Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 214: Continue to move (ask for bookshelf!)

However, those people didn't think so. They didn't have a body like Li Chong, and their only support was the gun in their hands. Now that they had no bullets, they were still quite panicked. Moreover, they had just seen the scene of Li Chong dealing with the level 2 zombie. Although he finally killed the zombie with the sharpness of the machete, they could see that it was still very strenuous.

"Why don't we send two people to the roof to monitor the zombies, and at the same time, we can also go to the roof to find food to speed up our speed." Another person came to Li Chong to make peace and suggested.

"Yeah, okay." Li Chong agreed to this person's suggestion and sent two people to the roof to monitor the zombies.

The rest of the people continued to move the goods in the supermarket. Fortunately, there were no zombies coming now, so everyone also accelerated the speed of moving the supplies. Boxes of things soon filled up more than half of the other truck.

After moving the supermarket, Li Chong led everyone to search the nearby houses continuously and found a lot of food, plus some furniture, farm tools and the like. Finally, at noon, the two trucks were filled.

"So, you leave 4 people and a car, and leave us 200 bullets. You take the two trucks back first, unload the goods, and drive over in the afternoon. We will search the remaining supermarket and gas station in the afternoon." Li Chong said.

"Brother Chong, aren't you going back with us?" Someone asked when he heard that Li Chong was going to stay here with four people.

"Yes, no, we will search the village in the afternoon. There is a gas station and a supermarket there." Li Chong replied.

"But we don't have enough bullets. If we encounter such a zombie group again, it may be dangerous." A cautious person said, worried that there were not enough bullets.

"After unloading the goods, when you come here in the afternoon, go to Wang Liang to get some bullets." Li Chong continued to exhort.

"Then Brother Chong, you go back with us, and we can come back in the afternoon after getting the bullets." Someone else advised.

"Stop talking so much, just do as I say. We can still search during lunch." Li Chong said to them impatiently.

Hearing the impatience in Li Chong's tone, no one said anything to him this time.

"Who is willing to stay? Leave 200 bullets, and use the rest for self-defense on the road. After unloading the goods, come quickly, and try to load two more trucks in the afternoon." Li Chong looked at everyone, scanned the area, and asked.

"I can stay." A burly man raised his hand and said.

"I can, too."

"What's there to be afraid of? I'm willing to do it."

"I'll stay too."

"That's right, with Brother Chong here, you won't be afraid if you follow Brother Chong."

Five people volunteered to speak up. It seems that even though they have fought so many battles with zombies, the scene is a bit chaotic, and there are not enough bullets now, but there is no actual danger, so there are many people who are not afraid.

"That's it, pay attention to safety when you return, and remember to ask Wang Liang for bullets when you come." Li Chong looked at it with satisfaction and reminded everyone.

Under Li Chong's leadership, it took a whole morning to search for two trucks of supplies without any danger. On the other side, when Lin Fei and his team drove to the road in the county, they also saw a large group of zombies on the road in front of a large two-story supermarket. They were swaying on the road continuously, especially blocking the front of the supermarket, and the war was about to break out.

Facing so many zombies, a rough estimate is that there are at least thousands of them. Li Ke and his team did not dare to be careless. They parked the truck at the corner for the time being, and several people gathered together to discuss countermeasures. Since no one has ever commanded to deal with so many zombies, they still have to consider how to deal with these zombies. They can only rely on these 100 people, each with 200 bullets, 2 rocket launchers, and their three mutants.

"With so many zombies, if we rush into a fight, I'm afraid we may not be able to gain much advantage." The three of them gathered in a circle, and Wang Peng spoke.

While the three were discussing countermeasures, Li Ke had already sent people to patrol the surroundings to prevent the sudden intrusion of zombies. In addition, at Wang Peng's suggestion, several people hid the car, the driver did not get off the car, and the rest of the people held guns in the car, so that they could respond at any time when they encountered zombie attacks. From this point of view, although Li Ke also wanted to make merit, he was still more cautious.

"But we can't not fight. This is the first checkpoint for us to enter the county. If we don't break through this checkpoint, I'm afraid we can't enter the county, let alone search for supplies." Li Ke replied.

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