Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 209: The Zombies Surrounded (Ask for the bookshelf!)

In theory, this village doesn't seem to have been searched on a large scale, so there shouldn't be a lot of zombies inside. However, after a few people entered the village, there were only some zombies around the supermarket and on the road. Moreover, the gunfire on his side was so intense, but no zombies near the village ran over, and the road was empty.

Thinking of this, Li Chong looked at the residents' residence behind him and planned to go up to the roof and stand higher to see the situation in the village. Li Chong kicked the door behind him open, said something to the other two people, and walked into the house with his machete.

There are four houses in this row, and Li Chong entered a residence next to the street.

This is a typical rural courtyard, and only three rooms have been built. Li Chong checked it out and found that the most expensive thing in the whole house is the refrigerator, but now in the end of the world, this refrigerator is of no use. Li Chong climbed up the ladder to the roof. The people in the village who farmed at home liked to store food in the warehouse on the roof, and this house was no exception.

Li Chong opened the metal cover where the food was stored. There was a slight musty smell. Li Chong took out a handful of corn and looked at it. Although it was damp, it was still edible. Li Chong was a little happy. He was originally checking the zombies, but he found some extra food. It seems that he will have to let them search the houses carefully later. It is good to find food.

Thinking of this, Li Chong walked out of the warehouse of this household and continued to move forward. While walking, Li Chong looked at the road below. There were almost no zombies on these roads. Some were only a few, either crushed by cars or lost their legs, crawling on the ground with effort, leaving long marks.

Walking to the house at the far end, next to this household was the main road of Sanyuan Village. Before reaching the edge, Li Chong heard the clear howling of zombies. Walking quickly to the edge of the house, Li Chong saw a bunch of zombies crowded in the middle of the road, trapped in a small area in the middle of the road, black and dense, wandering slowly back and forth in the middle.

At both ends of the entire zombie group, there were two military vehicles and a 5.6 sedan, but they were all blown up and turned into a pile of scrap metal. The two sides were firmly stuck, and together with the wall, they blocked the road of those zombies. These low-level zombies were trapped in the middle of the road, but they couldn't rush out.

It seems that some military personnel broke into the village. Before they had time to search for supplies, they were probably chased by the zombies in the village. In a hurry, some of them came up with such a way to blow up the vehicles and trap these zombies here.

If Xiao Qiang or Wang Peng were here at this moment, they would be more careful and consider whether there were higher-level zombies and how to force the military personnel to blow up the car.

However, Li Chong was rather careless. Seeing this scene, he had already let go of the worry in his heart. He did not notice that the car, which was continuously hit by the zombies, had gradually opened up the distance from the wall, revealing a small gap.

The more than 600 zombies seemed to have discovered Li Chong's existence. They tilted their heads and looked up at the place where Li Chong was standing. At the same time, these zombies began to howl, and the sound was very deafening for a while. After discovering Li Chong, the zombies also ran towards the side where Li Chong was. The place was originally narrow, and there were many zombies. They almost squeezed forward body to body. The zombies running in the front, near the wall, were squeezed to the ground. The zombies behind continued to run forward, trampling the zombie's entire body into a bloody mess. The scene looked bloody and violent.

Li Chong saw this scene. Even though he had seen so many bloody scenes, he couldn't help but feel a little churning when he saw these zombies killing each other. At the same time, because the zombies' roars were too loud, some zombies farther away were startled by the sound and were already running towards this side. A rough calculation showed that there were about 100 zombies.

Seeing this, Li Chong knew that those zombies would arrive sooner or later, and where he and his people were, so he hurried back and ran down from the roof, ready to inform everyone to be prepared to deal with the zombies.

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