Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 198 Qingfeng Armor (ask for bookshelf!)

"While integrating the Thousand Chance Umbrella, use the intermediate draw times you get. Xiao Qiang said again that there would be no interest if you kept the draws, it would be better to use them directly. If you draw something good, you can also increase your strength.

"Okay, now I will conduct an intermediate draw for the host." Xiao Cong said.

As Xiao Cong spoke, a yellow panel appeared in Xiao Qiang's mind. The six items were: 2 jin of vegetable seeds,

Qingfeng Helmet (Intermediate), Qingfeng Kneepads (Intermediate), Generator (Advanced), Qingfeng Armor (Intermediate), and Empty.

A low-level seed, a high-level generator, and several intermediate protective gear appeared, and their names all had Qingfeng. Wind, it seems to be a series. Generally speaking, it is not bad. As long as you don't draw Daokong and vegetable seeds, it will be fine.

Thinking of this, the pointer has slowly turned and finally landed on Qingfeng Armor (Intermediate).

Xiao Qiang directly checked the introduction of Qingfeng Armor in the system. Qingfeng Armor (Intermediate)--It is made of bulletproof vest materials, but after modification, it will feel soft when worn on the body. In addition, if you put together a set of Qingfeng series, the defense effect will be better.

Seeing the introduction of the system, Xiao Qiang's guess was right. This Qingfeng suit is indeed a series, but I didn't expect that if it is put together, it will have a better effect. I have to pay more attention to this Qingfeng series in the future.

Without saying a word, Xiao Qiang took out the Qingfeng armor directly, Black, the overall shape is like a vest, it doesn't feel like metal, but it feels like cloth.

Xiao Qiang took out the bone spur dagger and gently scratched it on the Qingfeng armor. The sharp dagger only left a shallow mark on it. Xiao Qiang increased the strength, and this time, he left a slightly deeper scratch on it.

No longer increase the strength, this bone spur dagger is also an intermediate item. If you really scratch it hard, you may waste your two intermediate items in vain. Moreover, this has already tested the sturdiness of the Qingfeng armor. You know, using the same strength as the Qingfeng armor just now to scratch a bulletproof vest can be easily cut.

"Xiao Cong, learn the Crazy Dragon Sword Technique." Since his Thousand Machine Umbrella can be transformed into a sword, he can also use this sword technique, Xiao Qiang said to Xiao Cong.

"Okay. "Xiao Cong answered readily.

Afterwards, Xiao Qiang felt that he had more essentials and moves for using the Crazy Dragon Sword Technique in his mind. The Crazy Dragon Sword Technique emphasizes large opening and closing. Once used, it can cause damage to the surrounding area of ​​the body.

Xiao Qiang stretched his legs with satisfaction and said to Xiao Cong: "Xiao Cong, then show me my current attributes."

"Okay, host. Host: Xiao Qiang Physical Fitness: 550 (50 for an average adult) Physical Strength: 550 (50 for an average adult)

Skills: Wolf Fang Step (entry level: proficiency 87/100), Thunder Claw (entry level: proficiency 20/100) Assault (entry level: proficiency 20/100) Palm Break (entry level: proficiency 56/100) Crazy Dragon Sword (entry level: proficiency 0/100) Eight Gates of Dunjia - Three Gates Open

Mall Permission: Level 1 (can only buy some low-level weapons, medicines, food, etc.) Open lottery permission level 1 (223/500)

Comprehensive evaluation: Strong Level 7. Strength value 200/2500 Experience value: 17700/20000 Exchange points: 24700 points.

Owns a bone spur dagger, a thousand machine umbrella, bouncing shoes, a Meifeng dagger, a Qingfeng armor, a triple exchange point card, and a triple experience card. "Xiao Cong said as he displayed Xiao Qiang's attributes on the panel.

In fact, the reason why Xiao Qiang didn't rush to Lujiang Base was that he realized that his experience value was about to be upgraded, so he planned to stay for another day and go to Liutong County to upgrade his level to Level 8.

You know, Lu Bai is already a Level 8 supernatural person, but he still respects Li Feng so much, which is enough to show that there must be more strong people in Lujiang Base. Although he dares to challenge Lujiang Base, it does not mean that he will fight an uncertain battle. In this way, he can be more confident when he goes to Lujiang Base after upgrading to Level 8.

Seeing his attribute values, Xiao Qiang exited the system with satisfaction and soon fell asleep, preparing for tomorrow's battle.

At 5:30 in the morning, the sun had risen, and the comfortable sunlight shone on this Longshan base.

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