Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 211 Panic Command (ask for bookshelf!)

Since Li Chong didn't have a machine gun, he pointed to where there were more zombies and asked everyone to shoot at the zombies. As a result, another part of the crowd, following Li Chong's finger, shot at the zombies, which wasted bullets. At the same time, when everyone was hitting the zombies, the whole scene looked a bit messy.

In this way, it can be seen that Li Chong's command ability is really poor, at least not comparable to Brother Ding. More than 30 people were crowded on the crowded truck, shooting at the zombies coming from both sides of the road at will. In the middle, Li Chong was holding a machete, but he didn't dare to get off the car to kill zombies at will, and he didn't have a machine gun. So he could only follow anxiously and point at the zombies to command. The whole scene looked chaotic, causing a lot of bullets to be wasted.

However, although the scene was chaotic, with sufficient bullets, those low-level zombies could not cause any harm to Li Chong and his team, and they couldn't even get too close to the truck. There were more than 70 zombie bodies left on the ground, and there were more than 30 zombies left. They were not afraid of bullets at all, and they were still howling and rushing towards Li Chong's truck.

"Brother Chong, I have no bullets." Under such unrestrained and random shooting, someone ran out of bullets and said.

"I have no bullets either."

"I have used them up, what should I do?"

... Soon, under such consumption, many people began to say that they had no bullets, and they all pointed machine guns at Li Chong and reported.

You know, when they first came, everyone carried 200 bullets, and there were not many bullets in Longshan Base. However, Xiao Qiang still allocated the most bullets to Li Chong and his people so that they could use them well.

Hearing their words, Li Chong was also a little flustered, but seeing that there were only 30 zombies left, he said: "The rest of you should save your bullets and aim before shooting. There are not many zombies left. Those who don't have bullets should put their guns away, pick up their weapons, stand on the car, and if the zombies get close, use knives to cut them."

Hearing Li Chong's words, the remaining 10 or so people began to save bullets, aiming at the zombies for a while, and then shooting at them.

In this way, although the scene was not as intense as before, after a dozen people hit them with a little precision, the effect was not much worse than before, and it was still very bullet-saving.

At this time, among these zombies, there was a level 2 power zombie. He was tall and long, and most importantly, his body was relatively thick, bulging alone, and there was a long scar on his face, which was particularly conspicuous among the zombies.

With a loud roar of "Ah", the zombie directly pulled down the door of a car parked on the side of the road and threw it towards Li Chong and the others.

The iron door was thrown out by the Level 2 zombies, flying horizontally towards the people on the truck. The bullets hit the door, making a "ding-ding-dang-dang" sound of metal collision, but they could not prevent the door from moving towards the crowd. The people were also shocked by the power of the Level 2 zombies, and at the same time, they were a little panicked by the flying iron door.

At this moment, a big man rushed out of the crowd, jumped high from the truck, raised the golden back machete in his hand above his head, and slashed from top to bottom, from the top of his head, and chopped at the flying door. The powerful force and sharp blade took advantage of Li Chong's momentum when he landed and directly cut the door into two halves, flying to both sides. This person was Li Chong.

"You fight the zombies on the other side, I'll deal with this one." Li Chong roared, and he ran forward with the machete upside down.

When these people heard Li Chong's words and saw that Li Chong had already run forward, they might hit Li Chong if they shot. Following Li Chong's words, they turned their heads and shot at the 20 or so zombies on the other side to prevent them from approaching.

Li Chong had 5 or 6 zombies on his side, including the level 2 zombie. Li Chong took advantage of the momentum of the charge and chopped the head of the level 1 zombie in front of him. The powerful force directly caused the zombie's body to fly backwards and hit the zombie behind him, knocking the zombie to the ground.

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