Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 216 Setting up defense (ask for bookshelf!)

Soon Li Ke found 6 or 7 people with good driving skills. He told them the plan and they all thought it could be done. In addition, Li Ke arranged more than 20 people. When the car passed by, they would throw some sundries on it. The rest stood behind with machine guns to prevent zombies from coming.

At the beginning of the plan, there were many abandoned cars on the road. When the zombie riot occurred, cars collided randomly, and the traffic in the whole city was congested. Everyone fled in a hurry and did not have time to pull out the car keys. From this, we can see how hasty people were when the riot happened suddenly that day.

Six taller and longer cars were selected. The selected drivers who drove better sat in the car, started the car, and prepared to block the car at the front of the shopping mall.

Li Ke put on his black gloves, walked to a flower bed, and used one hand to force the flower bed surrounded by bluestone slabs. The thick bluestone slabs had cracked. After several continuous strokes, the bluestone slabs of the entire flowerbed were divided into small pieces. The more than 20 people who were arranged came over and quietly moved all the bluestone slabs to the front, and gently dealt with the zombies at the entrance, preparing to throw all these chores onto the car when the car blocked the intersection to block the intersection.

The rest of the people were holding machine guns. Except for some people who were still patrolling the surrounding intersections, most of them stood at the entrance of the main road, holding guns to prevent the zombies from running out. Even Wang Peng and Lin Fei stood there, looking at the zombies in front.

After everything was ready, Li Ke stood in the middle of the six cars in a row. With a big wave of his hand, the six cars started and drove forward. The speed of the car was extremely fast. After reaching the edge of the commercial building, a sudden brake was applied, and all the cars turned the steering wheel to the left, leaving several black marks on the ground due to the wear of the tires.

The six cars were lined up diagonally, with the bodies rubbing against each other, blocking the wide intersection. The zombies surrounding the middle of the road heard such a loud noise, and turned to this side one by one, dragging their bodies, and all ran towards this side, while the most powerful "Ah Ah" howling sound was constantly heard, and for a while, the noise was also very loud.

After the six people drove the car over, the car door was just facing Li Ke and the others. Just after parking the car, the six people all opened the car door, and even did not close the car door. Listening to the howling of the zombies coming from behind, they ran towards Li Ke without looking back.

The other 20 people who were arranged saw that the car stopped steadily at the intersection, and directly threw all the stones, railings and other chores to the side of the car to help block the intersection.

However, at this time, the nearest zombie had already reached the front of the car, and the running body directly hit the car at the intersection, making a strong "bang bang" collision sound, and even those cars were shaken a little.

One of the cars was not parked properly, and the cars were not completely in contact with each other. There was originally a small gap. After being hit by the zombies continuously, the gap became larger and larger. It seemed that the gap was large enough for the zombies to run out. If a zombie ran out, the gap would become larger and larger under the crowd of zombies, and the defense line would be broken.

After discovering the situation over there, Wang Peng quickly directed people to throw stones and other debris towards the gap, hoping to block the gap. However, the gap was getting bigger and bigger, and the stones and other objects thrown over could not block the gap.

Wang Peng took the crescent bow directly from his back, and took out three iron arrows from the quiver on his back, put them on the crescent bow, pulled the bow to its full length, leaned back, and with three consecutive "swoosh, swoosh" sounds, three arrows shot out at the same time, shooting towards the heads of the three zombies near the gap. Each arrow accurately hit the heads of the three zombies. On the one hand, Wang Peng had been training continuously for several months, and on the other hand, because he had reached the fourth level of supernatural power, he had been able to master the ability to shoot three arrows at the same time and maintain such accuracy.

The three zombies hit by the arrows fell to the ground along with the car, and the impact on the car was temporarily relieved. However, soon, more and more zombies behind had arrived next to the car, and the impact on the car became more violent.

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