Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 195 Base Supplies (Ask for bookshelf!)

"He's pretty handsome, I wonder if he has a girlfriend?" On the other side, a girl said while secretly looking at Xiao Qiang.

"He's not only handsome, you see he has a good figure too." Another girl came over and said shyly.

"That boy is the leader of this base." A middle-aged man took a bite of a steamed bun and said.

"I remember that guy, it seems that he led us all out." Another person answered.

"The most important thing is that he has a good heart. Look at yourself standing there, and you don't even go to cook for yourself." Someone else said.

. . . . . . .

After everyone saw Xiao Qiang, Xiao Qiang immediately became the center of the topic, especially when everyone saw Xiao Qiang standing aside and watching them eat, they gave him a lot of praise.

Xiao Qiang didn't know that he was just curious about how Wang Liang and the others arranged it, so he stood here and watched their operation. If it was according to his idea, he would also stand in the line with a rice bowl and line up to get food.

Xiao Qiang vaguely listened to everyone's conversation. He didn't expect that his appearance would cause such a heated discussion. At the same time, his status in everyone's mind was so high.

He scratched his head a little embarrassedly and saw Lin Bingyan walking towards him.

"Let's go. I have already served you the meal. They have also served the meal and are waiting for you to discuss things." Lin Bingyan said to Xiao Qiang.

Xiao Qiang looked over and saw that everyone had served the meal and gathered together. There were still some meals in the rice bowl, and there were spoons in it. Those who were not full could come and serve themselves.

"Okay, thank you." Xiao Qiang smiled honestly, showing his big white teeth, and said to Lin Bingyan.

Walking to the place where everyone gathered, Xiao Qiang looked around and saw that they were still the group leaders he had selected in the afternoon.

"Xiao Qiang, you want to have a meeting, can't you wait until after dinner?" Li Wei, who has a straightforward personality and has known Xiao Qiang for a long time, asked Xiao Qiang first.

"It's not a meeting, it's just to discuss the trip to Liutong County tomorrow. Wouldn't it save time to discuss while eating? And it's lively when everyone is eating and chatting." Xiao Qiang laughed and explained to Li Wei.

"Xiao Qiang, let me make it clear first. I definitely won't stay at home tomorrow. I'm going with you." As soon as the voice fell, Li Ke on the side raised his hand first and said to Xiao Qiang.

"Okay, no problem, Wang Peng, tell me about your statistics first." Xiao Qiang nodded and said to Wang Peng.

"This afternoon, I counted the situation of our base. There are 873 people in the base now, including 500 boys and 473 girls. There are 470 people with combat capabilities. However, among these people, except for some of us sitting here, the others are ordinary people who have not mutated. Among them, 100 people are used for regular patrols here, and recently we have to build houses, reclaim wasteland, and some miscellaneous work in the base, which will use another 170 people, so there are about 200 mobile personnel." Wang Peng was meticulous, not only gave statistics, but also made detailed distinctions, and spoke to everyone.

"Also, our base has 200 machine guns, 50 pistols, a box of grenades, a crooked handle, and 5 rocket launchers. Tomorrow, we can use 150 machine guns and 30 pistols in Liutong County, and the rest will be left for the base defense. In addition, since we drove here from the Black Wind Base, we have a total of 10 slightly larger trucks and 30 small cars. These are the important supplies for our base at present." Wang Peng has always respected Xiao Qiang, so after he finished talking about the data he counted, he looked at Xiao Qiang and waited for Xiao Qiang to make a decision.

"Okay, these equipment are enough for us to go to Liutong County tomorrow, but for the defense of the entire base, guns and ammunition are still a little short. We must prepare more guns and bullets when we have the chance. In addition, Brother Li Dian, please tell us about the supplies of our logistics that you have counted, as well as the supplies and other things we need." Xiao Qiang nodded and continued to ask the logistics team leader Li Dian.

"Now our logistical supplies are mainly food. We have a total of 10 bags of rice and flour, a large refrigerator storing vegetables, and small bags of various supermarket snacks. At the same time, we are raising 5 chickens, 3 pigs, 2 sheep, and dozens of ducks. In addition, our base previously planted two acres of vegetables, which can be eaten in the next few days." Li Dian put down his bowl and chopsticks, took out a small notebook from his arms, and told everyone what he had recorded.

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