Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 206 Searching the Village (Ask for the bookshelf!)

There was a lot of coal in the factory area, and the explosion that night had caused a lot of dust on the ground. The zombies were dragging their feet when they walked, and many of them had injured legs and limped. The zombies ran behind Xiao Qiang, sweeping up a large cloud of dust, a dark patch that enveloped the zombies, and it looked quite spectacular.

Elsewhere, Li Chong had led his 30 men, driving two trucks, and had searched the two nearby villages. Except for picking the remaining vegetables from the greenhouse vegetable field in Li Ke's village, no other edible food was found in the two villages.

However, some common daily necessities were found, such as water cups, bowls and chopsticks, toothbrushes, etc. There were also sheets, quilts and some clothes found in the residents' residences. According to Xiao Qiang's instructions, as long as they were not stained with zombie blood and felt useful, they could be brought back to the base. Although they were covered with dust, they could still be used after washing them.

Soon, under the leadership of Li Chong, a truck was almost loaded. Of course, it also included some simple furniture, such as tables and chairs. When the house was built in the future, they could be moved in and used. Not only that, Li Chong also got a lot of toilet paper. In this doomsday, toilet paper has become a scarce item. As more people in the base use it, more people use it. Xiao Qiang didn't want to see everyone in the base using branches and wood like before, so he made a special instruction.

These two villages have been searched by Xiao Qiang and others many times, and they are relatively safe. Even if there are zombies, they are just some low-level zombies, in twos and threes, and they cannot pose much threat to Li Chong and his team. Without even firing a gun, Li Chong cleaned up these zombies with only the golden back machete in his hand.

After searching these two villages, Li Chong looked at the trucks. There was another truck with nothing on it. Li Chong decided to take people to Sanyuan Village. Sanyuan Village is located on the North Ring Road. The village is not small. It is opposite to the village where Li Ke is located. It is still far away from the Longshan Base. You have to pass the North Ring Road and then enter the village.

Originally, there was another village near the Longshan Base. That village was also searched by Xiao Qiang and others, and many zombies were killed. However, Li Chong felt that the village was similar to these two, so he still wanted to go to Sanyuan Village, where there were more zombies but also many good things.

Xiao Qiang had led people to explore before. There were many zombies in the village. Because it was close to the road, there was a small gas station at the entrance of the village. However, Xiao Qiang and his team searched to the other side and found two slightly larger supermarkets in the village.

At that time, they were few in number, and the only vehicle was the pickup truck that could carry some goods. After fighting with the zombies, they picked up some food and returned to the base. They had not come to this village to search several times, and had never entered the village deeply, so there should be a lot of goods in this village. Of course, the zombies inside had not been cleaned up, so it was still quite dangerous.

Driving all the way, they went directly to the North Ring Road. It was obvious that there were more zombies on this road than on the other side. They wandered in twos and threes on this road of the end of the world. Hearing the roar of the car, they all ran towards the truck. In order to reach Sanyuan Village quickly, Li Chong was too lazy to get off the car. He directly directed everyone to shoot at the zombies running over, and soon arrived at the entrance of Sanyuan Village.

After entering Sanyuan Village, Li Chong still directed everyone to move towards the two known supermarkets. Since Li Chong had given orders, he could let everyone use machine guns to shoot at some zombies on the road at will. The sound of machine guns "da da da" continued along the way, and everyone quickly arrived in front of the supermarket that was relatively close.

Li Chong got out of the car directly, put his golden back machete on his shoulder, and rushed towards the zombies rushing out of the supermarket. Every move was powerful, but not every move was aimed at the zombies' heads. The limbs of those zombies fell to the ground, but they immediately attacked Li Chong.

Li Chong also used the golden back machete today, and felt very handy, so he seemed quite excited, and kept swinging at the zombies in the zombie group. If it were against humans, Li Chong's fighting style would make people afraid to approach, and it would have enough deterrent effect. However, as long as these zombies were not chopped on the head, they would still crawl up one by one and continue to attack Li Chong, or directly crawl on the ground towards the position where Li Chong was, opening their mouths wide to bite Li Chong's legs.

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