Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 199: Departure (Bookshelf request!)

The morning air makes people feel particularly comfortable. Smelling the fragrance of flowers and plants, Xiao Qiang got up, stretched out, washed himself briefly, and then walked downstairs.

Since we were going out today, everyone got up extra early, and the logistics team even got up early to prepare meals.

Xiao Qiang walked downstairs and walked towards the canteen. Since the people from the Black Wind Base came over, the place for eating and cooking has been changed to the square in front of the canteen, which is more spacious.

After arriving there, I saw people who had missions today gathering in groups of twos and threes, eating with rice bowls. It is worth mentioning that Xiao Qiang saw that the leaders of the logistics team also got up early and were eating and chatting with everyone.

Lin Bingyan handed the plate of food to Xiao Qiang and said, "I'm waiting for you. Let's eat quickly. After eating, everyone will set off together."

Hearing Lin Bingyan's words, Xiao Qiang couldn't help but blush a little. Looking at it this way, he, the leader, didn't get up as early as these team leaders, so he hurriedly started eating with the rice bowl in his arms.

After eating, everyone arrived at the main entrance of the base. On the road here, ten large trucks and several cars had been parked early, lined up neatly, with the fronts facing outward, waiting. Everyone set out to search for supplies.

Not only that, one of the large trucks was also filled with empty barrels for gasoline. As soon as everyone arrived, under the arrangements of several team leaders, they lined up in an orderly manner and got in the car to receive guns and weapons.

Taking advantage of this time, Xiao Qiang approached Lin Bingyan again and whispered: "Why do you all get up so early? Fortunately, I didn't get up too late, otherwise it would have been embarrassing. Remember to call me next time."

Hearing Xiao Qiang's words, Lin Bingyan couldn't help but cover her mouth and smile. Lin Bingyan was dressed very neatly today, with a neat ponytail, wearing black sportswear, and a pair of pink shoes on her feet. Colorful travel shoes, the whole person looks clean, youthful and full of vitality.

Lin Bingyan said: "Okay, we were actually woken up by Wang Liang. He got up earlier. I was planning to wake you up, but everyone thinks you have been working hard recently, so I guess I want you to sleep a little longer. . We have done all the work of parking the vehicles. Just go out and behave well. Don't worry, everyone respects you and won't care. "

After hearing Lin Bingyan's explanation, Xiao Qiang felt a little less embarrassed, and at the same time, he felt more and more trustworthy about Wang Liang. Although Wang Liang doesn't have special powers, he is really serious about managing the base. Moreover, Wang Liang and Wang Peng are different. Wang Peng is more introverted. It is okay to let him be responsible for a certain task. However, it depends on someone like Wang Liang to coordinate the overall situation.

Soon, everyone received their equipment and sat on the trunk of the truck. Those who did not receive guns held maces, machetes and other weapons. Everyone sat in the car in an orderly manner, without chatting and being quiet. Waiting for Xiao Qiang to give orders.

The breeze blew, and the sun shone on everyone's face. There were two rows of 10 trucks parked neatly on the spacious road at the main entrance of Longshan Base. There were also 6 various cars parked in front of the trucks. The whole scene looked solemn and imposing. No one spoke, everyone seemed excited and nervous. After getting ready, everyone looked neatly in the direction of Xiao Qiang, waiting for the leader of Longshan Base to give orders.

Xiao Qiang was also a little excited. Everyone had gone out together to search for supplies before, but this was the first time that he had managed so many people and led so many people on such a large-scale search with live ammunition. Feeling the pressure, he felt a little nervous. Excited.

Wang Liang walked up to Xiao Qiang and said to Xiao Qiang: "Everything is ready, do you want to leave now?"

At this moment, Xiao Qiang was standing on the left side of the motorcade, on a high and spacious hillside, stepping on the soft lawn. On the left was Wang Liang, on the right was Lin Bingyan, behind him were Li Ke, Li Chong, and Ding. Brother, Wang Peng and others were lined up. As for Lin Fei, he didn't like talking to others, nor did he like this kind of occasion. He had already got in the car early holding his two knives.

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