Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 203 Xiao Qiang Intermediate Shooting (Ask for the bookshelf!)

Throwing the zombie away, Li Ke shook off the blood on his gloves, turned around, and glanced at Lin Fei in a show-off manner. Lin Fei was leaning on the car, without even looking at Li Ke. He was looking inside the gas station, holding his two knives.

Wang Peng on the other side pulled out an arrow he had just shot from a zombie, wiped the blood stains on the zombie's clothes, and inserted it back into the arrow pocket he was carrying.

Walking to an oil dispenser scattered on the ground, Wang Peng turned on the switch, but no oil flowed out of the machine. Walking towards the gas station city again, there were no items on the messy shelves. It seemed that because it was close to the border of Liutong County, the number of zombies was not too many, and it had already been searched by an unknown number of teams.

Wang Peng came out of the house, walked towards Li Ke, and said, "It seems that this place has been searched many times, and there are no supplies left. Let's continue moving forward."

Li Ke nodded, got in the car and continued to search. Along the way, except for two hardware stores that had not been searched, almost all the stores had been evacuated. Since they had to build a house, Li Ke also waved his hand. , everyone quickly wiped out these two hardware stores.

They also encountered a level 2 zombie on the road. After Li Ke transformed with both hands, he got out of the car and fought with it. He threw it to the ground with a claw and was killed by Wang Peng with an arrow.

A few people drove forward slowly in their cars. The road near the border was not of much value. After turning the corner, as soon as they stepped onto the main road of Liutong County, everyone couldn't help but take a breath of cold air.

I saw overturned cars everywhere on the main road, the guardrail in the middle of the road had long since disappeared, and the doors and windows of the shops on both sides were already in tatters. The scariest thing is that the roads are full of zombies wandering around, crowded together, like going to a market. Especially in front of a two-story large supermarket, there was a large area of ​​zombies, densely packed.

Li Ke could see this, but he was a little excited. With so many zombies surrounding him, there must be a lot of good stuff left in the supermarket. With a big wave of his hand, he stood in front of the car and shouted loudly: "Everyone, prepare to attack!"

On the other side, Xiao Qiang and others were still on their way to the Black Wind Base. In the car, Xiao Qiang chatted with several people in the car while opening the window and taking out the crossbow from the system.

Putting the crossbow out of the window and placing the arrow, Xiao Qiang touched the switch and shot the bow and arrow at the head of a zombie.

"Ding, kill an ordinary level 1 zombie, experience +2, exchange points +2."

After Xiao Qiang's shooting was upgraded to the intermediate level, he not only gained a certain proficiency in firearms, but also strengthened his use of all shooting weapons. Even if he now has a slingshot in his hand, Xiao Qiang believes that with his own strength, he can Kill zombies. Therefore, even in a fast-moving vehicle, Xiao Qiang can still shoot zombies wandering on the road with great accuracy.

The closer they got to the Black Wind Base, Xiao Qiang and the others found that there were more and more zombies on the road. Xiao Qiang also felt that his guess was correct. There must be a large number of zombies gathered in the Black Wind Base, which was also important for his upgrade. Very fast.

Patting Huang Mao's shoulder, Xiao Qiang said: "Brother Yuan, drive slower, everyone, be careful. We are almost reaching the Black Wind Base, and there are a lot of zombies."

"Okay." Huang Mao was also aware of the problem of more and more zombies on the road, and lightly stepped on the brakes to slow down.

At the same time, Lin Bingyan and Ding Ge each took out their pistols and shot at the zombies approaching the car to prevent the zombies from surrounding the car. In this way, this ordinary car could not break through the circle formed by the zombies. The car is like this when driving at the front. It cannot forcefully use its body to clear the way. Even the big truck behind it may not be able to do it. After hitting some zombies, the tires will be stuck. Therefore, Xiao Qiang has been thinking that after his system mall reaches the second stage, he must look carefully to see if there is any doomsday chariot or the like.

"Da da" Lin Bingyan and Brother Ding held pistols and kept shooting at the zombies on this side from the window. On the other side, Xiao Qiang clenched his crossbow and kept shooting zombies. The distance is also getting farther and farther, from the beginning in front of the car, to 5 meters away from the zombies, then to 10 meters away, and finally shooting directly at the limit of the crossbow to kill the zombies 20 meters away. Although these were just low-level zombies, Xiao Qiang hit the zombies' heads accurately every time. At the same time, Xiao Qiang's hand movements were getting faster and faster, constantly pulling out arrows, putting them into the crossbow, and then shooting.

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