Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 197 Obtaining Multiple Rewards (Ask for the bookshelf!)

"Yang Xue, where do you want to go tomorrow?" Xiao Qiang always makes direct arrangements for people in the base, but only when facing Yang Xue, his cold temperament makes Xiao Qiang always ask for her opinion and turn his head. He asked as soon as he opened his mouth.

"I'll stay in the base tomorrow. I want to study the formula again." Yang Xue moved her hair and said to Xiao Qiang.

"Okay, no problem. Tomorrow the logistics team will be headed by Wang Liang and continue the task of leveling the ground and reclaiming wasteland for planting in our base. Also, free up the warehouse. When the truck comes back in the afternoon, remember to organize people to unload the goods." Xiao Qiang added to the staff of the logistics team.

"No problem." Wang Liang and others also replied.

"Okay, let's go to bed early tonight and set off on time tomorrow morning." Xiao Qiang said loudly.

After talking about the main business, everyone hadn’t seen each other for a long time. The chat soon became lively, and Hu San and Ding Ge were the two people who stirred up the atmosphere. Everyone burst into cheers and were so unhappy. It lasted until late at night, and everyone went their separate ways. Dispersed and went back to the room to sleep.

It was late at night, and most of the people at Longshan base had fallen asleep, except for a few people who were still chatting.

Xiao Qiang was lying on the bed in the bedroom, not falling asleep. He was sinking into the system, ready to take a look at the rewards for killing Lu Bai and the rewards for completing the mission.

"Xiao Cong, please help me see the reward for killing Lu Bai." Xiao Qiang asked after entering the system.

"Okay, Master Host, Lu Bai is a level 8 superpower. The reward for killing him is: Crazy Dragon Blade Technique (intermediate level) - it needs to be used with a knife. Once used, it is extremely powerful and forms like a strong wind around the body. A normal attack consumes 500 points of strength for a single use. 1 bag of fast-growing pig feed (intermediate level) - after the sow eats it, it can accelerate the growth of the body and greatly shorten the growth cycle. It can give birth to piglets in one month. It can be eaten at the same time, without any side effects. One bag is enough for two pigs. One intermediate draw, 5000 experience points, and 500 points for redemption." Xiao Cong said in the same little loli voice.

Seeing the fast-growing pig feed, Xiao Qiang was secretly happy. He was still thinking about eating meat during the afternoon meal. The system had thoughtfully prepared pig feed for him. There happened to be two pigs in the base. Woolen cloth.

At the same time, Xiao Qiang is also looking forward to the system that will be opened after he improves. The mid-level items in the level 2 mall will definitely be very powerful. When he opens the level 2 mall, his base will definitely be stronger. However, Xiao Cong said that he can only open the level 2 mall after he reaches the level of supernatural power.

"Okay Xiao Cong, then continue to help me check the rewards obtained after completing the task." Xiao Qiang continued.

"Okay, congratulations to the host for completing the mission, occupying Liutong County, and in the third stage, destroying the Black Wind Base and killing Lu Bai. Mission success reward: Thousand Planes Umbrella accessory blade (advanced) - made by Wujin, can be used with Thousand Planes Umbrella When combined, the Thousand Chance Umbrella can transform into a sword form. Triple experience card (intermediate level) - the experience value will be tripled within 1 hour. Triple redemption point card (intermediate level) - the redemption points will be tripled within 1 hour. Growth." Xiao Cong said again.

"Then if the Thousand Chance Umbrella accessory blade needs system fusion, will it cost 2,000 redemption points?" Xiao Qiang remembered that the last time the red gold dagger was fused, it cost 2,000 redemption points. Fortunately, after the fusion, the effect Very good, so Xiao Qiang asked again.

"Yes, the host is getting smarter and smarter." Xiao Cong joked to Xiao Qiang.

"Okay, then you can just help me fuse it." There is no way, who doesn't know how to fuse it, so I can only spend the exchange points and leave it to the system, Xiao Qiang said to Xiao Cong.

Looking at the 2,000 redemption points he had spent, Xiao Qiang couldn't help but think: "I have to work harder to fight zombies tomorrow. These redemption points look like a lot, but when you use them, you will find that they are not enough at all."

At the same time, Xiao Qiang also felt that he had wasted the system too much before. He clearly had a system that was like a cheating device, but he still didn't make good use of it, and his strength increased so slowly. It was also because of the system that Xiao Qiang dared to tell everyone in the base that he was preparing to attack the Lujiang base.

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