Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 190 Li Feng's Father (Ask for bookshelf!)

"Also, after taking the hemostatic medicine, you will be responsible for the defense of the base. The two demons in the city have become crazy again and have already hunted down many of our patrols who were out searching for supplies. The young man turned to Zhang Jun again and said.

This middle-aged man was Li Feng's father, named Li Zhong, who ran a pharmaceutical company in Xuzhou City before the end of the world. This pharmaceutical company was actually a small branch established by Company M in Xuzhou City. Before the end of the world, the foundation of this pharmaceutical company was very dirty, and it was engaged in many activities. As one of the top ten companies in Xuzhou City, it maintained many thugs, otherwise it would not have given Li Feng special training in school. A bodyguard too.

After the end of the world, although it is only a small company affiliated with M Company, it also belongs to M Company with the tattoo of M Company. As Company M suddenly became stronger, many powerful people appeared. Li Feng's father was also sent to the base here in Xuzhou City for management. In fact, Li Feng's father was assigned by some of them to conduct experiments secretly. That kind of thing.

However, the military who originally established the base disagreed, so they had to send Li Feng to carry out the operation secretly, but Xiao Qiang also sabotaged it. Although the military did not agree, Li Zhong relied on some strong men sent to him by the headquarters to steadily overpower the military. In time, he would definitely control the base here completely.

In the evening, Xiao Qiang sat up from the bed and checked the time. It was already 6 pm, but the sun was still hanging high outside, shining on this apocalyptic land.

After simply washing his face, Xiao Qiang opened the door and walked towards the depths of Longshan Base.

Along the way, we saw patrolling personnel in the base from time to time, as well as busy people, reclaiming wasteland and preparing things to build houses. After the end of the world, when there was less and less edible food in the outside world, Xiao Qiang encouraged everyone in the base to reclaim wasteland and become as self-sufficient as possible. Fortunately, the base was large enough and had enough space. use. As for the seeds, Xiao Qiang got a lot in the early stage, which should be enough.

As for the house, Xiao Qiang saw that Wang Liang and the others were planning to build it on an open space not far from the hotel. A group of people were leveling the ground with tools. It was impossible to build a tall building, but they could build some small bungalows. It's still okay to come out. And among the people at the base, there are also some construction experts.

Along the way, people kept saying hello to Xiao Qiang, and Xiao Qiang responded to them with a smile.

Gradually, Xiao Qiang walked away from the villa area and walked into a forest. This forest was not big. Xiao Qiang walked to a cemetery and slowly squatted down.

This forest is used by the base as a cemetery. The people who died in the last zombie siege, including Li Bo, were placed here. That day, after Xiao Qiang fell into coma, Lin Bingyan and the others rushed to the community. While picking up several people, they also brought back the bodies of Bai Lu and Bai Lu, and buried them here. They also wrote on a wooden board got their names.

Xiao Qiang walked to Bai Lu's cemetery, squatted down, and stared at the wooden board in a daze. He didn't speak for a long time, but tears could not stop rolling in his eyes.

The sun shone through the leaves and shone on Xiao Qiang's face. Xiao Qiang was already sitting on the ground, and he couldn't help sobbing.

While crying, she gently dug a small hole in front of the grave. Sobbing, she took out a bracelet and said to the grave in front of her: "Sister Bai Lu, this is your favorite bracelet. I'll help you get it." Back." As he spoke, he gently placed the bracelet in the small pit and covered it with a layer of soil.

After a while, Xiao Qiang wiped his tears with his hand, but he had already taken out the bone spur dagger that Bai Lu had given him to use for self-defense. On the other side, he took out the Thousand Chance Umbrella from the system, touched the button lightly, and removed the red gold dagger from the front of the Thousand Chance Umbrella.

This red gold dagger is also made of black gold and is an accessory of the Thousand Manifestations Umbrella. Xiao Qiang puts it on the Thousand Manifestations Umbrella and can use the Thousand Manifestations Umbrella as a spear.

Holding the red gold dagger in one hand and the bone spur dagger in the other, Xiao Qiang gently held the red gold dagger. With the sharpness of the red gold dagger made of Wujin, he carefully carved strokes on the bone spur dagger. .

After a long time, Xiao Qiang finished carving on the bone spur dagger, and there was a word "Lu" in the middle of the bone spur dagger.

Put away the red gold dagger and relocate it with the Myriad Manifestation Umbrella. Holding the bone spur dagger, a man sat in front of the tomb, quietly in a daze.

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