in his hand.

After a direct fight with Zhang Jun who rushed over, Xiao Qiang's wound was affected, and a lot of blood had flowed out, and his whole character turned pale. However, Xiao Qiang had completely ignored the pain in his body, and his moves were open and closed, still using all his strength.

After blocking Zhang Jun's attack and repelling Zhang Jun, Xiao Qiang launched a powerful attack on Lu Bai.

"Why did you lie to Sister Bai Lu and the others! Sister Bai Lu is so kind, and I believe in her so much, why?"

Xiao Qiang stabbed Lu Bai's heart with a spear, and Lu Bai hurriedly greeted it with a fist.

"Why did you kill Bai Lu!"

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