Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 193 Dinner at the Base (ask for the bookshelf!)

Xiao Qiang had seen similar moves performed by Ding Ge, who only had a third-level supernatural power, using wood-based skills. Of course, everyone has a different understanding of supernatural powers, so the moves they develop are also different. The strength of supernatural powers cannot be simply determined by level.

"Bingyan, I haven't seen you for a few days. You have really become so strong." Xiao Qiang couldn't help but sighed to Lin Bingyan when he saw the skills she showed.

"In fact, I didn't become stronger in the past few days. I have been feeling the gradual changes in my body in the past few months. It's only recently that I feel the level has risen. At the same time, my control of supernatural powers has become more skillful and accurate. Not only that, I can also draw ice crystals on objects that are not on my body. That's why I was able to develop this supernatural power." After Lin Bingyan finished speaking, she withdrew her hands, and the ice crystals on the tree slowly retreated downwards and finally disappeared.

After showing their supernatural powers, the two accompanied each other and walked towards the villa while chatting all the way.

From a distance, Xiao Qiang smelled the aroma of cooking, as well as the fragrance of rice porridge and steamed buns.

"It smells so good. Now that so many people have come to the base, who is in charge of cooking?" Xiao Qiang asked.

"Xiao Wei and Aunt Wang are still responsible for cooking. Because there are too many people eating, they have selected more than 30 people to help cook together. You will know when you get there. It is estimated that the food will be distributed. Let's go quickly and help." Lin Bingyan replied, and nodded to Xiao Qiang and took the lead to speed up.

Soon the two arrived in front of the canteen in the villa area. From a distance, Xiao Qiang saw that there were three long queues outside the canteen door. Among them, the elderly, children, women and children had their own queue.

Xiao Qiang was very pleased to see this scene. It seems that Wang Liang and others still implemented their own concept. Even in the end of the world, they must maintain this basic good virtue.

The two followed the team all the way to the front of the canteen, and people in the team kept greeting them. Xiao Qiang saw that in front of the canteen, three large stoves were set up, and the firewood in the stoves was burning vigorously. The big pot on top was taken down because the rice had been cooked. Dozens of teapots were placed on it with water in them, so that everyone could drink water at any time.

In front of the three teams, everyone had divided the food into three portions and served them in large and small iron basins. Xiao Qiang took a look and saw that they had millet porridge, steamed buns, and cabbage stewed with potatoes for dinner.

"It seems that I still have to ask if there are any animals that can be raised in the system in the future, so that everyone can eat more meat." Seeing this, Xiao Qiang had already started to think in his mind.

"You can walk around by yourself, I'll go over to help first." Lin Bingyan saw Xiao Qiang looking around and said to Xiao Qiang.

Xiao Qiang smiled at Lin Bingyan and nodded.

Then he continued to check the three teams one by one. Xiao Qiang found that the people who were busy distributing food here, in addition to Li Wei and the others who were in charge of food, were those who went to the villa living room for a meeting at 10 pm. Even though it didn't take so many people to distribute food, everyone was still sitting or standing, chatting in groups of three or two, and helping those in the base to get food together. They waited for everyone to finish their meals before they went to eat. This was also the case with Lin Fei.

Xiao Qiang was very satisfied. It seemed that these team leaders were very responsible and would set an example for the people in the base.

"Little friend, here, take your windmill." Li Ke picked up a toy windmill of a child in his arms, touched his head, and said softly.

"Say, thank you uncle." Seeing this, the woman smiled at Li Ke with gratitude and said to the child in her arms.

"Hey, why are you here so late today? Go and line up quickly. We'll stew cabbage tonight." Brother Ding stood at the end of the line and said happily to a person who ran over.

"I didn't finish the foundation work this afternoon, so I thought I'd come over after I finished it." The man consciously stood at the end of the line, smiled, and spoke to Brother Ding.

This man was originally from the Black Wind Base. Because he knew more about building houses, he was mainly responsible for the construction of houses in the Longshan Base. In theory, Brother Ding was also a team leader in the Black Wind Base, and they were on opposite sides. But fortunately, Brother Ding did not bully the people in the Black Wind Base, and after arriving at the Longshan Base, everyone found that Brother Ding was easy to get along with and was nice to people, so they gradually accepted him.

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