Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 192: Enhancement of Ice Power (Ask for bookshelf!)

Listening to Lin Bingyan's words, Xiao Qiang felt helpless. Well, I didn't even know why you were angry just now, let alone coax you. And who would dare to hold your hand like that just now? Now you say that again, oh, women. Although he had such a sigh in his heart, Xiao Qiang didn't dare to say it to Lin Bingyan. He could only scratch his head and said, "Oh, okay, I will definitely work hard in the future."

"If you go to Liutong County tomorrow, you must stay with me. I can protect you." Xiao Qiang said as they walked towards the villa.

"Humph, I'm not the kind of woman who needs others to protect me casually." Lin Bingyan snorted cutely, blinked at Xiao Qiang, and said playfully.

"And, you see, my ice ability has improved again." Lin Bingyan continued.

While talking, Lin Bingyan stretched out her hands. Xiao Qiang saw a cloud of mist rising around Lin Bingyan's hands, and then a thin layer of ice crystals formed on her hands, which gradually thickened and finally formed a solid ice armor like gloves attached to her hands.

Xiao Qiang had already seen such a supernatural power. Lin Bingyan could not only form ice armor on her hands, but also on her whole body.

Xiao Qiang knew that Lin Bingyan was now a strong person with a supernatural power of level 4 through his binocular recognition function, and Lin Bingyan would definitely have other tricks if she let him see. Therefore, Xiao Qiang did not speak, and continued to look at Lin Bingyan's hands, waiting to see if she had other tricks.

After Lin Bingyan's hands formed ice armor, the back of her hands slowly bulged, and actually formed a spike about 5 cm long.

Then, the spike slowly retracted and shortened, and the entire glove was covered with short spikes, forming a layer of defense.

Seeing this, Xiao Qiang opened his mouth in surprise. He didn't expect Lin Bingyan to be able to control her superpowers so freely. If she covered her whole body with spiked ice armor, the zombies would be stabbed and covered in blood.

Seeing Xiao Qiang's look, Lin Bingyan felt a little proud and said happily, "There's more."

As she spoke, Lin Bingyan's spiked gloves changed again. The front end of the gloves stretched out long and formed a dagger in the end. And it was tightly connected to Lin Bingyan's hand, as if it had grown on Lin Bingyan's hand, and it looked very solid.

Lin Bingyan took two slow steps and stood next to a big tree. She bent her arms and waved them gently. The sharp ice spikes formed on her hands had already passed through the tree, leaving a clearly visible scratch of about 5 cm on the thick trunk.

Xiao Qiang was even more surprised, because he was now a strong man, so he didn't know much about the superpower level. You know, the strong-level humans mainly practice physical strength, so they can rely on strength to leave marks on the tree trunk. However, the superpowers will not greatly enhance their physical fitness. It is difficult for even adult men to leave such deep marks so easily.

"It's amazing, Bingyan, how did you achieve such great strength?" Xiao Qiang was puzzled, so he asked.

"You rely on strength, while I rely on activating the ice-type superpowers, constantly urging the ice crystal dagger forward, so it's not so much my personal strength, but the power of superpowers." Lin Bingyan explained in detail.

Xiao Qiang understood a little. The superpower level, that is, when the ice crystal dagger in Lin Bingyan's hand encounters an obstacle, while her palm moves forward, at the same time, using superpowers, the ice crystal dagger will also move forward under Lin Bingyan's command. Therefore, even if Lin Bingyan herself is not strong, if the superpowers are used skillfully, she can easily cut the tree trunk.

"Oh, so that's the case." Xiao Qiang nodded and said.

"Not only that, there is more." Lin Bingyan smiled and continued to talk to Xiao Qiang.

Then, Xiao Qiang saw the daggers formed by ice crystals on Lin Bingyan's hands slowly dissipate, leaving no water stains on her hands.

Then, she stretched out her hands, pointed at the big tree in front of her, bent her five fingers slightly, and grabbed it out of thin air. The root of the tree actually slowly grew a binding layer of ice formed by ice crystals, bending and winding upwards, until it rose more than 1 meter before stopping, firmly fixing the big tree.

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