Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 202 Li Ke is jealous (ask for bookshelf!)

Xiao Qiang smiled slightly, patted Chen Yuan's shoulder gently, and said: "Brother Yuan, just call me Xiao Qiang from now on.

"Even if there was unrest there, I saw that when Lu Bai led people to besiege us, he did not drive a car that could transport a lot of goods. So, I guess there should be a lot of supplies left there. "Xiao Qiang said.

In fact, when Xiao Qiang was besieged, he heard Lu Bai and the others say that they planned to take over Longshan Base after getting rid of him. Therefore, Xiao Qiang felt that they might store the collected supplies first, and then collect the supplies after occupying Longshan Base.

However, even if there were no supplies there, Xiao Qiang didn't need to care too much. Even if he went to search the county, it was like a carpet search, without a clear goal. Moreover, he came to Liutong County with them today mainly to kill zombies and upgrade. If there were any supplies, he could slowly look for them. Because of the explosion, the Black Wind Base had attracted many zombies that night. Now it is estimated that there will be more, which saves Xiao Qiang from looking for them one by one.

"As far as I know, Lu Bai seems to have a special oil depot and a warehouse to store the supplies that have been searched for so long, but it does need to be carefully searched, and I don't know the specific location. "Brother Ding heard the conversation and echoed it from the passenger seat.

Soon the car drove into Liutong County. Xiao Qiang parked the car on the side of the road, got out and walked to the side of Lin Fei's car, and said to the people in the car: "From here, you should slowly drive towards the center of Liutong County. We will go to the Black Wind Base first, and then rush to Liutong County to meet you. Li Ke will be in charge there, but he must discuss with Wang Peng more. If you encounter powerful zombies, it depends on you, Lin Fei, please ensure everyone's safety. "

Lin Fei was originally holding his double swords with his head facing outwards. When he heard Xiao Qiang's words, he turned around and nodded lazily to Xiao Qiang. Li Ke and Wang Peng also nodded. Li Ke was very happy to hear that he was given full responsibility, but then he heard Xiao Qiang say that if he encountered powerful zombies, he would rely more on Lin Fei. He couldn't help but have some competitive mentality towards Lin Fei, because he didn't know Lin Fei's strength. In the past few days at the base, he mostly saw Lin Fei training alone, and had never seen Lin Fei really fight.

Wang Peng was much better. He didn't like to command others, but he was willing to give some advice.

After talking to the three people, Xiao Qiang got in the car and led the truck full of oil barrels and two other cars from the other side of the road to the direction of the Black Wind Base. Xiao Qiang led 70 people, leaving more than 100 people for Lin Fei and his team. He also equipped all the machine guns on Lin Fei's side, leaving only more than 20 machine guns on his side. Because Xiao Qiang knew that the team he led had to rely mainly on himself to deal with zombies. That's all experience. How can we just let others kill the zombies?

Lin Fei and his two companions drove towards the center of Liutong County. They were followed by 5 trucks with 100 people sitting in them, all equipped with machine guns, and drove towards the county.

They just turned the corner after entering the road and saw a large gas station on the side of the road. Li Ke waved and signaled the convoy to stop. The 5 trucks stopped one by one and parked on the side of the road. The people in the car immediately raised their machine guns and defended in all directions.

"Da Da Da" from time to time The sound of machine gun bursts was heard, killing the approaching zombies. This was also what they had agreed on before coming. When they arrived at a place, if there were fewer zombies, most people would not get off the car first, and would get off after ensuring that there were supplies. They would stand in the car to defend.

Li Ke and his companions drove directly into the gas station, put on black claws, and opened the car door. Two zombies had already heard the noise and attacked the car. Li Ke rushed forward directly, without even changing his body, and rushed to the zombies and killed the two zombies.

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