Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 213: Filling the Truck (Ask for the bookshelf!)

In this power contest, Li Chong knew that his strength could not defeat this level 2 zombie. He stood up from the ground and picked up the golden-backed machete that he had just put on the ground, ready to use the sharpness of the machete to deal with the zombie. "Ahhh" howled, and Li Chong just stood up, and the level 2 zombie roared and ran towards Li Chong again, raised his palm and slapped Li Chong's head again. Seeing this, Li Chong directly dragged the machete backwards, from bottom to top, and chopped at the zombie's palm. The rebound force generated by the collision was so strong that Li Chong could not hold the golden-backed machete, and his knuckles were also numb.

The zombie's palms were directly cut off by Li Chong. The broken palms were oozing black blood, mixed with white substances, and the blood kept dripping on the ground. The zombie seemed to be a little angry by this attack. He raised his broken hand angrily, stepped forward, manipulated his thick and strong body, and then rushed towards Li Chong.

Li Chong secretly said that it was a close call. Fortunately, the golden-backed machete was sharp enough. If he didn't have this weapon, it would still be difficult for him to deal with this level 2 zombie today. However, now that he saw the zombie's broken arm, it was much easier. Li Chong dodged the staggering zombie's body with a light dodge. While rushing forward, the machete in his hand directly slashed across the zombie's belly, leaving a deep and long cut. From the wound on the zombie's belly, not only did black blood flow out, but it was also mixed with organ-like substances, flowing all over the ground.

The zombie's body began to shake after being attacked by this attack, and its center of gravity began to be unstable. It looked at Li Chong with white eyes, its upper body tilted, turned around, and continued to attack Li Chong.

But at this moment, it was much easier to deal with this level 2 zombie. Li Chong raised his machete and lightly scratched the zombie's head, and the zombie's head fell to the ground.

After dealing with the zombies here, Li Chong looked at the blood stains oozing from his knuckles, wiped them casually on his clothes, and walked towards the truck. On the other side, because there were no higher-level zombies, the zombies there were also completely eliminated under the firepower of the airport, leaving only corpses and blood stains on the ground.

"You stay on the truck and defend carefully. I'll go to the roof to see if there are any zombies." When he walked to the truck, this time, Li Chong no longer dared to be careless and became much more cautious. He said to the people in the car.

After speaking, he walked towards the residents' houses. Looking from a distance, there were no zombies running towards this side, and there were no zombies on the nearby roads. This time, Li Chong didn't want to alarm the zombies that were surrounded on the main road, so he just looked from a distance. The zombies were still trapped there, but after losing their target, the zombies resumed their wandering.

Li Chong returned to the front of the supermarket and relaxed. He didn't even count the remaining bullets. He thought that even if he encountered powerful zombies again, he had weapons like the golden machete and could deal with them.

"Okay, there are no zombies coming for the time being. Let's relax and continue moving things. After moving the supermarket, search for nearby residents and try to fill the two trucks before noon." Li Chong continued.

Hearing Li Chong's words, everyone got off the car again and continued to move things in the supermarket.

"Brother Chong, it seems that we don't have many bullets. If there are more zombies coming, we may be in danger." Among them, some cautious people spoke to Li Chong.

"Don't worry, I've checked. There are no zombies nearby for now. The zombies closest to us are trapped. Don't worry, I'll be watching over the zombies if they come." Li Chong patted the man's shoulder and said.

"Why don't we return to the base after moving the supermarket? After moving the supermarket's things, we have a lot of things on the truck, and it's almost noon now." Someone else suggested to Li Chong.

"Don't be afraid, don't we still have some bullets, and there are no zombies nearby. Besides, I'm here. Hurry up and fill these two trucks. There are also stored food in the residential houses next to us." Li Chong was a little impatient. After all, he was still thinking about filling this truck. At the same time, Li Chong was more confident after killing the level 2 zombie just now.

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