Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 189 Li Feng is injured (ask for bookshelf!)

Yang Xue said nothing, put away the kraft paper formula, turned and walked outside the house, walked to the door, turned around, smiled at Xiao Qiang, and said: "You are becoming more and more like a leader now." ah.

"Oh, not bad." Xiao Qiang didn't expect Yang Xue to smile at him. He didn't react for a moment, scratched his head and responded awkwardly.

At the same time, I couldn't help but think in my heart, unexpectedly, Yang Xue was still very charming and gentle when she smiled.

Not only that, Xiao Qiang also specifically looked at Yang Xue's back. He still remembered that the night before leaving for the Black Wind Base, Xiao Qiang had vaguely seen a tattoo on Yang Xue's back, but he didn't see it at the time. clear. This time, Yang Xue was wearing a T-shirt, which directly blocked the tattoo, so she didn't see it.

At this time, in a luxurious house in the Lujiang base, two bandaged patients were lying on two hospital beds. One of them even had his face bandaged tightly. Surprisingly, he was Cong Xiao. Li Feng and Zhang Jun escaped from under Qiang Qianji's umbrella.

A middle-aged man stood in front of their hospital beds with his hands behind his back, looking quite imposing.

Even though Zhang Jun was injured, he still did not dare to lie on the bed in front of this middle-aged man. He endured the pain from the abdominal wound and sat upright on the bed, listening to the middle-aged man's questions. .

"How on earth did it happen? How did it get like this?" The middle-aged man looked angry, glanced at Li Feng who was lying weakly on the bed, and turned to Zhang Jun and asked.

"After the formula was stolen, we were preparing to act according to Lu Bai's plan, and then there was a riot at the Black Wind Base. We followed a few of them until we arrived at the community. We had already surrounded them, but we didn't expect it. That Xiao Qiang was so powerful that he not only broke through the siege, but also almost killed Master Feng..." Zhang Jun told the middle-aged man.

When the middle-aged man heard Zhang Jun's words, there was a trace of anger on his face, and he continued to ask: "One person defeated more than 300 of you, and also killed Lu Bai, who has level 8 supernatural powers? "

Hearing the questioning tone in the middle-aged man's tone, Zhang Jun lowered his head and whispered: "A person came to help along the way, and he was also a level 6 strongman. The third master killed him. Moreover, it seems that Xiao Qiang took a medicine that could improve his strength a lot in a short period of time, so we were temporarily defeated."

"How much help can a person with level 6 strength help? Did you take a medicine? Do you know what kind of strength Xiao Qiang is?" After hearing Zhang Jun's words, the middle-aged man couldn't help but ask.

"Yes, after taking a pill, Xiao Qiang is at level 7." Zhang Jun replied.

"You're telling me that a person with a mere power level 7 didn't just escape from the 300-plus people you surrounded, but he also killed a person with level 8 powers and a level 7 power, and seriously injured a person with level 7 power. "The middle-aged man asked Zhang Jun doubtfully.

"Yes, yes, if Master Feng hadn't threatened him, even the two of us wouldn't have been able to escape." Zhang Jun lowered his head further and spoke in a lower voice, his voice trembling a little.

"Hmph, didn't you say that he will come here in a week? Inform Mr. Wu that not only will Xiao Qiang be killed, but also his Longshan base will be taken away." The middle-aged man hammered the wall hard, his eyes With a violent look on his face, he turned his head slightly and spoke to a young man standing by the door.

The young man was dressed in black and wore a pair of white sneakers. He had a cynical look on his face and was playing with an exquisite dagger made of black gold in his hand.

Hearing the word "Mr. Wu", the young man stood up straight unconsciously, a look of surprise flashed in his eyes, then returned to normal, and replied: "Yes." As he said that, he turned to He walked out and out of the room. In just a blink of an eye, the man was gone. The speed was so fast that one could feel the strength.

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