Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 204 Arrival at the Black Wind Base (Ask for bookshelf!)

Since Xiao Qiang's shooting was more accurate, the zombies on his side were even less than those on Lin Bingyan's side.

"Ding, kill an ordinary level 1 zombie, experience value +2, exchange point +2."

"Ding, kill an ordinary level 2 zombie, experience value +2, exchange point +2."

"Ding, kill an ordinary level 1 zombie, experience value +2, exchange point +2."

. . . . . .

The sound of killing zombies continued to sound, and Xiao Qiang also followed the road and saw the periphery of the Black Wind Base. At this moment, the surrounding walls of the Black Wind Base have all collapsed, and broken bricks are scattered all over the ground. This is the result of Xiao Qiang's use of mines along the walls of the Black Wind Base that night and arranged under the walls.

Even if it was not blown down by the mines, under the continuous impact of zombies in recent days, only a few parts of the wall were still standing there, and the entire factory area was exposed to Xiao Qiang's field of vision.

The worst damage in the factory was in the area where the coal blocks were piled. It was also the place where the mines were detonated. The entire coal pile was on fire, destroying many bungalows in the factory. A steel elevated structure was also blown down and fell horizontally on the ground.

The factory was full of zombies, a dark mass. The explosion that night attracted enough zombies, and now they were densely packed and constantly wandering around the factory.

The most conspicuous part of the entire factory at this moment was the main gate and the area where the office building was located. Xiao Qiang still chose to enter from the main gate. The gaps in the wall were all broken bricks, and vehicles could not drive in at all.

Driving to the main gate, the open gate showed how hasty the evacuation was at that time. The walls on both sides of the gate had also been blown up a lot.

Xiao Qiang and others drove directly into the Black Wind Base. In front of the main gate was a relatively open area. The zombies approaching the factory heard the sound of the car. They rushed towards Xiao Qiang and others with unknown liquid in their mouths, tilted their heads, raised their claws high, and howled. It looked like if these zombies were not almost cleared, it would be impossible to search this place properly.

"Brother Ding, I'll leave this to you to command. Bingyan, be careful." After saying this, he opened the car door without waiting for the two to reply, and rushed out.

When Brother Ding was about to refuse, Xiao Qiang had already run away, leaving only the open car door. Bingyan seemed to have long been accustomed to Xiao Qiang's behavior. While closing the car door, she yelled to the outside, "You should also pay attention to safety."

Huangmao couldn't help but sigh softly, "Alas, you value love over friendship, and you don't even know to let me pay attention to safety."

Hearing Huangmao's sour tone, the two people in the car laughed out loud, and the tension brought by the zombies in front of them became much easier. Holding the weapons, waiting for Brother Ding's orders.

"Everyone stay in the truck and don't move. Turn the front of the truck, facing the door, and drive the car to the position in front of the truck." Brother Ding opened the door and spoke to the people behind him.

Before in the Black Wind Base, Brother Ding was a team leader. Because he was not Lu Bai's confidant, he had to do some work of searching for supplies outside, so he had some experience in commanding everyone to fight zombies.

The purpose of facing the front of the car outward is to be able to face particularly powerful zombies. If you can't beat them, you can escape easily. Facing the truck to the zombies is also to use the height of the truck to defend against the zombies.

As soon as Brother Ding finished speaking, everyone started to move. Although most of these people were originally from the Black Wind Base, even if they did not have much objection to Brother Ding, the team leader at that time, they would not obey his command. But fortunately, when Xiao Qiang assigned the task just now, he opened the car door and the sound was loud enough for everyone to hear. Although they were not very satisfied with Brother Ding, they completely trusted Xiao Qiang, the leader of the Longshan Base who rescued them from the Black Wind Base.

Since Xiao Qiang had handed over the command to Brother Ding, they had no objection, and they also knew that Brother Ding did have experience in dealing with zombies, so they quickly took action.

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