Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 194: Getting food at the base (ask for bookshelf!)

"Okay, let's eat more later so that we can work harder tomorrow." Brother Ding said to the man.

"Here, get the steamed buns. You've eaten too little. Do you want another spoonful? Prepare to lose weight." Hu San also stood in front of the vegetable basin carelessly, joking with the woman in front of him while serving rice.

"No, I'm not too hungry today, and I don't eat much." The woman also knew Hu San's character and said to Hu San.

It is worth mentioning that Hu San and Ding Ge have very similar personalities and they get along well with each other. When they have nothing to do, these two people are willing to get together and chat for a while.

"Okay, I haven't eaten enough for a while. Remember to come back and get it. We have enough steamed buns here." Hu San added.

. . . . . .

During meal time, the front of the canteen is always extremely lively. Xiao Qiang looked at what the team leaders in front of him were doing and felt extremely satisfied. This was leading by example, and his base slowly began to get better.

"Wang Peng, go eat quickly. You have to go to Liutong County tomorrow, so don't work here today." Wang Liang gently pushed Wang Peng away from the rice bowl and said.

"Not only that, it seems that my team leaders are not at odds with each other like the Black Wind Base. They are still so loving. Wang Liang has done a good job. He has taken care of the base so well, so that he can also Feel free to be a hands-off shopkeeper and go out to fight zombies to level up." Xiao Qiang thought after seeing this.

"Wang Peng." Xiao Qiang shouted to Wang Peng. Wang Peng saw Xiao Qiang and ran over to Xiao Qiang's side.

"Are there people patrolling our base during meals? How do they eat?" Xiao Qiang asked.

"There are still too many zombies now. Although we have eliminated the zombies in the nearby villages, there are still zombies wandering around, so our base is now patrolled 24 hours a day. There are about 100 patrol members now, and they Implementing a shift system of three shifts, we can patrol all the main roads around our base. After they finish eating, someone will come to take over, and those people can come over to eat. said.

After hearing Wang Peng's words, Xiao Qiang felt that he made the right decision to defend the base. Wang Peng himself is a careful person, and he does everything in detail. He will personally check all the places in the base before going to bed every day. Xiao Qiang is very relieved.

"Yeah, that's good. We'll have a meeting with everyone during dinner later to briefly discuss how to go to Liutong County to search for supplies tomorrow." Xiao Qiang nodded and said to Wang Peng.

Most of the people here are people from the Black Wind Base. After arriving here, everyone was basically assigned their own work, but even so, the people in the Black Wind Base felt happy and satisfied. Because here, everyone feels the warmth and the joy of working. The work is not very tiring, and every meal can be full. The important thing is that everyone has their own plans, and Xiao Qiang is also planning to build houses here, so that when the time comes, everyone can have their own house.

Not only that, the team leaders here will not have such obvious hierarchical style as in the Black Wind Base, relying on their mutated abilities to bully the people. Every team leader here is very approachable, except of course Lin Fei, who has a very cold personality. Moreover, every one of them works harder and eats at the end. The team leaders' example has given these people a great sense of security and made them feel comfortable and happy living here.

Soon, the three teams had lined up in an orderly manner, and everyone received their meals. It is worth mentioning that these dishes include sheets and other items used by those people. Wang Liang and the others brought them from nearby villages.

After the food was served, some of these people went into the canteen and sat at the dining table inside to eat. Some people felt that it was too hot inside the room, so they squatted outside in twos and threes, chatting and having a great time eating.

"Look, that person is the leader of this base." A woman said to another person next to her.

"Wow, you are so young. I didn't expect that you would be so strong at such a young age and be able to establish such a base." The man replied.

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