Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 184 Base Personnel

Li Wei was one of the first few people to follow Xiao Qiang. She had almost no ability to fight zombies. She told them very early on. She had a good relationship with Wang Liang and Wang Peng, and was also Lin Bingyan's best friend. After arriving at the base, she basically didn't go out much. She cooked with Aunt Wang, but the food she cooked was still very good.

Aunt Wang and Uncle Cui were the people Xiao Qiang and his friends found when they went to Kangzhuang Village. They were both Xiao Qiang's neighbors. After entering the base, one of them took care of the food, and the other took care of the maintenance of mechanical and electrical equipment.

Hu San and Zhang Jin were also the ones who met with Xiao Qiang and his friends after they killed the level 4 long-tongued zombie in Kangzhuang Village. What impressed Xiao Qiang the most was that when Li Ke and his friends were dissatisfied with him and wanted to have a conflict, the two stood firmly on his side. In the battle when the zombies besieged the base, he was also very brave and set up a defense line with Xiao Qiang.

Li Dian was also very capable, as can be seen from his strong leadership among the people in the Black Wind Base. He was the son of the old man whom Xiao Qiang met at the Black Wind Base. He was very grateful to Xiao Qiang for rescuing him and his people. When he first arrived at the Longshan Base, he didn't take the initiative to speak on many things.

Chen Yuan, the yellow-haired man, was the first person Xiao Qiang met after entering the Black Wind Base. Although his personality and hairstyle seemed a bit exaggerated, he was kind-hearted. Even when he was at the Black Wind Base, he didn't have much conflict with Li Dian and his people. He was also a very loyal person. When Xiao Qiang was surrounded by Lu Bai and his people, he didn't run away by himself, but turned to help Xiao Qiang and was brought back to the Longshan Base together.

Of course, in addition to these people, there are also many mutants in the Longshan Base. These mutants are the most important and core strength of the entire Longshan Base.

While Xiao Qiang was greeting everyone, he had already turned on the double-eye recognition function to see how everyone's strength was recently.

Lin Bingyan, a fourth-level ice-type superpower, unexpectedly, after just a few days of not seeing each other, Lin Bingyan's strength has improved again and reached the fourth-level superpower. Everyone in Longshan Base knows the relationship between Xiao Qiang and Lin Bingyan, and Lin Bingyan herself is also quite friendly, so everyone respects Lin Bingyan. During the time when Xiao Qiang went to the Black Wind Base, he also helped Wang Liang to take care of the Longshan Base. During the days when he was injured, he stayed by Xiao Qiang's side to take care of him.

Wang Peng is also a strong man who has reached the fourth level of supernatural power. He has super perception and a talent for accurate shooting. However, it is worth mentioning that Wang Peng is only talented in primitive weapons such as bows and arrows, and is not so proficient in modern guns. The weapon used is the crescent bow given by Xiao Qiang, an intermediate item. For the arrows of the bow and arrow, he brought 10 fine steel arrows when he got the crescent bow. When using it, Wang Peng also saves as much as possible, but recently Yang Xue has also helped Wang Peng make many arrows, which are not so scarce. As a person who is meticulous and careful, Xiao Qiang will feel more at ease when he leaves things to Wang Peng. Now, Wang Peng is also in charge of the defense of the entire base.

Li Chong, a level 3 warrior, was also encountered by Xiao Qiang and his team when they went to Kangzhuang Village. He is Aunt Wang's son, strong and powerful. Xiao Qiang prepared to give Li Chong the golden machete he won in the lottery.

He is good at fighting zombies, but he doesn't know much about handling the affairs of the entire base. For the time being, he is also with Wang Peng to take care of the defense of the entire base.

Li Ke, a level 4 warrior with supernatural powers, a cat-type, can transform into a cat form after transformation, and his speed and strength will be enhanced accordingly. He will also extend his tail and his nails will become longer. When he first joined Xiao Qiang, he was dissatisfied with Xiao Qiang and his team living in a villa, and there was a conflict. He was subdued by Xiao Qiang in one move. Later, in the battle of the zombie siege, he shined and showed his strength. After being rescued by Xiao Qiang, he completely changed his impression of Xiao Qiang and had a sincere admiration for Xiao Qiang. Now, he is also responsible for some matters of searching for supplies outside.

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