Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 208 Eat and drink as you please (ask for the bookshelf!)

Among them, a zombie was suppressed under a collapsed shelf, with its white eyes open and its mouth wide open, and the "aww" howls of Li Chong and other people who came in could be heard. The palms with long nails kept fluttering forward, trying to grab Li Chong and the others. However, the zombie's entire body was pressed against the shelves filled with grain and oil. Even though the zombie moved very fast, it still couldn't get out.

Li rushed over and lightly slashed the zombie's head with the golden-backed machete in his hand. The zombie struggled twice and then stopped moving. Li Chong walked to the small warehouse and saw through the glass on the door that there were more than a dozen bags of flour, oil and other supplies stacked inside. There was a lock on the door, and it looked like there were no zombies inside.

With a gentle tug of his hand, and with the strength of a level 3 expert, the lock was pulled off by Li Chong. After checking that there were no other zombies in the supermarket, Li Chong walked out of the door and said to the people waiting for the vehicles parked outside: "Start, move it to the car for me, there are a lot of things inside. "

"Leave two people outside and follow me to defend against the nearby zombies. The others move quickly and try to fill the car before noon. In addition, as long as the food inside is not expired, you can eat it if you are hungry, but No hiding." Li Chong added, encouraging everyone while not forgetting Xiao Qiang's order.

Although Xiao Qiang and the others did not say how much each team must search for, from the distribution of trucks, it was obvious that Li Chong and the others were not regarded as the main source of goods. However, Li Chong didn't think so, especially since the team leaders were assigned yesterday, which made the young and energetic Li Chong feel like competing. He wanted to show his face well in front of Xiao Qiang and also in front of those team leaders. Take a look at your own strength.

"Okay, look, this supermarket will be emptied out in a while." Everyone said after hearing Li Chong's words.

"We will definitely be able to fill these two trucks before noon, and we will load two more trucks in the afternoon." Someone said excitedly.

"Our firepower is so fierce, those zombies will definitely not dare to come over. Even if they come, they will only be attacked." Another person in the crowd said jokingly.

"That's right, even if such a powerful zombie comes, we still have Brother Chong." From time to time, some people in the crowd did not forget to praise Li Chong and said loudly.

Everyone walked towards the supermarket while talking excitedly and relaxedly. Obviously, the searches in several villages and the crushing of zombies just now made these people a little complacent and temporarily ignored the terrifying nature of zombies.

Listening to these people's words, Li Chong couldn't help but feel a little proud. It was so easy for him to lead a team out for the first time. When the time comes, he will bring back a lot of goods, and he will definitely be able to show his face in front of Xiao Qiang.

When those people heard that Li Chong said they could eat some food here, they rushed into the supermarket, picked up canned food and unexpired vacuum-packed food, and ate it. In fact, it's not surprising that they behaved like this. Needless to say, they didn't even have enough to eat at the Black Wind Base. Even when they arrived at the Longshan base, due to limited supplies, everyone could only eat limited food, let alone meat and fruits. At this moment, everyone started eating these foods when they saw them.

Li Chong stood outside the supermarket, watching everyone in the room inspired by his order, with high morale, and feeling very satisfied with his decision. After looking around, I saw that there were no other shops near the supermarket, just some residential buildings and the like.

Seeing that there were no zombies nearby, Li Chong also walked to the shade and found a stone to sit on. Some people also took out a few cans and distributed them to Li Chong and the three of them who were defending outside.

After wielding a gold-backed machete weighing more than 60 kilograms, he killed so many zombies. He was so excited just now that he didn't feel too tired. Now sitting on the stone, Li Chong really felt that his hands were a little sore.

He opened the can and drank most of the bottle. After drinking it, he felt much cooler.

Everyone in the supermarket also ate for a while and then began to carry large and small boxes to the truck. Li Chong sat on the stone and looked at the busy people. He suddenly felt that his place was a little too quiet. Apart from the howls of zombies from time to time, it was the voices of his own people. .

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