Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 185 Agreeing on countermeasures (ask for bookshelf!)

Wang Lei, a Level 3 Strongman, is simple and honest. He came to Longshan Base with Li Ke. He didn't have too many ideas and listened to Li Ke's words. Later, he saw Li Ke obey Xiao Qiang's command, so he respected Xiao Qiang and now he went out with Li Ke to search for supplies.

Ding Ge, a Level 3 Strongman, was also a Team Leader 2 at the Black Wind Base. He is cheerful and good at dealing with things. He became familiar with Wang Liang and others after only a few days at Longshan Base. However, he was a little bit at odds with Li Dian and others. In Longshan Base, there is no clear distinction between superiors and subordinates like in Black Wind Base. On weekdays, he likes to chat with Huang Mao when he has nothing to do.

Lin Fei, a Level 6 Strongman, is the strongest person in the entire base except Xiao Qiang. After obtaining the Autumn Water Sword and Two Swords Flow given by Xiao Qiang, his strength has also become stronger. Not only that, after a hard fight with Brother Liu, he is about to reach the strength of Level 7 Strongman. On that day, after being rescued by Xiao Qiang, he was always grateful and wanted to find a chance to repay him. In the end, he helped Xiao Qiang. Now he has returned to Longshan Base, and he is also wrapped in a lot of bandages. He is extremely cold, but his character is very upright. He doesn't communicate with others much in Longshan Base. It's just that after hearing Huangmao's story about him, others respect him. On weekdays, he is just keen on his own practice. Even if he is injured, he goes to the square early every morning to lift weights. With his handsome face and strong muscles, he always attracts the attention of the girls in Longshan Base.

In addition, there are three children in the lobby of the villa, namely:

Xiaoguang, the child Xiao Qiang met in the Black Wind Base, is also an important figure in the riot at the Black Wind Base. Now he has also followed to Longshan Base. Because he is more diligent, he is also very popular among the people in the base.

Xiao Shutong, a Level 5 superpower, Xiao Qiang had scanned Xiao Shutong when he first met her, but the system said at the time that Xiao Shutong's superpower was too strong to be detected. Unexpectedly, Xiao Shutong has reached Level 5 superpower in such a period of time, but it seems that even Xiao Shutong doesn't know what kind of superpower he has. Xiao Shutong lives in the same room with Yang Xue, and has the best relationship with Yang Xue. However, Xiao Shutong is so cute that everyone in the base likes her very much.

Liu Jie, a Level 3 superpower, also doesn't know what his superpower is. He is slightly older than Xiao Shutong and also went to Longshan Base with Li Ke. Xiao Qiang found that Liu Jie seemed to be a little weaker. Liu Jie usually doesn't talk much, but he plays very well with Xiao Shutong. Now that Xiaoguang is here, he gets along well with Xiaoguang.

After the above people exchanged a few pleasantries with Xiao Qiang, everyone sat on the spacious sofa in the villa, and these people are also the core figures in the base.

Now, it was about 2 pm. Except for a few patrolling people, most of the people in the base had gone to sleep. After settling down, Xiao Qiang sat in the middle, and Wang Liang and Lin Bingyan sat on both sides. Everyone looked at Xiao Qiang and stopped talking, waiting quietly for Xiao Qiang to speak.

Xiao Qiang looked around and said, "Thank you for your concern. My injuries have healed now. You have worked hard these days. Now, our base has also taken shape. It is a good opportunity for us to discuss how to develop and manage our base?"

It turned out that Xiao Qiang had already known from the conversation with everyone just now.

That day, the second day after Li Dian and his 700 people arrived at Longshan Base, Wang Peng and others saw that Xiao Qiang had not come to Longshan Base as agreed. So they quickly sent out several cars to Longshan Base to find Xiao Qiang and others. Later, through Wang Peng's perception ability, they found the location of Xiao Qiang and others.

After arriving, Xiao Qiang had already fallen into a coma. After hearing Huang Mao's words, everyone brought several people back. At this moment, it had been three and a half days since Xiao Qiang fell into a coma.

After hearing Xiao Qiang's words, everyone was very enthusiastic and immediately discussed with each other, leaving Xiao Qiang, the protagonist, aside. Xiao Qiang scratched his head awkwardly, heard his stomach growling with hunger, and walked to the dining table on the side. Aunt Wang had already prepared a rich meal, waiting for Xiao Qiang to eat.

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