Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 210 Chaos (ask for bookshelf!)

Back in front of the supermarket, Li Chong yelled at everyone: "Don't move yet, hurry out, there are zombies coming, everyone be prepared for defense.

Since Li Chong ran out of the resident's house, he shouted loudly to everyone. The people who were moving things didn't know where the zombies were. Some people thought they had already arrived, so they directly dropped the boxes in their hands and ran out with machine guns. The canned fruit in the boxes that were thrown down was immediately broken, and the fruit in the bottle fell to the ground.

One by one, holding guns, they looked around hurriedly, ready to shoot, but no trace of zombies was found.

"Don't panic, everyone, the zombies are still some distance away from us, put the goods in your hands on the car first, and then line up for defense. I want everyone to prepare in advance, don't be too anxious." Li Chong glanced at the canned food that fell on the ground, realized that he was a little anxious just now, and said.

"Hehe, there are still zombies who dare to come, we can just have another round of shooting, don't be too panic. "After hearing Li Chong's words, everyone regained their previous demeanor and spoke.

"That's right, don't be afraid. Don't panic when you hear that zombies are coming. Isn't Brother Chong here?" The previous battle did give everyone a lot of confidence, and they spoke.

"Brother Chong, how many zombies are there?" Some of them were still able to stay awake and asked at this moment.

"There are nearly 100 zombies. Everyone get on the truck and prepare to shoot at the zombies rushing over. "Li Chong replied.

After hearing Li Chong's words, everyone got on the truck, but no one got into the driving position. It seemed that facing these 100 zombies, everyone was very confident that they could eliminate them and did not think about running away.

Soon everyone had climbed onto the same truck, because the other truck was already full of supplies they had searched for. Li Chong also climbed onto the truck with everyone else, but he did not have a machine gun in his hand, but still held his own golden-backed machete.

Just now, as soon as Li Chong arrived, he rushed into the zombie group holding a machete, ignoring others, and only cared about using his golden-backed machete excitedly.

After the fight, Li Chong realized that as the only team leader of these people , did not stay with them to command them, but rushed into the group of zombies.

Moreover, before Xiao Qiang came, he repeatedly reminded himself that he must pay attention to safety and put safety as the most important thing. If these people were injured while he was excited to kill zombies, he really didn't know how to explain it to Xiao Qiang. Just thinking about it just now made him a little scared.

So now, even if Li Chong wanted to rush over to kill the zombies and use his golden machete, he still stood on the truck honestly, standing among these people, and could also command.

Soon the zombies rushed over from both sides of the road. Only three or two ran over first, howling.

"Hurry up and hit over there. "Li Chong saw three zombies running over from the corner of the street, pointed his finger and said to everyone.

"Da Da Da", Li Chong finished speaking, and many people immediately shot at the three zombies, but some people saw that there were only three zombies and someone else shot, so they did not shoot. Because the distance was far, these people's shooting was not very good. With so many people shooting, many bullets only hit the zombies and the road. However, the three zombies fell to the ground under such intensive firepower.

Some zombies rushed over from the other side of the road, howling, and Li Chong hurriedly shouted: "Send some to turn around and deal with the zombies on the other side of the road, shoot."

Hearing Li Chong's words, most of the people turned around and prepared to attack the zombies coming out from this side with guns. However, the zombies over there have been running over continuously, and the number has been increasing continuously, and the distance from the truck is slowly approaching.

Seeing this, Li Chong hurriedly said: "Don't turn around so many people, turn some of them over quickly. "

After hearing what Li Chong said, a few people turned around, and the number of people fighting the zombies on both sides became more balanced. Under Li Chong's instruction, these people rushed towards the zombies. Some zombies started shooting from a long distance, while others were shot at zombies in one place by many people. Some zombies were hit by many bullets, which wasted bullets.

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