Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 215 Find a way to defeat the zombies (ask for the bookshelf!)

After hearing the conversation between the two, Lin Fei remained the same, standing aside holding his two knives and not interfering in the conversation at all.

Wang Peng took a look at the situation on both sides of the road. The main road has four lanes and the entire road is about 16 meters wide. In addition to zombies, there are messy cars on the road, as well as railings and other debris. In such a hot weather, so many zombies were crowded together, many of them missing arms and legs. Moreover, there was an unknown black liquid flowing from their mouths, and an unpleasant smell assaulted their nostrils.

Looking at the buildings on both sides, I saw two 3-story commercial buildings on both sides of the entrance, selling some clothes and snacks. The section further in is a one- or two-story small building, and the commercial building is at the entrance, so there are not too many zombies nearby.

Seeing this, Wang Peng already had an idea in his mind. He turned around, pointed at the two three-story commercial buildings, and said to Li Ke: "If we can climb to these two buildings, we will be condescending. It will be easier to deal with zombies, and it will also be easier to fight zombies from a higher position.”

When Lin Fei heard Wang Peng's words, he glanced at the commercial buildings on both sides, then turned around and returned to Gangcai's state.

Li Ke looked at the commercial building, then at the zombies on the road, and said, "It's okay to go up and kill them, but if you enter from the front entrance, you will inevitably alert the zombies. Moreover, the main entrance of this commercial building is too spacious and not easy to defend. , once we are chased upstairs by zombies, we will be in danger. "

Wang Peng smiled slightly and said, "Of course we won't enter through the main entrance. Let's go up from here."

As he spoke, Wang Peng patted the wall next to him.

Li Ke saw that the wall Wang Peng photographed was the side of a commercial building. If he could go up from here, there would be no need to disturb the zombies on the road.

"I can go up here, but they don't know if they can go up here?" While speaking, Li Ke looked at Lin Fei standing aside with some provocation.

But Lin Fei acted as if he hadn't seen it, and still maintained his cold state. Wang Peng on the side saw this scene, smiled softly, pointed to a corner of the roof and said: "There is an iron telescopic escalator on the roof. We only need to send one person to climb to the roof and move that Put the escalator down and everyone else can go up."

"Then how should we defend the main entrance? It would be difficult if zombies chased us." Li Ke continued to ask.

Wang Peng said: "Do you still remember how Brother Qiang led us to defend against the zombies when the zombies attacked our base?"

"Of course I remember. Brother Qiang led us to set up roadblocks, put gasoline on them, and burn the roadblocks." Li Ke replied.

Wang Peng glanced at the surrounding roads, pointed with his hand, and said to Li Ke: "There are so many abandoned vehicles on this road, and they must have gasoline in them. Let's pile these cars in front of the commercial building to block the zombies. Finally, we will detonate these vehicles and block the road. Of course, to be on the safe side, we can get more vehicles to block them. Also, after we get to the commercial building, we can shoot as close to the other side of the commercial building as possible. Zombies will also be attracted there, which reduces the impact on the obstacles we set up and makes it safer.”

After a pause, Wang Peng continued: "It's just that to complete this work, you have to be fast enough, and you also need to find a few good driving skills. When you get there, drive directly across, block the intersection, and get off the car quickly." Run back and blow up the car again."

"Not bad, Wang Peng, I think this plan is feasible. When the time comes, I will pick up some rocks and bricks and other debris and throw them there to block the cars and block the road. I will find someone to arrange it for them. Just a moment." Li Ke added, then went to arrange the personnel.

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