Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 196: Travel Planning (Ask for bookshelf!)

"Well, it seems that the food is still not enough. The apocalypse has been going on for so long, and there are fewer and fewer edible things left outside. So in the future, we must vigorously reclaim wasteland and do a good job in searching for supplies. At the same time, we must make long-term plans and strive to be self-sufficient. What else is missing here?" Xiao Qiang continued.

"Because so many people here have transferred from the Black Wind Base at once, things like bedsheets are still quite scarce. Fortunately, it is summer now, so everyone can make do with it. In addition, there are some building materials needed to build houses, such as bricks. , cement, sand and the like. Finally, it is gasoline, which consumes a lot of gasoline to generate electricity and drive the car, so we also need to find gasoline," Li Dian added.

"The sheets are okay. There are supermarkets and furniture malls in Liutong County. We can look for them. As for the cement and bricks, what should we do?" Xiao Qiang also muttered in his heart when he heard it.

"I know there are several medium-sized building materials factories in Liutong County. We can go there to look for them tomorrow. In addition, we can go to a nearby village to dismantle the bricks. Now that there are so many people here, we have to preliminarily build the houses before winter comes. Okay, that's not a problem." Huang Mao thought for a while and said.

"Okay, that's it, Xiao Chong, tomorrow you will drive two trucks with 30 people, and you will be responsible for searching the nearby villages to see if you can find some more food. Bring some bricks. Since the zombies in these villages have been almost wiped out, we will allocate 20 machine guns to you. Be sure to pay attention to safety." Xiao Qiang thought for a while and decided to send Xiao Chong to continue searching the nearby villages.

"No problem, Brother Qiang." Li Chong said happily.

"Wang Lei, you are responsible for staying in the base tomorrow to protect the safety of the base and prevent the base from being harassed by zombies. The base is our base camp and there must be no problems." Xiao Qiang said to Wang Lei again. "

"Okay, no problem, Brother Qiang, I will definitely protect the safety of the base." Wang Lei also came to the base immediately. He also highly recognized Xiao Qiang's approach and strength. When he heard that Xiao Qiang asked him to protect the base , also sitting upright and said to Xiao Qiang.

"Tomorrow, I, Lin Fei, Bingyan, Li Ke, Brother Ding, Wang Peng, and Brother Yuan will lead the 170 people, pick up the remaining weapons, drive the 8 trucks, and bring all the empty oil drums. Go to Liutong County, and in addition to these machine guns, you must also be equipped with cold weapons such as maces and machetes. You must have one weapon for each person," Xiao Qiang began to make a decision. Among them, Lin Fei's wound was almost healed because Xiao Qiang exchanged another bottle of hemostatic medicine.

"After arriving in Liutong County, we divided into two groups. I, Bingyan, Brother Ding and Brother Yuan will take 70 people to the Black Wind Base first. There should be a lot of supplies left there. . Lin Fei, Li Ke, Brother Ding and Wang Peng, you are looking for supplies in the county. If you think they are useful to the base, you will bring them all back. Be sure to pay attention to safety and bring all the radios with you tomorrow. If you encounter a large-scale invincible zombie group, you must evacuate in an orderly manner. At the same time, everyone must keep in touch. Tomorrow, we will set off at 6 o'clock in the morning and return at 6 o'clock in the evening. Do you have any questions?" Xiao Qiang continued.

"Okay, no problem." Wang Peng and others said.

"Don't worry, I haven't fought zombies for a long time. My hands are a little itchy." Li Ke also said with excitement.

"It's quite exciting to think about it. The entire county's supplies belong to us." Huang Mao said with a smile.

"Not only are there supplies, there are also a lot of zombies over there, which are incomparable to the zombies in the village, so we still have to listen to Brother Qiang and pay attention to safety when you get there." Wang Peng reminded.

. . . . . .

After Xiao Qiang finished talking about tomorrow's attack plan, everyone immediately agreed.

"And... forget it, it's nothing. Everyone, please pay attention to safety when you go out tomorrow. If someone is bitten by a zombie, you must notify me in time." Xiao Qiang was originally worried about the one who led the zombie group to siege the base. Level 5 zombies, but I was afraid of making everyone worried if I said it, so I didn't say it.

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