Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 207 Leading the team to show off your power (ask for the bookshelf!)

Since Li Chong did not give any instructions after getting off the car, one person holding a golden machete excitedly attacked the zombie group. Everyone in the truck did not know what to do. They could only follow Li Chong's order and shoot at the zombies with machine guns. Moreover, they wanted to provide some help to Li Chong, but they were afraid that the bullets would hit Li Chong, so they could only shoot the zombies surrounding Li Chong and the zombies following the car. In front of the supermarket, including the road in front, there were about 150 zombies in total, most of which ran out of the supermarket, surrounded Li Chong, and launched a crazy attack.

Fortunately, since searching the two villages just now did not take much effort, Li Chong's physical strength was still enough. At this moment, facing these level 1 zombies that besieged him, although he was surrounded in the middle, he could still gain the upper hand with his own strength.

Dealing with these 150 level 1 zombies was still very easy for Li Chong and his 30 men. Since Li Chong ordered them to fire at will, the sound of "da da da" suddenly rang out. All 30 men held machine guns and shot at the zombies running on the road. Even though the shots were not very accurate, under the suppression of firepower, these zombies did not rush to the truck and were eliminated.

Soon, Li Chong swung his machete and killed the zombie next to him. He looked around and found that the zombies nearby had all fallen to the ground under the firepower of his men, and the corpses of zombies were everywhere.

"Is anyone injured?" Li Chong shook off the blood on his machete and asked the people on the truck.

After beating the zombies, Li Chong remembered that he was too excited. It was the first time he used such a handy weapon as the golden machete, and he forgot to command everyone. After beating the zombies, he remembered that he was the only leader among these people. Without his own command, how could these people be? How did they fight the zombies? So he quickly asked everyone if they were bitten by zombies.

"It's okay, we were not bitten by zombies." Several people standing on the truck, who were closer to Li Chong, replied.

"Don't worry, these zombies didn't even reach our car, and we shot them to death." Another person standing on the truck said with a smug look on his face.

"That's right, we won't shoot even if there are several times more zombies. We have guns in our hands, and Brother Chong is so powerful, what are we afraid of." It seems that everyone was influenced by Li Chong, and they were full of confidence in beating the zombies, and they all spoke at once.

Li Chong heard what everyone said, and thought it was better to be careful, but seeing that everyone was so excited, he was embarrassed to discourage everyone's enthusiasm. At the same time, he actually felt that it was no big deal. Now that he had a golden machete, he could deal with powerful zombies for a while, not to mention so many guns.

Thinking of this, Li Chong laughed and laughed at everyone. Hearing everyone's praise, he felt very satisfied in his heart and said, "Okay, okay, you all did a good job and killed all the zombies. But everyone still has to be careful. Park the car quickly, get off, and work harder. Let's start moving things."

Hearing Li Chong's words, everyone was also in high spirits. They all felt that although there were fewer people on their side, they might have a bigger harvest than those who went to Liutong County to find supplies. Li Chong, holding a machete, walked into the supermarket first. Because the village is close to the road and there are many large trucks coming and going, there is not only a gas station in the village, but also this supermarket is different from the supermarkets in other villages. It occupies more than 100 square meters.

There are a total of 5 rows of shelves inside, which are full of stacks. There is also a small warehouse inside. Looking at the things on it, most of them are some vacuum-packed food, mixed with some vegetables, eggs, etc., which have been rotten and emit bursts of stench.

Li Chong stepped into the house. It seemed that most of the items in the supermarket were still on the shelves, except for some food that Xiao Qiang took away with them last time. Obviously, this place had not been searched on a large scale. The collapsed shelves and the items scattered on the ground showed how panicked everyone was when the zombies appeared that day.

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