Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 183 Meeting in the Living Room (Ask for the bookshelf!)

"Bingyan, don't be angry. Look, my wounds are almost healed, I'm fine." Xiao Qiang saw that Lin Bingyan was angry, and hurriedly showed her his body and said to Lin Bingyan.

Lin Bingyan then observed carefully, and found that most of Xiao Qiang's wounds had recovered, and a few had scabs, which did not affect Xiao Qiang's actions at all. You know, when they first found Xiao Qiang, Xiao Qiang's upper body was already covered with blood, and there were many large and small wounds, and the whole person was still in a coma.

Just when Xiao Qiang woke up, he was still very weak, and his body would feel pain when touched. Unexpectedly, when he went out to get a glass of water, Xiao Qiang's injuries had healed, and his whole state became very good.

Feeling a little surprised, Lin Bingyan asked: "What's going on? How did your injury heal so quickly?"

Xiao Qiang smiled honestly and replied: "I took some special medicine, and then the wound is almost healed."

Lin Bingyan also knew that Xiao Qiang had some secrets of his own. He could always come up with some very powerful things, but it was also beneficial to everyone. Seeing that Xiao Qiang's health improved, Lin Bingyan did not ask more questions, but turned around, walked to the closet on the side, took out a piece of clothing, and threw it to Xiao Qiang.

Said: "Then you also wear a shirt, what does it look like to be shirtless?"

Lin Bingyan said, her face blushing a little shyly. Since Xiao Qiang entered the end of the world, his physical fitness has been constantly improving. When he was shirtless, the muscles on his upper body were also very obvious. Before the end of the world, Lin Bingyan was just a college student, and she didn't even have a boyfriend. Therefore, seeing this, she couldn't help but feel shy.

"Oh oh" Xiao Qiang hurriedly put on his T-shirt, and at the same time, he took the cup of water handed by Lin Bingyan and drank it all.

"Is this bowl of porridge for me? I'm a little hungry." After drinking the water, Xiao Qiang felt a little hungry and asked Lin Bingyan.

"Auntie Wang made it for you. I thought you hadn't recovered from your injury, so I let you drink some porridge first, but now it seems that you can eat normally." Lin Bingyan looked at Xiao Qiang and complained.

"No, no, no, it's good to have porridge." Xiao Qiang said, and he had already picked up the bowl of porridge and drank it all, but the porridge was still a little hot. Xiao Qiang felt a little hot in his mouth for a while, and he exhaled quickly, and the whole person looked a little embarrassed.

Seeing Xiao Qiang's eating appearance, Lin Bingyan and Xiao Shutong on the side couldn't help laughing.

"Since your injury is almost healed, let's go downstairs together. You woke up just now. I went downstairs and asked Wang Peng to notify them. They should have arrived at the villa by now." Lin Bingyan yawned and said to Xiao Qiang.

"Yeah, Bingyan, I'm so sorry. Thank you for your hard work. You haven't slept well these days. Go and rest for a while." Xiao Qiang looked at Lin Bingyan with pity and said.

"Of course, Sister Bingyan is really worried about you. She has been guarding your bedside these days." Before Lin Bingyan spoke, Xiao Shutong beside her looked at Xiao Qiang and said.

When Lin Bingyan heard what Xiao Shutong said, she was afraid that her words would make Xiao Qiang worried. She stretched out her hand and gently pinched Xiao Shutong's cheek, and said, "Little smart, you are the one who speaks fast. I am not very sleepy, I will go to bed early tonight."

After hearing what Lin Bingyan said, Xiao Qiang stopped persuading her, and the three of them walked downstairs together. On the stairs, Xiao Qiang saw that many people had come to the living room, and they were all familiar faces. Seeing Xiao Qiang, they were all very happy.

Walking downstairs, Xiao Qiang scanned the people who came one by one, and according to the distribution of superpowers and non-superpowers, they were non-superpowers:

Wang Liang, during the time when Xiao Qiang was not at the base, Wang Liang was the main person to take care of the affairs of the entire base, and he was also the recognized deputy leader in the hearts of everyone in the base. Although Wang Liang was not strong, as one of the earliest people to establish the base, he was very serious in managing the base, managing the base in an orderly manner, and also well settled more than 700 people from the Black Wind Base. Therefore, everyone was more convinced by Wang Liang.

Yang Xue's overall temperament is still as cold as ever. She rarely interacts with others in the base, but she will still take the initiative to take on her own tasks in the base. Moreover, she said she was in the Department of Business Administration, but she loved to study some scientific and technological items. Xiao Qiang couldn't see through her and always felt that she had her own secrets, but he didn't ask. Although she still had a cold temperament, she still showed a happy smile on her face when she saw Xiao Qiang return to the base.

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