Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 200 Searching the village again (ask for the bookshelf!)

Xiao Qiang looked at Wang Liang and nodded, took a step forward, straightened his back, took a deep breath, looked at the people in front of him, and said in a loud voice: "There is only one requirement for going to Liutong County this time, that is, everyone must pay attention to safety. Under the premise of safety, you can take back anything you think is useful, but you cannot keep it privately. The things you bring back will be distributed uniformly by the base.

After speaking, everyone was silent, feeling that the atmosphere was a bit serious. Xiao Qiang said again: "Of course, if you want to bring gifts for your girlfriend, it is naturally allowed."

"Hahaha" Hearing Xiao Qiang's words, everyone laughed immediately, even Lin Bingyan behind him covered her mouth and looked at Xiao Qiang, laughing secretly behind him.

Seeing that the atmosphere was much more relaxed, Xiao Qiang waved his hand and said to everyone: "Let's go! "

In fact, Xiao Qiang also knew that it was a bit unfair to let everyone take risks to search for supplies in Liutong County, but they were not allowed to hide them and there were no extra rewards. But there was no way. The base was still under construction and needed to use a lot of resources. Everyone who had labor needed to contribute to the construction of the base. Fortunately, everyone understood it. After all, compared with the Black Wind Base, there was no oppression here, and everyone could eat and dress warmly, which was already very comfortable. However, Xiao Qiang still decided to speed up Wang Liang and others to formulate a good policy so that everyone could maintain good enthusiasm.

The convoy drove out of the Longshan Base. Two of the trucks, led by Li Chong, drove directly to Kangzhuang Village opposite. The other convoy still followed the original plan and headed towards Liutong County. Let's go.

Kangzhuang Village, as the village closest to the Longshan Base, has been searched dozens of times by Xiao Qiang and his men in the past few months. But at that time, there were few people in the base, and everyone just drove a small pickup truck to pull some food, simple clothes and other things, and there was no large-scale search like this. Moreover, although the zombies in Kangzhuang Village have been almost wiped out by Xiao Qiang and his men, the actions of zombies are also uncertain, so there may be wandering groups of zombies approaching.

After passing two small supermarkets in succession, Li Chong directed everyone to search the house. As long as the food has not exceeded the shelf life for too long, it can be taken away. Of course, daily necessities such as toothbrushes and towels are also taken away, although they have been covered with dust for so long. But It can still be used after washing up. It's the end of the world, and there are so many more people in the base. Of course, we have to use what we can.

Li Chong brought a total of 30 people. Although these villages are relatively safe, Xiao Qiang is still worried about the safety of Li Chong and his men. After all, Li Chong is the only one with a mutant ability among these people, so he equipped all of them with one machine gun.

As soon as he arrived in front of the supermarket, Li Chong jumped out of the car first, took the golden machete Xiao Qiang gave him, kicked the door of the supermarket open, and rushed into the supermarket to check if there were any zombies.

Not to mention, there are zombies wandering around in this small supermarket. When they heard Li Chong kicking the door, they tilted their necks. Turning his head, he ran towards Li Chong at the door, bringing with him several goods. The cabinets were all tilted by the zombie.

When Li Chong didn't want to kill the zombie, the blood was stained on the items in the supermarket. After seeing the zombie, he jumped back directly and jumped onto the ground outside the supermarket. He held the golden-backed machete tightly with both hands. The golden-backed machete was about 1.6 meters long and weighed more than 70 kilograms. However, it seemed much easier when held in Li Chong's hand.

Standing in front of the supermarket, facing the supermarket, after the zombie rushed out, he held the machete tightly. There was no trick, but he just relied on his own strength and the sharpness of the machete to chop down the zombie's head from top to bottom. Just one blow, the zombie's head was chopped off. The excessive force caused the zombie's head to roll to the ground, and the whole body was turned around before sliding to the side.

The dirty blood gushed out and fell on the ground. Fortunately, everyone was used to seeing zombies and had a certain resistance to this phenomenon.

Li Chong shook the golden-backed machete in his hand, feeling that it was very good in both weight and feel. He turned around and said to the people behind him, "Go into the house quickly and search, pick up what can be used and move it to the car."

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