Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 186: Base Grouping (Ask for bookshelf!)

Xiao Qiang looked at the table full of food and immediately began to eat happily. Lin Bingyan thoughtfully sat next to Xiao Qiang and poured him a glass of water.

While eating, Xiao Qiang listened to the discussion in the hall.

"I think we have to prepare food first. There are so many people in the base now, and the food consumed every day is a huge amount."

"There is also the issue of housing. It's not like that for so many people living in the canteen for a long time."

"I heard that there is a place to exchange goods in the city. We can go there and find some things we need."

“Not only that, but how to allocate labor among so many people is also a problem. We don’t have that many tools now.”

. . . . . .

Along with everyone's discussion, Xiao Qiang also swept away a table full of food, burped comfortably, took a sip of water, and followed Lin Bingyan to the middle of the sofa.

Seeing Xiao Qiang coming over, everyone consciously stopped discussing and quietly waited for Xiao Qiang to make a decision.

"Everyone, I hope to convey one message through you. In my base, everyone still needs to be united. When the end of the world is coming, mankind is already facing severe tests, so the first point is unity."

"Also, I'm going to divide the people here here into several groups to better manage our base."

"Li Ke, Wang Lei, Ding Ge, Li Chong, Wang Peng, Zhang Jin and others are members of the attack team and are responsible for searching for supplies and taking care of the defense of the entire base. Among them, Li Ke and Wang Peng are the team members leader, and the rest are deputy leaders.”

"Li Wei, Aunt Wang and Uncle Cui, Li Dian, Chen Yuan, Xiaoguang, and Hu San, you are responsible for the logistics work of the entire base and the custody of various items. Among them, Li Wei and Li Dian are the team leaders, and the rest He is the deputy team leader.”

"I am the leader, Wang Liang is the deputy leader, Bingyan, Yang Xue, and Lin Fei will temporarily go to the mobile group to assist the other two groups to complete the work in the base."

"You can select suitable people from the base to join you. The logistics team will count the food and items in the entire base as soon as possible, and count the scarce items. In addition, count the people in the base one by one to see if they have any skills, such as haircuts. Things like cooking should be calculated and their work should be arranged reasonably. "

"Everyone should eat together. Although there is no guarantee of how good the food will be, we must ensure that everyone is full. It has been four months since the end of the world, and there are fewer and fewer things available outside, so we must speed up the search. Recently, there is no Black Wind base in Liutong County, so we can mainly go to Liutong County to search. Tomorrow, I will go to Liutong County with the attack team. At the same time, we will also clean up the zombies in the nearby villages, so that we can be more effective. It's safer. We also need to build a house in our base to accommodate more and more people in the future. The logistics team is responsible for this. If you need anything, tell me or the people in the attack team. Also, tell the attack team the items that are urgently needed recently. ”

"In addition, while ensuring everyone's food and clothing, there must be a reward mechanism. For example, those in the attack team will receive more food every day. Brother Liang will be responsible for discussing these details and come up with a clear countermeasure. The future Longshan base, I hope that every person and every household can have their own food and that commerce can resume again.”

Xiao Qiang put forward his own arrangement to everyone in a tone that could not be questioned.

Wang Peng moved Wang Liang beside him and whispered: "Do you feel that Brother Qiang has changed a bit since coming back from the Black Wind Base?"

"Yeah, I discovered it. I have become more decisive and courageous, which is a good thing for our base." Wang Liang smiled slightly and said to Wang Peng.

"Uncle, what shall we two do?" Xiao Shutong asked Xiao Qiang.

"Then you two will follow Sister Yang Xue in the mobile group, and work hard." Xiao Qiang replied.

Seeing that no one had any objections, Xiao Qiang continued:

"Also, I will take over the Lujiang base recently!"

Xiao Qiang's eyes were firm, and there was a hint of spicy in them.

"What? Lujiang base?"

"The Lujiang base is a base in the city. There are plenty of weapons there, and there are even people from Company M?"

"We just destroyed the Black Wind Base, are we going to challenge the Lujiang Base? The Lujiang Base is not that easy?"

. . . . . .

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