Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 21 Entering the Village and Being Surrounded

Kangzhuang Village is located next to the expressway. In recent years, more and more people in rural areas have moved to cities, and the number of people in rural areas has decreased. However, due to its unique geographical location and the fact that there were mines in the village in the past few years, Kangzhuang Village is still the largest village in the vicinity. The village has a permanent population of 2,300 people. Although the shops are small in scale, they have everything.

A few people drove into the village. Xiao Qiang could see clearly from the car window that the whole village was in a mess. Bloodstains, broken cars, collapsed street lights, etc., as well as the barking of dogs in the distance, are enough to show that there has just been a big riot here. There are all kinds of zombies wandering on the road, and some even carry backpacks on their backs. There are even zombies on the roofs pacing back and forth with their hands hanging down.

Seeing this scene, Xiao Qiang couldn't help trembling in his heart. This zombie is a huge disaster for mankind. Xiao Qiang's neighbors, some of whom are just diligent ordinary people, may not have time to react, and they have become these monsters that only know how to bite human flesh. Thinking of this, Xiao Qiang's heart tightened, wondering how his parents are now.

Wherever the car passed, the zombies on both sides howled wildly and ran towards the car. Even the zombies on the roof didn't feel pain. Even if they fell to pieces, they jumped off the roof. Wang Liang held the steering wheel tightly and kept stepping on the accelerator. Xiao Qiang held the dagger tightly, guarding against the zombies while pointing Wang Liang the way.

Wang Peng and Lin Bingyan stretched out their guns and crossbows from the car window from time to time to repel the zombies that were about to approach the car. Lin Bingyan had just received 100 bullets from Xiao Qiang, and she didn't care whether she could hit the target or not, and she fired without mercy; Wang Peng was more careful. When Xiao Qiang first got the crossbow from the system, it came with 100 feather arrows. Wang Peng would recycle them and reuse them as long as the surrounding situation was safe. At this moment, he still had 60 or 70 feather arrows in his hand.

Xiao Qiang sat by the window, listening to the "bang" and "bang" sounds coming from his ears, and then looked at the dagger in his hand. He couldn't help but sigh in his heart. People are so annoying when they compare themselves to others. There are so many experiences outside. When there is a chance, I have to get a gun myself. I can get a lot of experience by pulling the trigger twice while sitting in the car. It's very cool to think about it.

Before Xiao Qiang had time to imagine, the car turned a corner and arrived at Xiao Qiang's home. At this moment, a row of people followed Xiao Qiang's car in a black mass. At a glance, there were at least hundreds of zombies.

Lin Bingyan and Wang Peng pulled the trigger continuously, killing several zombies near the door.

When several people got out of the car, Xiao Qiang pushed the door and found that it had been locked from the inside. He felt a little relieved. The door was locked, which meant that the person might be alive.

Xiao Qiang didn't say anything more. He pulled out the bone spur dagger from his waist, inserted it into the crack of the door, and scratched it from bottom to top. The iron bolt broke with a sound.

Several people pushed the door and entered the yard. Wang Liang and others found a table to block the door quickly.

"Mom, Dad. Mom, Dad." Xiao Qiang shouted loudly when he entered the yard.

After shouting several times, no one answered. Hearing the sound of zombies hitting the door from outside the house, Xiao Qiang became more anxious.

"Don't worry, Xiao Qiang, think carefully, where else in your house can you hide." Lin Bingyan patted Xiao Qiang and comforted him.

"By the way, my family has a cellar. In the past, there were cellars in rural areas for storing food. They have been abandoned for a long time, but now it is a hiding place." Xiao Qiang calmed down, thought of the cellar at home, and walked over.

He shouted at the entrance of the cellar, "Mom, Dad, are you in there?"

Xiao Qiang's voice was almost hoarse, but the cellar was still quiet, and only Xiao Qiang's echo came.

Lin Bingyan looked at Xiao Qiang's somewhat desperate roar, walked over and stroked him gently, saying: "Xiao Qiang, don't be discouraged, maybe aunt and uncle have hidden somewhere else, let's continue to look for them."

Xiao Qiang turned around, looking a little depressed, and said to Lin Bingyan: "Thank you, Bingyan."

The zombies broke out in front, and Xiao Qiang only felt that the world had become weird, scary, and strange. At this moment, this kind of thing really happened to Xiao Qiang, and he felt the pain brought by this disaster. It was a torture for the survivors to lose their loved ones. That kind of mental pain was much more painful than physical pain. Xiao Qiang made up his mind to become stronger. Since he had the system, he would make good use of it. One day, he would lead mankind back to their homeland.

"Xiao Qiang, this door is about to collapse. What should I do?" Wang Liang shouted to Xiao Qiang while using a fire axe to chop at the zombies clinging to the door.

"Kill, kill, kill!" Xiao Qiang's face was ferocious, his eyes were wide open, and he roared three times in succession. These people used to be his neighbors, but at this moment, they were just monsters, zombies, and monsters that turned the whole world into the current scene.

No matter who you were before, you are now just monsters standing on the opposite side of humans, monsters that have made this peaceful village shabby.

These low-level zombies, who do not know pain and have no special skills, only know to keep rushing to the iron gate, waving their hands from the fence, and an unknown black liquid flowing out of their wide mouths.

Xiao Qiang rushed to the front of the gate at full speed in the blink of an eye, and the bone spur dagger in his hand kept slashing out. Xiao Qiang raised his hand and fell with a knife, one by one. At this moment, there is an iron gate blocking the way, so Xiao Qiang only needs to swing his knife at the zombies through the fence.

"Ding, kill an ordinary level 1 zombie, experience value +2, exchange point +2."

"Ding, kill an ordinary level 1 zombie, experience value +2, exchange point +2."

"Ding, kill an ordinary level 1 zombie, experience value +2, exchange point +2."

... . . . . .

The upgrade prompt sounded continuously.

At this time, Xiao Qiang and Wang Liang were using their weapons to kill zombies in front of the door, while Lin Bingyan and Wang Peng were holding weapons behind them, aiming at the zombies that were piled up by the zombies and were about to cross the door.

Xiao Qiang was so excited about killing that he kept passing the bone spur dagger and inserted it into the brains of the zombies that were clinging to the door. Soon, the door was full of zombie corpses. The zombies that came from behind continued to pour in and stepped on these corpses. In this case, the number of zombies did not decrease but increased. What was even more terrifying was that there were zombies running not far away.

"Xiao Qiang, think of a way quickly. If you keep fighting, this door will not hold up." Wang Liang saw that the door was about to fall under the impact of the zombies, and shouted loudly to Xiao Qiang.

Xiao Qiang was also calmed down by this shout. He was angry for not finding his parents just now, and the whole person fell into madness.

Xiao Qiang hurriedly looked back, looking for a way out. At this moment, Yang Xue, who had not helped, pointed at the wooden ladder and shouted, "Go up to the roof quickly, it's safe there."

Hearing Yang Xue's words, Xiao Qiang shouted, "Go!"

Then, he stabbed several zombies that were about to cross the house with a few knives. It must be said that this bone spur dagger is indeed sharp, and it is effortless to stab into the zombie's head, and it will not get stuck in the zombie's skull.

Seeing that the other people have run to the roof, Xiao Qiang's feet are fast, three steps in two steps, climbed up the roof from the wooden ladder, and then kicked the wooden ladder away.

As soon as his footsteps stepped on the roof, Xiao Qiang heard a "boom". The iron gate was overwhelmed by the impact of the zombies and finally fell down. The zombies in the front row fell directly to the ground with the iron gate, and the zombies chasing behind continued to run and stepped on these zombies.

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