Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 187 Attacking Lujiang Base (Ask for bookshelf!)

After hearing Xiao Qiang's words, everyone except Lin Fei looked indifferent. Everyone was full of shock. They couldn't believe what Xiao Qiang said. For a while, everyone in the hall started talking.

Xiao Qiang heard everyone's discussion and was prepared. He could understand why everyone's reaction was so big. The Lujiang base is one of the three major bases in Xuzhou City. It was established with a military background and has strong strength. Moreover, two months after the outbreak of the apocalypse, many people from Company M appeared in the Lujiang base, many of whom were powerful. They had just eradicated the Black Wind base. It stands to reason that the base should be developed now, rather than in such a hurry. To attack such a powerful base.

Stretching out his hand, Xiao Qiang stopped everyone's discussion and said: "I have a reason to attack the Lujiang base. Don't be anxious, please listen to me."

"First, my parents were captured by Li Feng at Lujiang Base, and I must rescue them. Second, M Company is preparing to implement a plan at the Black Wind Base to experiment on human lives, which is harmful to nature. Specifically I believe everyone has heard about it. If this is the case, they will not give up at the Lujiang base. One thing, everyone is right. This time we attack the Lujiang base because I need your help. "

"You told me earlier, Brother Qiang, that we would have gone to clean up the Lujiang base earlier. We don't have to wait until now."

"It's just that my uncle and aunt are in their hands. There's nothing to say about this. At worst, if we fight with them, it's the end of the world. There's nothing to be afraid of."

"Yes, they have nothing to be afraid of. They have guns, and we also have guns. Let's see who is stronger then."

. . . . . .

"Xiao Qiang, I very much agree with going to the Lujiang Base. However, the Lujiang Base has a large number of people and is indeed much stronger than us. Do you have any good plans? Maybe we can find a way to rescue my uncle and aunt first. Come out." Everyone was talking and agreed with Xiao Qiang's words. Only Wang Peng was a little worried and put forward his own ideas.

"Don't worry, everyone, I will definitely not risk the lives of my brothers. I already have a plan. This is all we need..." Xiao Qiang continued after hearing everyone's words.

On that day, Xiao Qiang remembered that when he used the invisibility charm, he heard that people in the urban area did not support the project that Li Feng and Lu Bai collaborated on, and they also carried out it secretly under the instruction of Li Feng's father. Therefore, Xiao Qiang felt that he could take advantage of the contradiction between them, and it would be easier for him to deal with the Lujiang base.

"If it is as you said, there is a conflict between them, you can give it a try, but it will be too risky, and you are too dangerous." Wang Liang said worriedly after hearing Xiao Qiang's words.

"Don't worry, I will be careful. Moreover, even if we don't go to them, they will come back to trouble us. I want to see what the people from Company M are capable of." Xiao Qiang remembered that Li Feng and the others originally planned to The one who occupied the Longshan base spoke. "Okay, then let's fight them. What's there to be afraid of?" Li Ke said.

"Okay, I will be counted as one when the time comes. The people in the city and the people in our factory doing experiments have not yet been settled." Li Dian said.

"I agree." "I agree too."

. . . . . .

"Okay, if that's the case, let's make preparations in the past two days and act according to the plan then, please." Xiao Qiang said.

After the discussion in the lobby of the villa, everyone's fighting spirit was high and everyone went to work on the things at hand. Even Lin Bingyan went back to sleep under Xiao Qiang's repeated persuasion. Xiao Qiang became the most leisurely person. Lying alone on the bed in the bedroom in a daze.

"Dong dong dong", at this moment, there was a knock on the door of Xiao Qiang's bedroom.

Xiao Qiang sat up and said, "Please come in!"

The door was opened, and Xiao Qiang saw that the person who came was Yang Xue, with a tall figure, wearing a black and gray short skirt on the lower body, revealing her fair and delicate thighs, and wearing a pair of white flat shoes on her face. She was very clean and tidy, and she didn't know How did Yang Xue stay so clean in the apocalypse?

Yang Xue coughed slightly when she saw Xiao Qiang staring at her thigh, and Xiao Qiang quickly moved his gaze upward. Yang Xue wore a white T-shirt on her upper body, looking like a beautiful student.

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