Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 212 Dealing with Level 2 Zombies (Ask for bookshelf!)

The level 2 zombie also arrived in front of Li Chong at this moment, raised his broad, mutated, thick giant palm, swung it up and smashed it on Li Chong's head. Li Chong held the golden-backed machete with both hands and raised it in front of his head, and the palm of the level 2 zombie smashed on the machete in Li Chong's hand.

With a "bang", Li Chong was actually hit and flew out, hitting the car on the side of the road, and even the glass on the window was broken. This level 2 zombie is originally as powerful as a human at level 4, and it is also a power-type zombie. It is not surprising that it can knock Li Chong, who is a level 3 strongman, away with one blow.

Fortunately, Li Chong's strength is not small, and his physical fitness is also strong enough. After being hit, he stood up directly, cheered up, and no longer despised the zombie in front of him. In addition, these zombies can only rely on their own strength to rush around, without intelligence, and their moves are not skillful at all. They just rely on instinct to hit.

With two consecutive swings of the knife, the level 1 zombie that was close to him was knocked to the ground. The level 2 zombie and the remaining level 1 zombies were already running towards Li Chong. Seeing the huge palm raised by the level 2 zombie, Li Chong did not dare to be careless this time. He jumped lightly to the left and dodged. The zombie's huge palm fell directly on the car, smashing a big hole in the roof and sinking it.

Just after jumping over, the sharp claws in the hand of the level 1 zombie had already reached in front of Li Chong. Without time to raise the machete, Li Chong directly kicked out with a flying kick, kicked the zombie out sideways. And the level 2 zombie attacked again, and the whole body crashed into Li Chong. Li Chong had no choice but to roll on the ground to avoid it. The tall and strong body of the zombie hit the wall, making a heavy "dong" sound.

Li Chong got up from the ground and clenched the golden machete in his hand. He looked a little embarrassed. This was the difference in level. The threat brought by the level 2 zombies was much higher than that of the level 1 zombies. Just now, Li Chong fought against dozens of level 1 zombies alone, but the pressure he faced against the level 2 zombies was not as great as that of the level 2 zombies.

After taking a look at the level 2 zombie that hit the wall, Li Chong thought that he should take this opportunity to kill the level 1 zombie. He jumped high, raised the machete in his hand, and rushed towards the level 1 zombie. The zombie raised its claws and tried to grab Li Chong's body. Li Chong swung his knife and chopped on the zombie's claws. At the same time as he chopped off the zombie's claws, the machete finally fell on the zombie's shoulder. The excessive force directly cut off half of the level 1 zombie's shoulder. He then lightly scratched the zombie's head. The zombie's dirty blood flowed all over the ground, and his body had already fallen to the ground.

Originally, this zombie was a special existence, able to move tirelessly forever, and its own strength was already quite strong. However, this level 1 zombie was facing a mutant like Li Chong, and Li Chong was also a level 3 strongman, who could strengthen all aspects of the human body. Moreover, as a level 3 strongman, Li Chong was still biased towards strength, so he could still crush this level 1 zombie with strength.

However, against this ordinary level 2 zombie, especially the strength type, there was no advantage. After dealing with the level 1 zombie, Li Chong looked at the level 2 zombie running towards him, stood still with one leg back to support the whole body, ready for battle. In the previous blow, Li Chong also felt that his body was not completely stable, so he was knocked out by the level 2 zombie.

At this moment, Li Chong wanted to compete with this level 2 zombie in strength, put the golden back machete on the ground, clenched his fists, one in front and the other in the back, and got ready. Looking at the level 2 zombie that was already running over, he clenched his fist, gathered all his strength, aimed at the zombie's head, and his muscles bulged high, and he punched the zombie's head with full power.

The zombie ran in front of Li Chong and stopped, raised his huge palm and faced Li Chong's fist. "Bang", a dull sound was made. Li Chong couldn't bear the strong force, and the whole person took three steps back in succession, and finally rolled on the ground. But the zombie, under Li Chong's full-strength attack, also took two steps back, but his body was still heavy and powerful, and he stabilized his body after taking two steps back.

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